(HAA): Highlighter Addicts Anonymous


Well-known member
With the Jane iredale powder, the trick was to each time grate some product with sandpaper, lol. I was glad they took it back. I love all the other Jane Iredale products though. I ordered my MAC online, but think i will take it to a store so they can solve the issue. I'm not handy, I doubt the tape-trick will end well :-/
That is wild! Why make items that can't be used right away?


Well-known member
I absolutely agree, I was disappointed but I had more important things to deal with then. I would've returned it otherwise

It's very easy! Just stick the tape to the blush and gently rub it with your fingers. However, it would be better, if you can return it - I know it's quite difficult to do that in Europe.

I agree! But if I have to fix a product, I think that's the least damaging way to do it.
YES!! Absolutely Maggie!


Well-known member
Well this I knew hence why their post confused me. So it actually hasn't rolled out to all retailers yet then. I thought it came out everywhere and sold out.
I thought that too! Lol I called around to NM and Nordstrom and they reassured me that they never received their shipment and it was due out in April. So then I realized sephora just did an early release and I didn't entirely miss the boat.


Well-known member
I thought that too! Lol I called around to NM and Nordstrom and they reassured me that they never received their shipment and it was due out in April. So then I realized sephora just did an early release and I didn't entirely miss the boat.
I want Nordstrom to get it! Bloomies has it, 23 day eta (on order with LM)... Macy's apparently sold out.


Well-known member
I want Nordstrom to get it! Bloomies has it, 23 day eta (on order with LM)... Macy's apparently sold out.
Nordstrom told me they were getting it for their makeup event on April 25, along with the entire LM summer collection. I got mine from NM yesterday. I can't believe macys sold out, wow.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] That was quick!!![/COLOR]:shock:
Nordstrom told me they were getting it for their makeup event on April 25, along with the entire LM summer collection. I got mine from NM yesterday. I can't believe macys sold out, wow.
I think I read that re Macy's somewhere. I'm sure it was here. If you Google the Ibiza collection and Macy's it comes up but when you click it it says it's no longer available. I feel like the last time I checked, it at least opened to a few items in the collection. http://m.macys.com/shop/product/laura-mercier-un-ete-a-ibiza-collection?ID=1968105&CategoryID=669


Well-known member
   :haha: [COLOR=0000FF]well you [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]certainly have variety.  At least two that you've mentioned are highlighters.  Sounds like you're all set!!!  I'm anxiously waiting for a shipping notice for the[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]      Chanel Lumiere D'ÉTÉ[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] Illuminating [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] Powder.[/COLOR] [h=1] [/h]
This bad girl is pretty! When do you get it? http://www.neimanmarcus.com/CHANEL-LUMI-200-RE-D-201-T-201-COLLECTION-M-201-DITERRAN-201-E-br-Illuminating-Powder-Limited-Edition-WHAT-S-NEW/prod180070240_cat38670743_cat38670741_/p.prod?isEditorial=false&index=2&cmCat=cat000000cat000285cat4830738cat000339cat38670741cat38670743&ecid=NMALRQFGLnEolOWg&CS_003=5630585


Well-known member
This bad girl is pretty! When do you get it? http://www.neimanmarcus.com/CHANEL-LUMI-200-RE-D-201-T-201-COLLECTION-M-201-DITERRAN-201-E-br-Illuminating-Powder-Limited-Edition-WHAT-S-NEW/prod180070240_cat38670743_cat38670741_/p.prod?isEditorial=false&index=2&cmCat=cat000000cat000285cat4830738cat000339cat38670741cat38670743&ecid=NMALRQFGLnEolOWg&CS_003=5630585
Here's a swatch on my skin NW43/NC45


Well-known member
Um I just swatched LM Indiscretion at Sephora and I love it! Omggggg. They have 4. If there's one still here on Friday I may just have to get it...
I WOULD see this after I already left NY. I was looking for it at the Sephora VIBR event - I did the 5th Ave Sephora and didn't see it there or at any of the other Sephoras I went to. Granted, as much as I passed them, I didn't stop in either of the 2 Times Sq ones. I did however pick up a LM Shimmer Bloc in Peach Mosaic. The SA that was helping us in the skincare section was wearing it and after staring at her face for 5 minutes straight, I decided I needed it. I got the last one too! If I swatch just the darker colour it looks just like the Becca Blushed Copper if not ever so slightly less red!

What other highlighters have I missed in my one week hiatus from these parts? lol I picked up MAC's Lightscapade and Perfect Topping from the CCO and the mini four pack of gleam highlighters by Melanie Mills from IMATS. Love these! Perfect for the decollete as well!