If you scroll up there is a bar on the right side that says "Recent Images In This Thread". And Welcome to Specktra and HAA

The best place to be! Ok you are fabulous! Thank you for that! I like your style! I may be new to the group but I've been around this industry for decades! And please be proud of your purchases! I just bought 6 in one day and I then I do worse damage. I figure me before bills and I get caught up! But it's all so pretty! I say and quote #treatyoself girl! And then do it again!

I'm still figuring out how to post swatches for y'all but it hasn't worked yet and lovely.. Begins with M.. Can't remember at the moment, has been sweet in offering I pm her to make sure we get me working so I feel welcome

I ate something awful and my stomach is fighting so I've not had time to follow up yet but I most def will when I can dedicate my time. You all and this site deserve it. I hope to be a help.

Thanks again! (Don't eat random sushi or fish with rice.) Tmi?