How much did Specktra Spend during the MAC Sale? How much is your wallet hurting?


Well-known member
US $132.50
Discount (25%) - US $33.13
Shipping FREE
Sales Tax (7.25%) US $7.20
US $106.57


Well-known member
After the discount, I ended up spending $117 which I guess isn't too bad.

man oh man I wish I could've spent more though - I guess I'll have to wait until the after christmas f&f sale.


Well-known member
Gosh I wanted to spend more than I did, my ideal amount was $200-$250, but I was a good girl! $185.50 before discount down to $150.77. BOOOOO for self control!


Well-known member
Ugh... went WAY over budjet! Went back 3 times!!

1st order
Subtotal US $267.00
Discount (25%)
- US $66.79 Total US $213.35

2nd order

Subtotal US $112.00
Discount (25%)
- US $28.02
Total US $87.32

3rd order

Subtotal US $127.00
Discount (25%)
- US $31.77
Total US $99.02

Subtotal $ 506.00
discount $ 126.58

TOTAL $ 379.42

wow!! what a difference!

(but I still didn't get everything I want!)

But - one thing i did just notice= my first order has been shipped! yipee!

and something else - 2 items say "backordered" on my third order! Anyone else have this problem??
It didnt say this when I placed the order.


Well-known member
I was a good girl this go round.

Subtotal US - $89.00
Discount (25%) - US $22.26
Shipping FREE
Sales Tax (6%) US- $4.00
Subtotal US - $70.74
Gift Card Redemption US - $5.86
Credit Card Redemption US - $64.88


Well-known member
Subtotal: $85.50
Discount: -$21.38
Shipping: FREE
Sales Tax 7.25%: $4.65
Total: $68.77

Not bad. I actually shouldn't have spent that much but I couldn't resist LOL. I regret not getting Painterly Paint Pot but, eh. Can't go back.


Well-known member
Total spent is $10,785.70 excluding riss and HeatherLouWho at est. $200 a piece. I will refrain from doing a top buyers list as I see some people got hated on because of the amount spent.

Please know like ThePerfectScore stated, it was done in jest and was never really supposed to be taken seriously. I'm really happy she even started this thread as me doing the math is the closest I get to come to buying from this sale despite having $500 put to the side for this.

Face2Mac, I wasn't trying to make you a target nor anyone else. I was as prepared to do damage then my fiance's uncle passed away Saturday and my plans got changed. Our plans got shifted and we put the money towards round trip tickets, shuttle transportation to and from, hotel in PA and his food accomodations while out there. I was trying to get people excited about what they were receiving and was playing little miss comedy girl and trying to not worry as much about my fiance flying with all that AirFrance being on the news lately and just if he was going to be alright. Not stuff you really want to burden people with and I turned to an amazing sale thread MAC_Whore had going on so I didn't do massive damage and darn it! she had Parrot at a great price with some other items. Please know I never wanted to put you through cruel treatment just wanted people to enjoy in what I wasn't going to be able to and I guess some of the jokes were taken badly.

I promise you this was my Saturday.......

Flight 6489, departs at 10:09 AM
From: Baltimore, MD(BWI)
Departs: Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:09 AM
To: New York City, NY(JFK)
Arrives: 11:22 AM on Mon, Jun 15, 2009
(1hr 13min)

Layover: New York City
(1hr 37min)
Delta Air Lines

Flight 6701, departs at 12:59 PM
From: New York City, NY(JFK)
Departs: Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:59 PM
To: Pittsburgh, PA(PIT)
Arrives: 2:57 PM on Mon, Jun 15, 2009
(1hr 58min)

Total trip time: 4hr 48min

Round-trip ticket : $232.90
Passengers: 1
Booking fee: $0.00
Subtotal: $232.90
Total price: $232.90
Total charged to your credit card $232.90

SuperShuttle Reservation

Departure Itinerary (To the Airport)
Confirmation Number: 7898***
Pickup Date/Time: 6/15/2009 7:39 AM - 6/15/2009 7:54 AM
Arrival Itinerary (From the Airport)
Confirmation Number: 7898***

It's been a really depressing past few days and I wanted to see people hyper and happy. I got to see the posts from peoples' first pigment buys, first big hauls and just was happy to see people so wound up....I always get hyper and happy when I buy too. It's like contagious and I swear to God, I'm excited for everybody and I'm not judgemental like that really. My fiance is really leniant and I own stuff I haven't even touched yet and we have a routine of hitting the CCO every couple of weeks to do some damage so I'm grateful for everything he does for me. I do notice I buy just to buy so I'd be a hypocrate to tell someone they have a shopping problem when I'm the same way. Currently I'm on a every blue/green eyeshadow and I've still been on a massive fluidline binge despite me not touching half of them yet. I'd say I'm worse then half the people on here because some of my stuff is still untouched and I got to a stage of collecting instead which I'm trying to work on a little. I'm sorry if anybody got slandered as I was just trying to see other people happy when I wasn't having the best of actually cheered me up. I want everybody to not dwell on this post and keep posting their numbers and I'll keep the jokes to myself and be the accountant.

Miss Sha....your sig made me go find that cd in my book and I forgot how awesome Samson was.

ThePerfectScore...this post has been a blast and took my mind off of what was going on here some and just thank you.

The top buyers...I'm sorry if anybody, including myself, made you feel bad for being able to shop. I would have been $500 deep in eyeshadows, pigments and palettes if I could have been. I told MAC_Whore to make sure she shopped enough for the both of us as she was really understanding as to why I was on and off so frequently.

Tish, I never expected you to buy a couple thousand dollars of lipsticks, just thought you'd be amused at the idea of someone mock hypnotizing you because it seems like you like red lipsticks.

I'm sorry to anybody I offended and post your numbers darn it! Last day of the sale! I will stick to being the accountant and I still want to see the outcome dagnabit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
2 items say "backordered" on my third order! Anyone else have this problem??
It didnt say this when I placed the order.

I haven't had it happen firsthand on their website but it's usually a supply and demand issue. Like they don't have enough of an item due to the amount that item was ordered. I'd call them in the morning via the online number or do a live chat to find out the soonest time that item will be back in stock. Some companies, it's usually a few days so don't stress just hit them up in the AM chica and they'll let you know the time frame. You got your
on and
because I have a feeling you went on a piggy raid.

I saw the message in the counterfeit forum and it was adorable madam.
I was hella wound up and let some newb seller piss me off during bad times; be back when my fiance is situated.
Seems like the UK one does try to clean it up some cuz Bella, Angie and I can all go on reporting sprees and have them yanked down in 24 hours. You gotta love MAC sales where you don't have to scrutenize every detail of the item and you can just bask in how prettiful it is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis

The top buyers...I'm sorry if anybody, including myself, made you feel bad for being able to shop. I would have been $500 deep in eyeshadows, pigments and palettes if I could have been. I told MAC_Whore to make sure she shopped enough for the both of us as she was really understanding as to why I was on and off so frequently.

I'm sorry to anybody I offended and post your numbers darn it! Last day of the sale! I will stick to being the accountant and I still want to see the outcome dagnabit.

I wasn't offended hun!

People are always going to make judgments and what not, but that's life.. Nothing you can do about it. I don't let it bother me, and other people shouldn't either..

I'm lucky enough to be in a comfortable position where i can splurge on this sale, plus like i said it would have costs $1000+ over here!

Am I bad for wanting to go back again?? Been resisting the temptation but got the 24hrs left email and started to panic!! Hahaha

I wasn't here to rub it in


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Tish, I never expected you to buy a couple thousand dollars of lipsticks, just thought you'd be amused at the idea of someone mock hypnotizing you because it seems like you like red lipsticks.


No offense should be taken....I already have over 200+ MAC l/s and l/g combined I think I'm gonna hold firm ....I like face2Mac need more lips...Mind you this total does not count my bu's.....


Well-known member
US $197.50
Discount (25%)- US $49.40
Shipping FREE
Sales Tax (7%). US $10.38
US $158.48 ♥

It would have been more but some of you guys bought up all the Painterly Paint Pots.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SometimesTheyComeBack
I wasn't offended hun!

People are always going to make judgments and what not, but that's life.. Nothing you can do about it. I don't let it bother me, and other people shouldn't either..

I'm lucky enough to be in a comfortable position where i can splurge on this sale, plus like i said it would have costs $1000+ over here!

Am I bad for wanting to go back again?? Been resisting the temptation but got the 24hrs left email and started to panic!! Hahaha

I wasn't here to rub it in

Thank you madam. I just got that e-mail like an hour ago and this sale is an amazing deal for people in places outside of the US and Canada. Usually a lot of people are left paying an arm and a leg to buy items overseas. In all honesty, I'd be jumping at the free shipping alone with you being in Australia...too costly the rest of the year. I don't discuss what I buy on here because I'm afraid people will think I'm weird for buying some of the things I do. I joined to help the counterfeit thread but also to read reviews because of a single eyeshadow addiction...would like to make better purchases for myself then jump because of how it looks in the pot. I wish I had seen Shimmers' post about the Metal-X eyeshadows because they just hit my CCO beginning of this month and I like 2 out of 4 purchased. I'm finding I need to learn the end result beforehand and luckily MissResha has videos about organizing makeup that I really need to put into effect.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
No offense should be taken....I already have over 200+ MAC l/s and l/g combined I think I'm gonna hold firm ....I like face2Mac need more lips...Mind you this total does not count my bu's.....

I'm just now finding out other people have back ups on here. There's certain eyeshadows I'm like that with....MES, blue eyeshadows (why you Electric Eel and not Clarity?!), sweet sage fluidline (I freaked when I saw it on the disc. list)....random behind items.

There definitely something that goes on with me but I don't jump at the new lines they come out with. New addiction has been the Liquidlast Liners...bought Fuschia-ism (which kicks a$$) thing I know I've got 5 of the things despite me loving fluidlines. Let me know when you figure out the shopping habits of individuals please because my fiance thinks I'm as weird as him and his mistress the 360. XD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
Thank you madam. I just got that e-mail like an hour ago and this sale is an amazing deal for people in places outside of the US and Canada. Usually a lot of people are left paying an arm and a leg to buy items overseas. In all honesty, I'd be jumping at the free shipping alone with you being in Australia...too costly the rest of the year. I don't discuss what I buy on here because I'm afraid people will think I'm weird for buying some of the things I do. I joined to help the counterfeit thread but also to read reviews because of a single eyeshadow addiction...would like to make better purchases for myself then jump because of how it looks in the pot. I wish I had seen Shimmers' post about the Metal-X eyeshadows because they just hit my CCO beginning of this month and I like 2 out of 4 purchased. I'm finding I need to learn the end result beforehand and luckily MissResha has videos about organizing makeup that I really need to put into effect.

Ohh i wish we had CCO's over here, they sound soo amazing, i think i would die going into one! Hahaha

I still have to pay for mail forwarding but it's only an extra 30-50 though.. Still beats buying it over here!

But I am tempted to make another smaller order and get it consolidated to ship here. Just want a couple of brushes & paint pot..


Well-known member
Casadalinnis I thought your posts were very amusing! I'm sorry you couldn't take part in this sale.

I WISH I could have splurged like some of you did!!
Oh well there's always the winter sale....


Well-known member
Winter sale like this past January,

ok, Casa, I admit I was a little sensitive and it is that time of month, TMI. I really don't get upset about most things, especially on here. Sorry about your loss and don't stop being funny on here.

Keep posting you guys,

What will be the the total amount $12,000, hmm.


New member
US $81.00
Discount (25%)- US $20.27
Shipping FREE
Sales Tax (0%)- US $0.00
US $60.73

I was actually gonna spend more but I had to put stuff back since I have to buy Father's Day gifts and upcoming Birthday if only I had an unlimited supply of money