My feelings exactly.
Oh and my Looxi highlighters came today! Yeaaahhh!!!
I was supposed to get my Looxi order today, but it got stalled in IL. Now it's in Massachusetts. So close..but yet, so far.
If I'm lucky, it'll get here tomorrow...but some how I doubt it. It'll probably be in my state, but not in my hands. Com'on, USPS!
I'm looking forward to your swatch pics, Twinkle.
Quote: Originally Posted by
I'm so lost. Who's "she"? Me you're talking about? No one was laughing at you or targeting you because you're new. I was new just a few months ago! Plus we're not like that here. I was laughing at the thought of Jaymuse being new
She's a
professional highlighterer (like my new word guys? It's an official title, I'm going to copyright it!)