I Am F***in Appalled And Disgusted!


Well-known member
From what I understood about South Africa, corrective rape was never legal. It was just a more brutal and ever increasing form of rape that tended to go unpunished.

While this law does make me sad... what can you do in this situation? I mean like many people say, part of the reason why Afghanistan has had so many difficulties is because it is like they are living in an era that is completely different than most under developed countries. While it would be nice for those law makers to wake up and grow up, outsiders have no way of getting the point of this inhumanity across, it has to be understood from within.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
arghhhhh, this is really annoying. How the hell did this law pass? Did the Talebans have anything to do with it?

Afghanistan is totally destroyed by a bunch of idiots that rule it. It makes me very sad as I know a few Afghani ppl (well they live here in Canada but I'm still sad for their country)


Well-known member
From what the news are saying here, a lot of countries are pressing the Afghans to not let the law pass. I know that the government here is working on it. I hope they will succeed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
That is horrid....lets just hope this does not create a increased number of Lorena Bobbit issues

If the law passes, let's hope it DOES!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fuzz
There is no such thing as rape in marriages.Everyone has the right to refuse sex and i dont think men push for it either.media makes up shit whts else is new?



Well-known member
(cuz GFM is compared to male circumcision)

I REALLY dont agree with this statement. For male circumcision to be comparable to female genital mutilation you would have to cut the penis off.

Removing the clitoral hood = comparable to male circumcision.

Pretty random but spousal rape was legal in england and wales until 1991.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
UGH. I, personally, believe all rapists should be castrated. Really and truly, it's a crime that almost no punishment can equalize because the trauma lasts a lifetime. The thought that rape is not only condoned, but legal in some places makes me sick to my stomach. The message being sent is: It doesn't matter what you want, your body does not belong to you and it can be used as another sees fit.

I think rapists should be dispatched with a bullet to the head. Unfortunately, castration doesn't stop someone from being able to sexually assault another person. Only death or life in solitary would do that and unfortunately, no one seems to consider rape a crime worthy of a lifetime punishment


Well-known member
Goodness, this seems so ridiculously inhumane. What I hate most is I can't think of a way to truly effect the outcome. It's such a different world there, and regardless of what law passes... the law passed was proposed based on ideals of the people which to me means that they still think it's ok to force a wife to have sex with her husband. Even if the law doesn't pass, the practice will continue... sigh.

I think that being raped by your life partner is probably worst than a stranger. This is the person that is suppose to care for you, love you and respect you and he is violating you in the worse way. Just the way I believe being raped by someone you know is more of a mind f^%$ than by a stranger... because it messes with your concept of trust in other people and trust in your judgement.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blazeno.8
From what I understood about South Africa, corrective rape was never legal. It was just a more brutal and ever increasing form of rape that tended to go unpunished.

oh, sorry. I must have misunderstood the person i was speaking with. Thanks for letting me know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by susannef
I REALLY dont agree with this statement. For male circumcision to be comparable to female genital mutilation you would have to cut the penis off.

Removing the clitoral hood = comparable to male circumcision.

oh i totally agree with you. i think they're totally two different things, but there are some people who do compare it because you are removing something from the genital area. i guess maybe advocates of FGM say it's comparable?
but it's obvious those who put them on the same level totally do not know the fundamental differences between the two practices.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
oh, sorry. I must have misunderstood the person i was speaking with. Thanks for letting me know.

The person who was speaking might have been right. It was just my understanding that it was never on the books, just deeply engrained culturally in some groups of people in South Africa (and possibly other parts of the world).


Well-known member
I have no words for this... And I'm having a hard time understanding why people on a human level would allow that to happen... Let's make the unit smaller and not look at the wider family, but one's mother, one's sister... Aren't these the ppl who would nurse and take care of you at your lowest? Shouldn't the law investigate and protect them? Shouldn't we all demand it to?

We're losing our humanity...


Well-known member
I don't think words could ever describe how disgusted and apalled I am by this. And by FGM.

I try to get the word out as much as I can about womens rights and information. I try to encourage as many people as I can to educate themselves on the subjects. I'm just extremely lucky to live in a country where I do have a lot of rights.


Well-known member
This is so frightening. They are literally 150+ years behind the rest of the world!! It wasn't okay then, it's not okay now! I am so grateful that I have the rights that I do. There's no perfect place in this world to live, but there are definitely worse places for sure. My heart goes out to all the women that will be affected by this horrible law.


Well-known member
I cannot believe this. It is absolutely fucking disgusting. To do something that sickening to another human being, does call for a shot in the head IMO.

Rape is rape, inside or outside of marriage period.

I swear every time I think us humans are getting somewhere, I hear and see something like this and realize that we have taken 10 steps back. The saddest part about this is what can we do about it? Whether or whether not this law gets passed, shit like this is still going to happen and I bet you almost 99.99% of the time those sick bastards are going to get away with it. Not even a slap on the wrist. It's going to keep happening. I'm really glad that I live in a country where shit like this is not tolerated on any level and that I have the same rights as a man.


Well-known member
this is all terrible. i cant believe that there are places like this in the world. i feel so sorry for all the women.

and to the person who said there is no such thing as rape in marriage - i really hope you were tired and not thinking straight when you wrote that! rape can happen in any circumstance... if the sex is not wanted and you've said no and they still force it on you - it's rape.

i also agree with castrating all rapists. rape is a terrible thing to go through mentally and pysically.


Well-known member
all I can say is I'm glad I'm not born there, in such a horrible country that discriminates women.

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