{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
I'd rather: have two lazy eyes. I'm going to be stoned all the time anyway, so what the hay???

Would you rather:
Wear a catheter for the rest of your life
walk on stilts for 2 weeks?


Well-known member
Walk on stilts! Catheter=no bueno

Would you rather:
have all your hair, but it looks & feels like pubes or
be completely bald?


Well-known member
OO tough one....i think im gonna go bald though, I HATE pubes- ewwould you rather get eaten by a shark or get eaten by a lion?


Well-known member
Death by shark seems quicker considering one bite and I'm a gonner.

Would you rather massage a hairy man
massage a zit-covered person


Well-known member
GROSS!! Barf!! I would say the hairy man.

Would you rather never change your underwear
or never wash your hair and brush your teeth


Well-known member
Ok both are really gross, but I'm gonna have to say underwear.

Would you rather:
have 1 big tooth or
100 tiny ones?


Well-known member
lol...i'll go Coneheads on this one and say 100 tiny teefuses.

Would you rather have really bad dark circles
or really bad bags under your eyes

And no, you can't use makeup or foundation or anything!


Well-known member
I choose: Big Dark circles (i have them anyway..)

Would you rather have a great job, money, be succesful knowing that YOU WON´T FIND LOVE EVER?

- OR -

Would you rather be dumb, poor and be with the love of your life?


Well-known member
Would you rather have a great job, money, be succesful knowing that YOU WON´T FIND LOVE EVER?
because I love me some randoms!

Would you rather always wear very obvious imitation designer bags
or wear suran wrap as socks (Stinky!)


Well-known member
I'll go with imitation bags, imagine how bad your feet would smell yuckkkk.

Would you rather:
be 4ft. tall or
7ft. tall?


Well-known member
7ft tall so i can bully people
(i'm only 4'11 anyways lool)

would you rather have/own/use no make up whatsoever for the rest of your life or...

saw off your own foot =| ?


Well-known member
have/own/use no make up whatsoever for the rest of my life

Would you rather never be able to wear makeup or...

Never be able to brush your teeth


Well-known member
I'd rather: never be able to wear makeup. Not brushing your teeth is sick!

Would you rather:
Find a thumb in your chili (haha remember that one) Oh and you found the thumb because you chowed down on it!!!
Eat 3 frogs??

*Star Violet*

Well-known member
Sugar because I get sick of sweet stuff too quickly and feel sick

Would you rather live in a big old haunted house (haunted by evil spirits)


in a little cardboard box on the side of a muddy, crowded road. LOL


Well-known member
LOL. I'll take the haunted house for sure!

Would YOU rather..
- Give away $1,000.00 ~OR~
- Keep the $1,000.00

(It wasn't yours to begin with)


Well-known member
Give some away to people who need it and keep some to myself - You didn't say i couldn't do that LOL

would you rather be constipated forever or have diarrhoea forever?


Well-known member
bring on the shiz!! I'd lose weight lol

Would you rather only eat one food for the rest of your life
or wear a clown suit for the rest of your life and eat anything?


Well-known member
Clownsuit thank you! I like cheering people up

Would you rather live in the desert or in the arctic?


Well-known member
That's a toughie!!! Umm, umm, probably the desert...does any part of Arizona/New Mexico count so I can at least be socialized and have a pool and stuff?

Would YOU rather...
- Wear a Barney costume at your wedding ~OR~
- Wear a cat woman suit for the rest of your life