i dislike NARS


Well-known member
I've never really bought NARS e/s or blushes due to the high cost. But they have some nice colors. I guess to each its own and since Im not too much of an e/s kinda gal I cant see myself spending that kind of money ('specially if Im not gonna be happy with it.) But I do like their glosses and lip lacquers. (bought wit g/c, ebay or swapped.)


Well-known member
I think MAC honestly just makes the best eyeshadows ever, you get spoiled after you try just one. I can't afford to let myself get obsessed with NARS though lol.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
yeah I stay away from Nars e/s too. i do love their blushes and I think they're worth the price but for e/s i stick to MAC, MUFE or UD. I honestly think the quality of their e/s is mediocre for the price they sell them for :/


Active member
What was the real point of your post? I mean really... is it productive to post your hate? Why not just stop buying it?


Well-known member
i am sorry you dont like nars! i would suggests not to give up on the brand entirely though! i have been using nars for 10 years now, and i have probably 50 eyeshadows and god knows how many lipglosses blushes and such.

i have found that the more i layer UDPP and paintpots the worst it is. the best solution i have found for nars shadows is nars concealer and powder on my lids before shadow. i sometimes layer their cream shadows and powder shadows. obvioulsy everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but i have never found another brand i think even comes CLOSE to nars! ALL nars is my HG!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pokiedot
What was the real point of your post? I mean really... is it productive to post your hate? Why not just stop buying it?

you seem to be offended by this thread...? everyone is entitled to their opinion and i'm sure she just wanted to know if others felt the same way about NARS as she did. there's no need to be pissy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pokiedot
What was the real point of your post? I mean really... is it productive to post your hate? Why not just stop buying it?

first of all, her thread is clearly titled 'i dislike nars' not 'i hate nars'.

second, she stated her reasons for her dislike and was asking advice from everyone else what their thoughts were on the subject (regarding e/s).

third, thanks L1LMAMAJ for creating this thread (and everyone else who answered) because i myself was about to purchase my first nars shadow the other day and now i'm kind of glad nordstrom was out of stock on it because when i swiped it, the payoff wasn't as good as i had hoped. now my thoughts are confirmed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pokiedot
What was the real point of your post? I mean really... is it productive to post your hate? Why not just stop buying it?

This is a forum where everyone has a chance to express their feelings about makeup. I personally wasn't too fond of NARS and I was just wondering if others felt the same way. It's not about being "productive" or whatever. I'm just saying how I feel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmae17
i am sorry you dont like nars! i would suggests not to give up on the brand entirely though! i have been using nars for 10 years now, and i have probably 50 eyeshadows and god knows how many lipglosses blushes and such.

i have found that the more i layer UDPP and paintpots the worst it is. the best solution i have found for nars shadows is nars concealer and powder on my lids before shadow. i sometimes layer their cream shadows and powder shadows. obvioulsy everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but i have never found another brand i think even comes CLOSE to nars! ALL nars is my HG!!!

hmm that's interesting about the layer udpp and paintpots. it usually works for other eyeshadows. maybe i'll try it with what you suggested. thanks!


Well-known member
I have the Nars Rated R Duo and one of the single shadows from the Night Series and I am not overly impressed by the texture of them. Also - something in the blue side of the Rated R Duo makes my eyes water profusely! It basically makes me cry. So I cant say I'm a big fan of the shadows I have tried so far. I will however give props to the blushes. I own 4 and love them so much! I'm definitely going to purchase more.

Oh and the rubber packaging annoys me too. I hate how scummy it gets now matter how well I look after it. However, the included mirrors are certainly a major plus


Well-known member
Actually, I like to use MAC's Vanilla e/s all over the lid after I put on my UDPP to brighten my lids. I think setting the base with a powder shadow will allow the NARS shadows to blend a bit easier. The powder base will allow the pigments to "move around" easier.

Same goes with applying a very pigmented blush. If you apply a bit more loose powder on your cheeks...and then apply the blush, the blush blends out much easier.

Which palette and duo do you have L1LMAMAJ?

I realize that when eyeshadows look chalky, it is probably not compatible with my skin tone... and suit people with fairer skin. NARS caters to very fair skinned ladies too...and who may not always want dark looks.

I know the All About Eve duo, which a lot of people rave about, does nothing for me, but the Alhambra duo which is similar but is more pigmented works better on me.

Sorry I keep going on and on. I am definitely not offended by this thread, just wanted to provide some insight because if I was posting in the MAC forum about how I dislike MAC, I would probably get some tips from the MAC lovers too...because they want to be helpful with something they love and are more familiar with....or be told to shut up and go back to the NARS forum haha. It's definitely not productive to tell you not to express your discontent...

Ok, I am done blabbing


Well-known member
Not a great fan either. I only have one e/s in Cairo and the albatross lovejoy blush duo. I have only used the duo a handful of times and is just sitting in my makeup container waiting to be used.


Well-known member
I only own NARS blushes and eye liners. I can't deny their blushes have better quality than the MAC ones (I still love my MAC blushes!) but the eye liners, I have tried better ones from MUFE and UD. I only buy MAC e/s.


I love NARS. The only regret that I have is purchasing the Hula Hula eyeshadow duo. No matter how I apply it (with or without a primer), the sparkles go everywhere. It is the only NARS eyeshadow I have purchased that is not pigmented.


Well-known member
I was glad you posted this regarding NARS e/s. I was looking at the Rated R duo and compared it to MAC Rated "R" starflash e/s and I have to say I liked the texture of MAC's better. Granted I think MAC should make starflash perm!

I've never have tried NARS e/s so it's great to see feedback from everyone.


Well-known member
I love Nars as a brand. IMO it's grown woman's makeup.

I only have a few Nars e/s but I don't apply them the way I apply my MAC e/s. MAC is good for packing it on with brushes and for everyone to see that you have on makeup. Nars is for looking naturally beautiful, and using your fingers is the best method. It's just a different vision/vibe, so you apply them differently. Neither is better or worse.

Nars blush is KING. Period.

Lipsticks are hit or miss. But I'm not a lipstick person, so...

This is a good thread--gets people's opinions out there...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
i don't know if it's me or not but NARS eyeshadows do not work for me. i loveee the blushes but the eyeshadows are sooo chalky and unblendable. for reference, i use udpp then a mac p/p under the shadows and it looks sooo dull and chalky. i'm about to give up and sell my palette and duo.
other people make it look so gorgeous but no matter how hard i try, i just can't seem to make it work for me. when i use MAC, everything is lovely and blended but not for NARS. what am i doing wrong? is NARS a hit or miss? your thoughts?

Perhaps you should try just lightly dusting your lids with loose powder and then apply the shadows in a patting/rolling motion. I find that blending Nars e/s like you would a Mac e/s never works. One needs a different technique and approach.

Or try a Nars cream e/s as a base. It's cream to powder (moreso than udpp or a paint pot).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MizzVivaGlam
I think MAC honestly just makes the best eyeshadows ever, you get spoiled after you try just one. I can't afford to let myself get obsessed with NARS though lol.

I guess everyone has their own opinions, i own quite a few mac eyeshadows, and i can honestly say that in my opinion they are VERY overrated.I think i started to realize that when fafi came out and how amazingly UN-pigmented the quads were. Some colors are great such as club, woodwinked, and Sumptious Olive. But their mattes are beyond chalky. I hardly even like to touch them.

For me Nars will always be the better brand. But thats just my opinion.

PS. For all the people who say that Nars is over priced and they dont want to purchase anything from them, just think about how many eyeshadows/ lipstick you got just because they were limited edition or had nice packaging that are now sitting at the bottom of your makeup stash unused!


Well-known member
As much as I love my NARS, it does have its weak points. For me, its the cream shadows, they are too sheer and crease like crazy. Some of the lighter matte eyeshadows in either duos and singles are too light ans somewhat ashy for my darker skintone. Which is crazy because the blushes are perfect for us darker chicks...

And I like the rubber packaging, its durable cause i'm really tough on my stuff lol


Well-known member
Some NARS shadows are a nightmare to blend while some are easy & very smooth. I guess it depends on which one. I had trouble with Joulie Poupee & Indian Summer so I ended up giving them away.

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