{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
Hmmm..probably stretchmarks. Because I can hope that they fade over time!

Would you rather drive an older "luxury" car, say a 1995 Mercedes-Benz OR a 2008 Hyundai Accent (assuming you could fit yourself/kids/whatever into either one)


Well-known member
Ill take a new car. My ma drives an older mercedes and that thing always needs work!

Would you rather talk with an alien or robotic accent for the rest of you rlife, or walk backwards forever?


Well-known member
Talk with the voice... I think I'd kill myself walking backward. LOL

Would you rather...
- Lose all of your finger nails and toe nails ~OR~
- Gain 50lbs that can't be worked off


Well-known member
I'd rather: Lose all of your finger nails and toe nails. I don't do much with them anyway!

I'll do this one again, it didn't get answered.
Would you rather:
Experience a horrible earthquake
a horrible flood?


Well-known member
Well since I have been through so many earthquakes, I'll pick that. The shaking isn't as bad as the sound it makes.
You can hear it coming...anyways onto the game hahaha.

Would you rather be invisible or

be able to fly?


Well-known member
I'd rather: be invisible. I could find out some good shit!

Would you rather:
Have a bad period for 5 months
Not be able to wear a bra for 5 months?


Well-known member
I'd rather not be able to wear a bra.

Would you rather live with your parents for the rest of their lives, or live on a deserted island for the rest of yours?


Well-known member
oy. live with the rents!

Would you rather have bush be prez for the rest of your life or would you rather live with the pope?


Well-known member
I'd rather live with the pope. I might like living in Vatican city!

Would you rather live without the internet, or the TV?


Well-known member
Live with out TV for sure!!

Would you rather have only butt sex every tuesday for the rest of your life and enjoy it
have no friends or lovers ever again


Well-known member
thats mad easy i'd do what i enjoy

walk around in public with un matching clothes,shoes,and purse or wearing un matching makeup(two different eye's,two different lip colors etc)


Well-known member
I'd rather walk around with an unmatching outfit.

Would you rather have lots of good friends, or one soul mate?


Well-known member
Eat someone else's. How would I be able to see if I didn't have my eye balls? lol SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would YOU rather...
- Have a unicorn horn on your head ~OR~
- Have a long pony's tail on your butt


Well-known member
unicorn tail because then i can decorate it and be stylin!

would you rather:

wear someone elses dirty socks and shoes forever
or eat cow tongue once a week for the rest of your life?


Well-known member
I'd rather: wear someone elses dirty socks and shoes forever. Pass the athletes foot please!!

Would you rather:
Never be able to wear deodorant again
Have 1 green front tooth?


Well-known member
Eeew. No deoderant. I like my teeth like I like my men... white. naww,just playin' lol!

WYR drink someone's piss or eat someone's shit!!! Do you see a theme with my scenarios? :p