(HAA): Highlighter Addicts Anonymous


Well-known member
If someone isn't stealing my mail, the USPS is losing it. I see no reason to go on.
Omg noooooo!!!
You get it. I don't know why the USPS doesn't get it.


Well-known member
OH NO!!!!!!! I see a reason to investigate this crap and find out what the heck is going on!!!
I had the dumbest message waiting for me in my vm today from the USPS. It was stunning how useless it was. The guy pretty much said "Riiight? Where's your package?!?" Then he said that Feb 14th to the 25th is one week. He also said that my package must still be sorting while they try to figure out the correct address, despite the fact that the tracking says it LEFT the facility and is IN-Transit to its destination. He didn't actually contact the sorting facility to see if it's there though. B/c that would have been smart.
The USPS is my personal nightmare. I wish no one would ship with them. It's funny when I get excited about a package being shipped via UPS or Fedex but then they hand it off to the USPS for final delivery!
Ok, end of miserable rant. It's just that I had a package stolen from my front porch (where I've asked the USPS not to leave things for this reason) and now this is missing, so I'm a little on edge where the USPS is concerned. I do all of my shopping online, so having shipping issues threatens my existence.


Well-known member
I had the dumbest message waiting for me in my vm today from the USPS. It was stunning how useless it was. The guy pretty much said "Riiight? Where's your package?!?" Then he said that Feb 14th to the 25th is one week. He also said that my package must still be sorting while they try to figure out the correct address, despite the fact that the tracking says it LEFT the facility and is IN-Transit to its destination. He didn't actually contact the sorting facility to see if it's there though. B/c that would have been smart.
The USPS is my personal nightmare. I wish no one would ship with them. It's funny when I get excited about a package being shipped via UPS or Fedex but then they hand it off to the USPS for final delivery!
Ok, end of miserable rant. It's just that I had a package stolen from my front porch (where I've asked the USPS not to leave things for this reason) and now this is missing, so I'm a little on edge where the USPS is concerned. I do all of my shopping online, so having shipping issues threatens my existence.
Oh no! Can you opt for that service where you choose to collect your package from a sorting facility or depot instead? I despise thieves!!


Well-known member
I had the dumbest message waiting for me in my vm today from the USPS. It was stunning how useless it was. The guy pretty much said "Riiight? Where's your package?!?" Then he said that Feb 14th to the 25th is one week. He also said that my package must still be sorting while they try to figure out the correct address, despite the fact that the tracking says it LEFT the facility and is IN-Transit to its destination. He didn't actually contact the sorting facility to see if it's there though. B/c that would have been smart.
The USPS is my personal nightmare. I wish no one would ship with them. It's funny when I get excited about a package being shipped via UPS or Fedex but then they hand it off to the USPS for final delivery!
Ok, end of miserable rant. It's just that I had a package stolen from my front porch (where I've asked the USPS not to leave things for this reason) and now this is missing, so I'm a little on edge where the USPS is concerned. I do all of my shopping online, so having shipping issues threatens my existence.
I feel your pain. Things slow down and get murky when packages are handed off to USPS. I hate it. I won't bore you with the sordid details. Suffice it to say, I hate
being at their mercy! I'm like you---I can do without the brick and mortar, crowds and rude SAs. I also do all but grocery shopping online. I've been fortunate enough
not to have had any packages stolen from my front patio, and I've even inadvertently left one outside overnight. I sure hope this works out in your favor!


Well-known member
I had the dumbest message waiting for me in my vm today from the USPS. It was stunning how useless it was. The guy pretty much said "Riiight? Where's your package?!?" Then he said that Feb 14th to the 25th is one week. He also said that my package must still be sorting while they try to figure out the correct address, despite the fact that the tracking says it LEFT the facility and is IN-Transit to its destination. He didn't actually contact the sorting facility to see if it's there though. B/c that would have been smart.
The USPS is my personal nightmare. I wish no one would ship with them. It's funny when I get excited about a package being shipped via UPS or Fedex but then they hand it off to the USPS for final delivery!
Ok, end of miserable rant. It's just that I had a package stolen from my front porch (where I've asked the USPS not to leave things for this reason) and now this is missing, so I'm a little on edge where the USPS is concerned. I do all of my shopping online, so having shipping issues threatens my existence.
That would annoy the heck out of me. If I have to go and pick up my package why even bother ordering online---I might as well go to the store
They need to fix this!


Well-known member
I haaaaate usps. I ordered some cd's and accidentally put my old zip code. So the package kept circulating btwn two different post offices b/c NO ONE had the sense to look at the address. When I noticed it right away, I emailed them and told them what happened. They said there was nothing they could do. I didn't pay enough for tracking, so they couldn't track it. UHHHH, if that's the case, how am I online looking at it getting bounced back and forth to the wrong area. I finally got it about a month after the original order date...


Well-known member
I haaaaate usps. I ordered some cd's and accidentally put my old zip code. So the package kept circulating btwn two different post offices b/c NO ONE had the sense to look at the address. When I noticed it right away, I emailed them and told them what happened. They said there was nothing they could do. I didn't pay enough for tracking, so they couldn't track it. UHHHH, if that's the case, how am I online looking at it getting bounced back and forth to the wrong area. I finally got it about a month after the original order date...
What a disgrace!!!