Great makeup tutorials by women of color?


Well-known member
With respect to Nicky B, Lipshock, Beauty Allures reasoning, I don't think ALL women on YT are catty. I have found cattiness EVERYWHERE and it's enough that some people expect WOC to be (insert negative stereotype here) there are women who's videos may be "sub par" but they are on there. But, I find YT as I do Specktra exactly what you seek, there is a lot of good but to highlight the bad is the same as any other world wide forum, it takes all types. Sorry for your experience BA but I can't say some people haven't really been truly inspirational and informative for me.
eta: I'm not a stalker, you happen to be on alot of the same boards as I


Well-known member

I don't think I said all the women on YT are catty? But thanks for your opinion. I actually have befriended quite a few WoC from YT and I still talk to them to this day on a friend level, not just about makeup. And like you, some of these women have been extremely inspirational to me with my every day life, not just with makeup. I don't think I ever made it seem like every single WoC YTer was catty .. I said there is a lot of cattiness in the WoC community on YT and there is -- I have discussed this with other WoC who make videos and we've pretty much agreed on the matter. Where I know I will meet cattiness in life, there are some situations I can control and YT was one. Instead of getting wrapped up in the mess, I removed myself. I didn't call anyone out, I didn't badmouth anyone. Honestly, when I referred to cattiness, I did not necessarily mean lump those who make videos but rather the subscribers/viewers themselves. But I'm not really sure what you mean by those with subpar videos and how that relates to what I wrote? I don't think I ever insulted anyone's videos? Sorry if I offended you with my statements but I was only speaking in general terms pertaining to my experience and situations.

ETA: Thanks ladies, again, for the support. ;] I am trying to figure out a way on bringing my videos back. I don't think I want to make tutorials, per say, because watching someone put on makeup for ten minutes can get pretty boring. I actually had the idea of doing FOTD videos, where I would showcase a look and then briefly talk about the products used and the technique. Not to mention, this way it wouldn't be so time consuming and I wouldn't have so much extensive editing to do once I finished filming.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlaqueBarbie
I rarely rarely post here but I have to give a big ups to the WOC on YOUTUBE I've directed so many of my regular clients to youtube for m/u tutorials and they all rave about the videos when I'm doin lashes and brows etc. Through my MySpace page I have gotten los and lots of request to start making tutorials but honestly with work(customer service sales) and Freelancing and School (Esthetics and Stand Alone Makeup Classes) there is no time!
So Hi5 to the women that take the time out of their lives to make these videos that do benefit women of color who are SCARED of color and are blinded by beauty myths! So once again Hi5

Couldn't have said it better myself. :]

Good luck with your beauty schooling, BlaqueBarbie!


Well-known member
Lipshock, darling no, you didn't upset me at all. I understand, it's your prerogative and school and family come first. It's always lovely to have people to help in whatever fashion. No, you didn't say all were catty, I wanted people who I know are considering doing YT, maybe even me, to know that their will always be those who try to bring an aspiring (fill in here) down, but never let them determine who we are. I adore you for even being here in spite of all you have going on. I am very proud, and wish I had the level of success you do. I just know a lot of time WOC are generalized as ...well you know. Hug? I would never say something mean spirited on a post...maybe not even a pm. I just know some women here do post tuts and I didn't want to discount their contributions or any other. Sowwy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lafemmenoir
Lipshock, darling no, you didn't upset me at all. I understand, it's your prerogative and school and family come first. It's always lovely to have people to help in whatever fashion. No, you didn't say all were catty, I wanted people who I know are considering doing YT, maybe even me, to know that their will always be those who try to bring an aspiring (fill in here) down, but never let them determine who we are. I adore you for even being here in spite of all you have going on. I am very proud, and wish I had the level of success you do. I just know a lot of time WOC are generalized as ...well you know. Hug? I would never say something mean spirited on a post...maybe not even a pm. I just know some women here do post tuts and I didn't want to discount their contributions or any other. Sowwy

That's what I figured but you never know these days, but don't apologize -- I didn't take it as a mean spirited comment .. I was just really confused.
I definitely understand that and you're right, I hadn't thought that maybe the other WoC who do post tutorials on YT that are Specktra members might feel as if I was directing all that towards them. :[ To those individuals -- my apologies. The majority of the women who are members on here and post on YT, I get along with great! You are also right when it comes to the generalizations of WoC -- and I was victim to that on YT but many of the insults came from my fellow "sisters." So, it is a double edged sword.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
Couldn't have said it better myself. :]

Good luck with your beauty schooling, BlaqueBarbie!

Thanks beauty school sucks when you've been 3 times and you know the whole curriculum. I think it also suck that in order to be a MUA in California (according to the state board) you have to have your estheticians license. And although the various fields in cosmetology hair,skin,nails are not really regulated I still want to cover my basis just in case lol.


Well-known member
I really hope there are more WOC on YT. It's harder, imo to get inspired by someone not similar to my skintone. What looks good on them isn't so great for me.

Sorry to backtrack, but lipshock is right about YT. I experienced cattyness over a damn contest... it really ticked me off because you wouldn't experience that on any forum! I didn't even want to post here no more because someone hated, I'm like... err wth?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
ETA: Thanks ladies, again, for the support. ;] I am trying to figure out a way on bringing my videos back. I don't think I want to make tutorials, per say, because watching someone put on makeup for ten minutes can get pretty boring. I actually had the idea of doing FOTD videos, where I would showcase a look and then briefly talk about the products used and the technique. Not to mention, this way it wouldn't be so time consuming and I wouldn't have so much extensive editing to do once I finished filming.

I really like this idea.


Well-known member
Actually, I like your tutorials where we watch you put on your makeup for 10 minutes while you talk through it, lipshock.
But it's up to you. I'll be watching no matter what.


Well-known member
this a great thread I'm on Youtube.. I watch alot of WOC and everyone else!! I was sad to see BeautyAllure leave... I asked about her and got the same info many of you noted...

My hubby is white and I sound like I do... people are soo annoying with that stuff... I haven't had any issues with the neg. stuff thank god... I think it's just because no one is watching me as much as the truly talented ones like BeautyAllure and haters are jealous of her skills!

like I said I'm on the Tube also
JESblankets( i know weird for a makeup girl... but I do crochet too)
i'm NW45 Fix and NC50 tech!!!


Well-known member
I'm on youtube as well. I don't broadcast and I usually stay to myself(a whole nother story in itself on why I actually started making videos)

Like many others Nicky was/still is one of my favorites and I was sad to see her/you leave as well. But definitely understand, I haven't experienced much negativity, but I also have my stuff set to where if you're not a friend, I have to approve your goings and comings on my channel and videos,and I don't just friend everybody. I have such a thick skin that I usually will read one or two words of a comment, etc and delete it if its inappropriate. So I'm sorry you experienced what you did.

more of my faves are lovechelci,vietxpinay,Powpowbaby,fafinette,and queenofblending to name a few off top of my head.


New member
Originally Posted by Dulcemiel
I wish BeautyAllure would come back i love her talent. she is amazing.

I agree she was the first person I subscribed 2 on YouTube...I have heard about people stalking people who post their video's and that is ridiculous...I looked forward to her videos...Good luck with everything in life Nicky...Success is the greatest revenge!


Well-known member
I do miss you as well Nicky, but you have to take care of you, I LOVED when your BF made a special guest appearance, I reckon that was the last one
I am learning a lot from some very lovely Specktrettes of all colours tbh, I am getting keen on Alldolledup, IndianBarbie, Jolovesmakeup and others whom I can't remember, but thanks to this thread I found more. Oh, and good on Fauryn getting a promotion. Good luck to you BlaqueBarbie with your license.


Well-known member
I love Lipshock, Fauryn, ScandolousBeauty, cendelin, loveChelci, QOB!!!,dominichulinda, yasencon, powpowbaby, fafinette, Cellers, alldolled up and several others...I mostly love the first 3 mentioned as they are very detailed, polished, and give great advice. So many more that I enjoy as far as tuts...For instance I just found blaquebarbies channel and I so look forward to more from you lady. I love WOC who are not afraid of color and do looks for the office, night on the town, fancy dinner or just straight up FUN looks!!! And I so agree with you Celly..its is harder to get inspired by women who dont share a similar skintone because what may look good on them may not look the same on us. I just love all my gurus who I have had the chance to learn so much from. I APPRECIATE each and every one of you!!!


Active member
I also would love to LS/Nicky come back into action. She and scandalousbeauty game me a lot of makeup confidence and some great techniques/ideas. My other faves include Dominichulinda (shes so sweet) and yasjencon (she talks to us like one of her girlfriends). I wish Shawnta715 would post again as well.
Hi! I'm a newbie and I started watching Candiecc's videos, then fell in love with lovechelci...she has the neatest technique and finish I've seen thus far...I loved Nicky as well...there was this barbie look she did that was fabulous! Please come back! I'm just now starting to really get the hang of things and now I'm moving on to MAC products and brushes...

there are so many new ladies coming on the favorite new tuber is easmith31

she's fabulous!


Well-known member
OMG yall, no one named Judy aka "itsjudytime"

I won't bother adding on the same names, it makes it confusing so I'll just say I cosign on a lot of them.

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