I Can't Believe Israel Bombed Gaza


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
So the continual rocket fire into Israeli territory doesn't count as aggression on Hamas' behalf?

I don't think you're understanding the situation. Hamas is not Palestinian civilians. Yes, they do operate from Gaze and some are Palestinians. Anyway, the issue is that Israel is not attacking Hamas directly but instead are concentrating on civilians. Also their response is grossly disproportionate. Hamas does not care about the Palestinians so they're not going to stop.

For example, your roommate smacks your neighbor and then your neighbors comes and punches you instead. Now is that fair? (I know it's silly but hey if it gets the point across

You know what's funny though. How we bitched to Russia about laying a smackdown on Georgia not too long ago and now that Israel is doing the exact same thing, we say nothing. Now isn't that some crap?

Also I'm well aware of the fact that not all Israeli's are in support of this war and it's basically the government. It's always the god damn government. People need to realize this has nothing to with Israel vs. Palestinian people. This is about humans killing other humans. A lot of you here take sides simply because of your nationality, religion, etc..... I will be perfectly honest and harsh, that is DISGUSTING. Just stop being a biased ass and try and be a human being. In the end, it's all about being a decent human being, period. It's not, I'm on the side of Israel because I'm Israeli/Jews or I'm on the side of Palestine because I'm Palestinian/Muslim. STFD and think without those attachments. If others can do it so can you. This is exactly why conflicts escalate.


Well-known member
And now Israel is threatning the Palestinians of another "mass-man slaughter" worse than the one they just had. I'm wondering could it really get any worse? Over 1000 killed in a space of 25 days wasn't enough for them to enrich their blood thirstiness?

Didn't they bomb millions of places and schools already? Haven't they distroyed other families and took them away from each other? Haven't they bombed homes that landed on the occupiers? Haven't they have enough yet? Clearyl NOT.
Even animals have more compassion than these blood thirsty war criminals.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CreamPuffer
Well, since forever. Especially since we're always sticking ourselves into other people's business. Not too mention, if we insist on being a leader in this world then obviously others would look to us to lead.



Well-known member
Nunu, I think the video you posted shows us why it is so important for us to distinguish between the people of a country and its leadership. Even in a "democratic" or "republic" situation.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by CreamPuffer
Well, since forever. Especially since we're always sticking ourselves into other people's business. Not too mention, if we insist on being a leader in this world then obviously others would look to us to lead. As far as Israel, we are their closest ally so others look to us to try and pursued them from committing atrocities.

The US foreign policy and the choice of their allies especially in the ME is unfortunate. The best example I can think of is overthrowing Iran's democratically elected prime minister Mossadegh (and the first democratic government in ME btw) in a coup in 1953 and replacing him with the Shah who proceeded to rule as a dictator for over 25 years with full US support. Modern day dictators supported by the US in ME would be the Saudi royal family and Husni Mubarak of Egypt.

Going back to this Israel/Palestine conflict, like I said before, I think the leaders of both side know exactly what to do to achieve peace, but they won't do it. Who knows how many more lives will be taken and how many more years will pass till this is resolved. I tend to not take any sides on this issue particularly as I think both sides are making a lot of mistakes and not caring much for their ppl.