How often do you wash your hair?


Well-known member
Every other day, sometimes after 2 days (if for some reason it's impossible to wash my hair, then I'll tie it into a ponytail). I think that's too much, but it looks greasy very quickly.
My mother for example washes her hair only once a week: what a luxury!


Well-known member
almost every day, If i straighten it with a flat iron, I have to wash it the next morning or else it looks super greasy. If i use something like a waving iron or crimping iron I can go 3 days without my hair looking greasy at all..

I like the smell of clean hair.


Well-known member
I wash my hair every 2-3 days. I'm trying to get in the habit of washing it even less, as my hair is sooooo fine that it breaks very easily when wet.

I'm thinking of looking into those like dry shampoo's, so I can extend it to like every 4 days.


Well-known member
Dry shampoos work good. If you go to a beauty supply you can find some that actually smell good instead of like medicine


Well-known member
I would say every other day too because after the third it just starts getting a lil too oily and stinky :/


I wash my hair every other day... no exceptions (unless I have hairspray in it, because then I would want to wash it as soon as humanly possible).
My scalp gets itchy, stinky, and oily, dandruff-y after the first day. It bugs me so I run my fingers through my hair too. It has gotten to the point when sometimes I would question whether other people can smell it.

It's funny because when I was young, my scalp was never like that. My mom washes her hair once a week and she puts on hairspray every day, styles it, etc. It's disgusting thinking of how much built up there could be... and the stench too!

She always complains and tells me to wash it every once a week because she likes the natural oils and she thinks that washing every other day will make me lose my hair. But I can't stand not washing it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Twice a week. My hair looks its best the day after it's been washed

Same here!!


Well-known member
At least once a week during winter months.

At least twice a week during the summer months.

My hair does not produce a whole lot of oilies, and my hair actually likes natural oils, so it behaves better when I do not wash it more often.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Asianshell
I wash my hair every other day... no exceptions (unless I have hairspray in it, because then I would want to wash it as soon as humanly possible). My scalp gets itchy, stinky, and oily, dandruff-y after the first day. It bugs me so I run my fingers through my hair too. It has gotten to the point when sometimes I would question whether other people can smell it.

It's funny because when I was young, my scalp was never like that.

Same here
... I love my hair but hate it sometimes :/


Well-known member
I wash my hair everytime I have a shower, so usually every second day without fail. Sometimes everyday.
My hair feels gross if its not fresh and clean.


Well-known member
For me, pretty much every other day--however, I usually work Sat, Sun, & Tues so I'll wash all three of those days + Thurs. Sometimes Ill wash more often if I used a lot of product the day before.


In the hottest parts of the summer every day. The rest of the year its every 2/3 days or so. Because its really long It needs alot of deep conditioning, so in the summer its a deep condition every 3 washes or something. In the winter it gets deep conditioned once a week. I try to give it time to condition its self with natural oils if I can.


Well-known member
I wash my hair everyday.. cause if I don't.. it would be greasy as hell! & I would be scratching my head.. LOL.. I feel very dirty if I don't shower everyday.

I comb through my hair with a big tooth comb after I get out the shower, blow dry it.. and than I brush it with a brush.


Well-known member
What do you girls who smoke do? I find my hair doesn't smell that great from I've been washing it more. Is there anything that can be done besides washing it everyday to make it smell nice? How do dry shampoos work and where can you get them? I've never even heard of dry shampoo...


Well-known member
i was no less than every 3 days when i had superlong down my back hair but since i like flipped out and chopped it all off it pretty much gets washed every otherday. my hair is colored red so i try not to wash it too frquently since red fades like a mother_. I use matrix shade memory to maintain it though and it stays pretty long. And brushing again when i had long hair maybe a hundred times a day now thay i've got the jean seberg pixie cut ( michelle williams for those of you who don't know jean) I don't even bother to brush. Everyone's hair is different and i know that it is recommended to wash as needed taking care not to go longer than a week unwashed, if you have oily hair wash more frequently, dry hair less frequently.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
What do you girls who smoke do? I find my hair doesn't smell that great from I've been washing it more. Is there anything that can be done besides washing it everyday to make it smell nice? How do dry shampoos work and where can you get them? I've never even heard of dry shampoo...

If i am not home to wash it i spray perfume on a brush and run it through my hair til it picks up the scent or i use a detangler or leave in conditioner on my hair because they usually smell really nice and mask the scent pretty well.


Well-known member
Good idea with the leave in spritz conditioner, I'll try and pick one up. The perfume is a good idea too but it seems wasteful.

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