How did you decide on your child's name?


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My son's name will be Alexander Seamus.

I let my husband have the first name, and I got to choose the middle name. My grandfather was Scottish and my husband's father's name is James, so I chose Hamish...but my hubby didn't like it. So we compromised and went with Seamus for the middle name as it is the Irish version of James...My husband just liked the name Alexander. Our last name is super long so we're just going to call him Lex.


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Quinton Amar

My husband's father is from Iraq and it's custom in that area to name your child's middle name your first name and while he wanted to keep something of his culture he also wanted his son to fit into American society so instead his parents picked a Arabic middle name ~ Amir which is prince in Arabic. I thought this was such a beautiful idea and decided to pass down the tradition and pick an Arabic middle name as well only I ended up finding a Sanskrit name and language is even older than Arabic so we went with Amar which is immortal in sanskrit.

It was a toss up between Orion Quinn and Quinton Amar in the end I don't like the name Ryan and just knew if we named him Orion everyone would call him Ryan so I went with Quinton.


Well-known member
Im expecting and we have our names picked out .. We went through so many names saying maybe and hell to the no lol hubby likes eccentric names and I like cute names like lily, lucy, emma lol ..but we both realized quick that both our families are latino ..and we live in italy ...and in our families we prolly get weird looks for naming our child something that sounded too "white" (according to my cousin too white means not sounding right with grandmas spanish accent lol...)

we also live in italy so we thought something that sounds well in spanish and english ..with a bit of italian flair in it...

so for a girl ..we have decided on Sofia Marcella

and for a boy Diego Alejandro

..(alejandro is my dad's middle name who recnetly passed away) I would have used my dad's first name Mario for a middle name but my brother is a mario nephew is also mario ..just too many Mario's in the family so I opted for my dads middle name.

Chic 2k6

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no kids here. i was named after a popstar called Siobhan Fahey from bananarama lol.

I decided that if i was to have a girl, i'd name her Nikkala Axl (Nikkala because i like the sound of nicola but wanted it more unique, and Axl after the singer Axl Rose) or it could be Nikkala Kylie

but if it was a boy i'd name him Saul. (no middle names thought out yet) and the name's from Slash's real name. yup i love guns n roses haha


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Medena Nychelle.

I'd always liked the name Medina and Mecca for girls, and as it happens, my daughter's father's name is Mede; so I thought it'd be clever to give her a name I liked while also giving a nod to her dad.

Nychelle was a name given to me by a friend. Most people see it and thing I just got creative with the spelling if Nichelle. However, it isn't pronounced Neh-chelle or Nee-chelle. It's pronounced NIGH-chelle ( long I sound) , and I imagined the spelling would reflect that distinction, but most people don't pick up on it, LOL.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
My daughter's name was chosen after going through several. We would get used to one after the other but none of them really sat right. I was looking at Arabic and Hebrew names online and ONE out of all of them caught my eye. I remembered a little girl that I used to babysit by the same name [diff. spelling though] and I just adored her. The name is very pretty, unique, exotic, and the meaning is very powerful.

Her middle name is very feminine and graceful and it has a powerful meaning as well. We chose her name to be different and ethnic because she is biracial and even before she was born we knew that she would have a "white" last name so we thought that we should make her name as diverse as she is.


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we had some trouble naming our daughter. i wanted something unusual, like Ocean, Autumn, Violet (well, at the time it was more unusual, it seems to have grown in popularity since her birth)... he wanted something "normal" like Jennifer, Jessica, Michelle.

so we compromised. we named her Juliet. it's unusual but not terribly "out there". her middle name is Victoria (for my dad, who has a huge thing for the history of the English monarchy).

our son was named years before he was born. Jakob Nathan John. Jakob (my s/o's grandfather) Nathan (my dad) John (his dad).

my name is a little more complicated. my parents named me Erica Wilhelmina Maria at birth. now i'm Zehava Erica. i chose the name from a list of "approved" names with my parents (approved meaning they sat down with me and we went over names so that i didn't choose something irrationally unusual like a 13 year old girl might).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
My daughter's name was chosen after going through several. We would get used to one after the other but none of them really sat right. I was looking at Arabic and Hebrew names online and ONE out of all of them caught my eye. I remembered a little girl that I used to babysit by the same name [diff. spelling though] and I just adored her. The name is very pretty, unique, exotic, and the meaning is very powerful.

Her middle name is very feminine and graceful and it has a powerful meaning as well. We chose her name to be different and ethnic because she is biracial and even before she was born we knew that she would have a "white" last name so we thought that we should make her name as diverse as she is.

aw, but you didn't tell us what her name is... now curiousity is killing me


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For my future kids I'm thinking about Adam Benjamin for a boy and Bianca/Lee/Chloé for a girl.

My name is Veronica Camilla Erika, Camilla is my mothers name and Erika for my dad's grandfather Erik. My mom wanted to name me Nikki but my dad refused, and my maternal grandmother wanted them to name me Linn, haha. I like my name though.


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Katherine Noelle... I always loved the name Katie from when I was a little girl. Soon as I knew I was going to have a girl, I knew her name would be Katie. I wanted Katelyn but her dad hated that name and said no. So we both decided on Katherine. I went through the baby book to choose a middle name and choose Noelle.

Unfortunately, my daughter hates her name. The funny thing is... her favourite name is the second name that I was thinking about... Chelsea and even before I told her that could have been her name.


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Sirrona Lee
my daughter was named after her great grandfather who passed while i was carrying her. his name is norris.
and her middle name is my deceased grandmother's maiden name-along with her paternal great grandmother's middle name, the first part of my mother's name and my step-mother's grandmother's name. that name has some history.


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My husband and I fought a lot about names for our girl. We could not agree on anything. I had a baby names book and the name Aidan was listed in the girl's section. We both could agree on it. I liked it because it is a boy's name and I always liked the idea of a girl having a boy's name, kind of like Billie on Days of our Lives, LOL. My husband liked it because it sounded Irish.

So her name is Aidan Catherine.


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My son is named after a guy in a band called Bang Bang:Trystian because he had great hair! his middle name is Jourdan because I thought it was a nice name....


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No children for me yet, but I'm an unusual name lover as well. I like names that have significance! Fremont, November, Monroe, Fitzgerald, Ringo, etc. For the place I was born, my birth month, Marilyn Monroe, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ringo Starr respectively. My boyfriend and I have picked out names we both like and have come up with Ophelia [ pronounced the Spanish way, long a not a 'fee' sound ] Monroe and Dorian Miles. Ophelia because s/o liked the name from Pan's Labyrinth and I'm not too sure on Dorian, but s/o is a huge fan of Miles Davis so that's where the Miles comes from.

I'm Nichole Christine.. parents thought they were being creative with spelling, but my mom has called me Nikka since I was little because Nikki is suuuper common.


Active member
i always liked one girl name and i said to my self if i have a daughter i will name her that name and when i got pregnant i maid a deal with my hubby
i toled if it is a girl i will pick the name and if it is a boy WE pick the name heheheh
but he liked the name that i had pick out so he really didn't mind , and i had a baby girl and i named her the name that i always liked which is ((( iya)))
it is Arabic name but i love it it is very short and easy to pronounces.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fingie
My daughter's name is Adrianna Faith;

I had always like the name Gianna (except I wanted to spell it with a J instead of a G since my mom and I are both J names--I'm Jessica, she is Jerilyn and wanted to "keep it going") but my boyfriend/baby's father shot it down instantaneously. So we got the baby name book, started with A, and when we got to "Adrianna", we both liked it and that was that. As for her middle name, "Faith" was my grandmother's middle name.

Now share your story(ies)!

this is crazy, i have a friend named adrienna (pronounced like adriana) who's 1 yr old daughter's name is giana (with one N). haha

mine was easy to decide on. i named my daughter after the you are my sunshine song. everyone calls her sunny for short though. my ex named my son tyler after brad pitt's character in fight club


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Originally Posted by gigglegirl
If I were to have a child tomorrow (won't happen anytime soon) but I like the names Cadence or Charisma for a girl. I'm sure that'll change by the time I have kids!

My best friend's daughter is Kaydence (different spelling, same pronunciation) and we call her Kadie for short.

My son is Benjamin August - I knew right away that I wanted Ben if he was a boy, and August is a family name on his dad's side (dad's middle name, grandpa's middle name and great-grandpa's first name.)

I had a really hard time with girls' names... they all sounded wrong! We eventually picked Jillian Dorayne (random first name, and my middle name, mom's middle name and grandma's first name.) I guess it was meant to be.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by persephonewillo
aw, but you didn't tell us what her name is... now curiousity is killing me

Tis a secret, my dear!


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Well....I may be possibly expecting right this second....Long story. (Romania, condom broke, tried to get the morning after pill and they gave me something....Not sure wether they understood me or not!!)

But with my new man, we were discussing it on a whim one day...

Allegra-Iris for a girl.

Octavian for a boy.

And if we had girl twins.

Isolde and Nimue. Or Niamh and Aiofe. As I am Irish born and raised!
(Is-ol-de) (Nim-oh-way) (Aa-fa)

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