How much did Specktra Spend during the MAC Sale? How much is your wallet hurting?


Well-known member
Subtotal: $85.00
Discount: $21.25
Shipping: $ 0.00
Total: $67.74

BTW: I got the 116, 222, and Love Nectar and my total was $66.40 with no free shipping. I added Plumage in the pan and the total was $67.74--so I got it for $1.34.

I wonder what the average $$ spent is...*cough*Casadalinnis *cough*.


Well-known member
I did $87 rounded up, but I really want to help achieve that goal of $10,000, plus I'm going to be buying for my sisters so let's have some hope....


Well-known member
I just spent 65$ cause I realized i'm running out of face wipes and of course i had to get free shipping soooo....
i deserve a spanking for being such a shopaholic! LOL


Well-known member
Normally, I don't have a bad attitude on specktra and this post will stay up for about 2 minutes...

The people who are commenting on the top three buyers, like oh my god, it's a car note or seek shopping therapy, those comments are rude and insulting to me..not you tish.

But know this,
I am grown. I do with my money what I want with my money. I am fully responsible for all my purchases whether large or small. This purchase will not cause me to be in debt nor have the past ones or the future ones.

I wouldn't have posted what I spent, if I thought negative comments were going to come my way or if it was going to become a pissing contest.

I spent what I spent because I can and did. No one on this forum should be judging anyone for their makeup purchases.


Well-known member
Hell, if I could have spent $200 I would have, I just couldn't right now. If you have the bucks to spare, then more power to you and have a blast! I know I would be!


Well-known member
I spent only $25.97. LOL I feel so lame. I didn't save much of anything but I'm proud of myself. I wanted A LOT but I had to be realistic with the other purchases I needed to make this week. They were more important than MU.

From you ladies that had big hauls, I expect pics so I live through you guys LOL


I made 4 orders over the past week. The total I spend on this sale is $1182.66 CAD. WOW,can you say I have a problem???lol
May be I'll post my huge haul pics after I receive all of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JJChanel
I made 4 orders over the past week. The total I spend on this sale is $1182.66 CAD. WOW,can you say I have a problem???lol
May be I'll post my huge haul pics after I receive all of them.

Send me a pic, just PM me. I would love to see it. And those jacked up Canadians prices, will get ya.


Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Send me a pic, just PM me. I would love to see it. And those jacked up Canadians prices, will get ya.

I only got my first order so far, still waiting for the rest.
Talk about jacked up prices,we have to pay 13% tax on top!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Normally, I don't have a bad attitude on specktra and this post will stay up for about 2 minutes...

The people who are commenting on the top three buyers, like oh my god, it's a car note or seek shopping therapy, those comments are rude and insulting to me..not you tish.

But know this,
I am grown. I do with my money what I want with my money. I am fully responsible for all my purchases whether large or small. This purchase will not cause me to be in debt nor have the past ones or the future ones.

I wouldn't have posted what I spent, if I thought negative comments were going to come my way or if it was going to become a pissing contest.

I spent what I spent because I can and did. No one on this forum should be judging anyone for their makeup purchases.

As the OP, I just wanted to say that my wording in the Poll about missing meals and it being a car or rent payment was a joke. I didn't want anyone to feel ashamed for having spent tons of money b/c hell I wish I was in the $500 + range myself. I just wanted this to be a fun thread.... and I'm pretty sure I made the poll anonymous... so for those who didn't want a name attached to their purchase could do so. This by no means was supposed to make people feel bad b/c they couldn't afford to purchase a lot, or make people feel bad because they did a massive haul. So I apologize to anyone who felt ostracized by the thread I created.....
Thank you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Normally, I don't have a bad attitude on specktra and this post will stay up for about 2 minutes...

The people who are commenting on the top three buyers, like oh my god, it's a car note or seek shopping therapy, those comments are rude and insulting to me..not you tish.

But know this,
I am grown. I do with my money what I want with my money. I am fully responsible for all my purchases whether large or small. This purchase will not cause me to be in debt nor have the past ones or the future ones.

I wouldn't have posted what I spent, if I thought negative comments were going to come my way or if it was going to become a pissing contest.

I spent what I spent because I can and did. No one on this forum should be judging anyone for their makeup purchases.

Girl please it's your money ...spend it how you so please....hell I wish $500 was our car payments...I would spend more damn money on mu LOL ...try $800 and $1000 ....Those are really hard checks to write every least you spent it at one time on stuff you want....Enjoy your stuff!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Normally, I don't have a bad attitude on specktra and this post will stay up for about 2 minutes...

The people who are commenting on the top three buyers, like oh my god, it's a car note or seek shopping therapy, those comments are rude and insulting to me..not you tish.

But know this,
I am grown. I do with my money what I want with my money. I am fully responsible for all my purchases whether large or small. This purchase will not cause me to be in debt nor have the past ones or the future ones.

I wouldn't have posted what I spent, if I thought negative comments were going to come my way or if it was going to become a pissing contest.

I spent what I spent because I can and did. No one on this forum should be judging anyone for their makeup purchases.

Woot! for you
*high fives ya*

Some days, I feel like I am gonna bail out the economy all by myself


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JJChanel
I made 4 orders over the past week. The total I spend on this sale is $1182.66 CAD. WOW,can you say I have a problem???lol
May be I'll post my huge haul pics after I receive all of them.

All I can say is


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ThePerfectScore
As the OP, I ..
Thank you.

That rant was not aimed at you. I thought the poll was funny and creative.
Thank you for even thinking of it.

Now, my rant is over, so ev1 come back and post what you spent, large, small or nothing.


Well-known member
Friends and Family Discount:CA$21.76
Shipping/Handling:CA$0.00 (FREE STANDARD)
Tax (13.000%)CA$8.49

13% tax..that's probably one of the highest anywhere! *sigh..