{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
Lol hehe no i meant a deserted desert, think Sahara hehe

cat woman suit for the rest of my life ^__^ (I would probably start to actually believe i'm cat woman lol) meaow! lol

Would you rather eat a glassful of bogies (boogers, whatever you call 'em) or a glassful of worms


Well-known member
Boogers all the way! That was an easy one. I have a fear of worms.

Would YOU rather...
- Murder someone and get away with it ~OR~
- Be murdered


Well-known member
Yipes...I guess Be murdered? I couldn't live with myself if I took someone's life.

Would you rather have no SPecktra for a year,
or no TV for a year?


Well-known member
I'd rather die young!

Would you rather:
Be shot multiple times with a gun
Stabbed multiple times?


Well-known member
Shoot me like 50 cent! I'm so gangsta lulz

Would you rather make out with your grandma or grandpa (dead or alive :p)
Gross, I know. But let's say you get free MAC for life out of it.


Well-known member
I'd rather: have an alcohol addiction. At least it would be cheaper!
Would you rather:
Experience a horrible earthquake
a horrible flood?


Well-known member
that's so hard! probablly gambling, becuase you have a CHANCE at getting the money back. with alchohol, once your liver is dunzo, it's over.

would you rather... live life without makeup, or without hair?
personally, id chose hair! haha i am an addict! :p


Well-known member
without makeup. I love my makeup but I'd look like shit with out hair. maybe its a black girl thing... lets be honest here!

WYR walk around with with hairy armpits in a tanktop or hairylegs in bootyshorts.


Well-known member
grrr i hate that question lol I guess hairy armpits cuz ill try not to lift my arms.

would you rather never buy MAC again or never buy junk food again.


Well-known member
I'll say junk food, it's bad for you anyways! Hahaha who am I kidding, junk food is good.

Would you rather go to prison for 5 years or
have your Mom go for 5 months?


Well-known member
My mom just cos I don't have a good relationship with her lol.

Would you rather have facial acne or bacne?


Well-known member
I'd rather have: bacne. At least a shirt would cover it up!

Would you rather:
Lose your entire memory
Be conscious, but paralyzed from the head down?


Well-known member
I'd rather lose my memory. It'd be nice, like a fresh start.

Would you rather be poor and have good taste in fashion, makeup, etc or be rich and have bad taste?


Well-known member
Don't most rich people have bad taste in fashion? IMO anyway. I'd rather be poor and have good taste in everything...I can always become rich and look good, too.

Would YOU rather...
- Swim with sharks ~OR~
- Swim with sting rays

By the way...I am LOVING this thread! It's hilarious...and the honesty is great!


Well-known member
<Insert Steve Irwin/ sting ray joke> :'(

WYR have an abnormally large butt or abnormally large breasts (I'm talkin' like R cups or something)


Well-known member
I'd rather have abnormally large breasts.
Would you rather be ugly and think you're beautiful, or be beautiful and think you're ugly?


Well-known member
Be beautiful and think I'm ugly. Duh. Isn't that most of our problems anyway?

Would YOU rather...
- Be Britney Spears for one day ~OR~
- Be Michael Jackson for one day



Well-known member
Britney Spears! At least I won't have to deal with a melting face lol!

WYR have a body full of stretch marks or a body full of cellulite?