How fast does your man...ahem..finish?


Well-known member
So. How long does it take for your man to come? Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half, and after a year, our sex life changed. Its still pretty good, but he comes really fast now. Some nights we'll only have sex for 5 minutes or less. The longest we go now is maybe, 15-20 minutes (any longer than that and I'm hurtin, cuz I'm not used to it going so long anymore).
He says he comes quick because we have to sneak around to do it (since I live at home and all). But if thats the case, then it wouldn't have just happened out of the blue, you know? because we've been sneaking around our whole relationship.

It doesn't really matter to me, because I don't come from having sex. Its still enjoyable, it is just very short. He's usually more worried about it than I am, lol, although it does irritate me.

Anyways, how bout you guys?


Well-known member
I guess I'm really lucky... The shortest amount of time we'll ever spend having sex is half an hour. The most... Oh gosh, I don't even know. But we can go for hours and hours without him coming if he doesn't want to. I don't come from having vaginal sex either, but I still love to do it for hours.


Well-known member
Longest time I can remember was something around 2 hours straight.

If we're in a romantic, slow and long mood, 30-45 minutes.

Average time is around 15-20 minutes.

If we're in a hurry, 10 minutes, and 5 minutes if it's a serious quickie.

Variety is fun! He's very good at maintaining that self-control, so basically it's however long I want it to be.


Well-known member
As long as I want him to go.
Sometimes it's 20 minutes. Sometimes it's an hour and a half. Depends on how much time we've got, how tired we are, how many times I cum and how hard.

(We've been together 11 years.)


Well-known member
lol. When we first got together we'd go for hours. One day we did it at least 5 or 6 times all throughout the day. Other times we did it for 2-3 hours. its a shame. lol


Well-known member
I'm talking five hours of sex, an hour and a half of sleep, and then another five of sex. We're in a long distance relationship and try to cram two months worth of sex into one weekend.


Well-known member
Anywhere from 5 min to 1 hour. Once in a while when we're lucky he'll do a double on the same erection - but that really depends on how I'm feeling afterwards.

Also, normal sized condoms help him last longer. He normally sticks to magnums.


Well-known member
Actually, he used to come fast at the very beginning of our relationship, because I was the first one and he was really nervous!
But with the time (and my explanations about how frustrating it was for me) he learned how to control it and now even though we make love less frequently it is much better and it can last as long as we want it to!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
Im probably going to be the only person to say this, but my guy lasts TOO long for me! I don't come from sex, so after 20 minutes I'm ready to quit/sleep/shower haha. He goes for about an hour though.

i so agree... 20-30 minutes is perfect for me...

i dont enjoy sex that goes on for aaaaages...

id rather have have sex 2 times, than once for aaaages

plus cos i like it quite get sore if it went on too long!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeni
Anywhere from 5 min to 1 hour. Once in a while when we're lucky he'll do a double on the same erection - but that really depends on how I'm feeling afterwards.

Also, normal sized condoms help him last longer. He normally sticks to magnums.

hmm maybe I should try that. My boyfriend always wears Magnums but maybe we should try regular ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
i so agree... 20-30 minutes is perfect for me...

i dont enjoy sex that goes on for aaaaages...

id rather have have sex 2 times, than once for aaaages

plus cos i like it quite get sore if it went on too long!

I agree, too. It starts hurting after awhile. But it'll just start feeling reeeeally good for me and then it'll be over (5 minutes is not long enough). Its so funny because he'll slow down or be out of breath and he thinks I don't notice that he came--I notice every time


Well-known member
Interesting thread, and interesting responses!
I think the time it takes for a guy to come depends on how the mood of the relationship is on that particular day. Does he find you more seductive than usual? Bam! He's done. Is he stressed from work? Bah. You're both not into it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
I'm talking five hours of sex, an hour and a half of sleep, and then another five of sex. We're in a long distance relationship and try to cram two months worth of sex into one weekend.

hahahahaaha omg...same here!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Interesting thread, and interesting responses!
I think the time it takes for a guy to come depends on how the mood of the relationship is on that particular day. Does he find you more seductive than usual? Bam! He's done. Is he stressed from work? Bah. You're both not into it.

LoL not in our case. We get mad at eachother over sumthin dumb everyday, he's stressed out constantly, and he's always tired. But no matter how the day went, I can count on the sex being short and sweet.


Well-known member
I actually enjoy the sex to last about 10-15 minutes, even less sometimes. But, after a short break (to eat, shower, etc) we are usually ready to go again! So, we have like 20-30 minute sex, with a mini break! I believe for me, it keeps the sex kinda hot. It's like teasing in a way ... so hot. Mmm ... lol, I need to stop thinking, I'm still at work! Hehe.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
Im probably going to be the only person to say this, but my guy lasts TOO long for me! I don't come from sex, so after 20 minutes I'm ready to quit/sleep/shower haha. He goes for about an hour though.

same here.
If things go on for too long I get distracted and it just doesn't do it for me anymore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
LoL not in our case. We get mad at eachother over sumthin dumb everyday, he's stressed out constantly, and he's always tired. But no matter how the day went, I can count on the sex being short and sweet.

That's funny!

Maybe it's a good sign: no matter what happens, at least you know that you still turn him on.

Which brings me to make up sex...
I hear people constantly saying make up sex is the best sex (during a fight, the partners grab eachother and start kissing passionetly and it leads to more, and more), but I really don't understand.
This never ever happened between my SO and I. And it won't ever happen. We've tried, we lost. We just can't turn eachother on when we're in a fight. There is so much tension (nothing sexual about it), that we need to get over it before we get intimate again.
When we mad, we mad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
This never ever happened between my SO and I. And it won't ever happen. We've tried, we lost. We just can't turn eachother on when we're in a fight. There is so much tension (nothing sexual about it), that we need to get over it before we get intimate again.
When we mad, we mad.

Agreed! We've tried and it just doesn't work. Actually, we've had the worst sex when we were still upset with one another. But damn, I wish it wasn't so.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
That's funny!

Maybe it's a good sign: no matter what happens, at least you know that you still turn him on.

Which brings me to make up sex...
I hear people constantly saying make up sex is the best sex (during a fight, the partners grab eachother and start kissing passionetly and it leads to more, and more), but I really don't understand.
This never ever happened between my SO and I. And it won't ever happen. We've tried, we lost. We just can't turn eachother on when we're in a fight. There is so much tension (nothing sexual about it), that we need to get over it before we get intimate again.
When we mad, we mad.

lol...I think I'm the same way. I love for him to be extremely rough with me, thats a turn on. But if we're actually mad at eachother, and one of us did something wrong, its not going to happen. He tries to have sex with me while I'm still mad about something, but he quickly realizes that I'm not having it. I just sit there and watch tv while he tries to initiate foreplay. Then we just have to resolve it, so it all works out. HA lol

Of course, he doesn't care if we fought earlier. If he wants sex, he wants it. So that works out good if he was mad at me. Cuz oral pretty much cures everything

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