i dislike NARS

Jackie O

Well-known member
Originally Posted by pokiedot

I think you should eliminate either the UDPP or the Paint pot and try again. I'm not sure why you would need two bases anyway.

Actually hun, UDPP is a primer, which is used to help shadows last longer and prevent creasing. MAC's paintpots are bases, which are designed to enhance the eyeshadows true color and also prevent it from looking washed out. So actually she is doing the right thing by using both; a lot of people get confused with the difference between a primer and base. Yes, in most circumstances they should be used together. Just thought I'd clear that up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jackie O
Actually hun, UDPP is a primer, which is used to help shadows last longer and prevent creasing. MAC's paintpots are bases, which are designed to enhance the eyeshadows true color and also prevent it from looking washed out. So actually she is doing the right thing by using both; a lot of people get confused with the difference between a primer and base. Yes, in most circumstances they should be used together. Just thought I'd clear that up

thank you =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elektra513
Or try a Nars cream e/s as a base. It's cream to powder (moreso than udpp or a paint pot).

According to a NARS trainer who came to our spa, NARS' cream shadows are not cream-to-powder and do crease.


Well-known member
I agree they really aren't that much more expensive then a Mac shadow seeing as you get more product with a Nars eyeshadow plus they comes with little mirrors in them which mac shadows do not. From my experience Mac shadows just are ok to me I think they are a bit over-hyped and unfortunately they don't last very long on me even with a primer or base macs bare study PP they crease 3 quarters into the day my cheapy 88 color eyeshadow palette lasts longer on me then Macs shadows as crazy as that sounds. I absolutely love Nars shadows I think the colors are great, the packaging is great (Props for the little mirrors being in there) and I only use UDPP and they blend pretty well for me. I think it's worth the price as you get a generous amount of product and it's convenient to use as you can apply it right then and there with the mirror.


New member
i own the multiple luxor, the sheer glow foundation, the blush sin and zen, mekong and brumes duo and i love every single piece of my little collection...

i have tons of mac stuff and in my opinion nars make up looks more sofisticated and interesting than the mac stuff...

and i do love the packaging since its rubber and can not fall down easily..whats so bad about it being a bit dirty?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by aniusha
i own the multiple luxor, the sheer glow foundation, the blush sin and zen, mekong and brumes duo and i love every single piece of my little collection...

i have tons of mac stuff and in my opinion nars make up looks more sofisticated and interesting than the mac stuff...

and i do love the packaging since its rubber and can not fall down easily..whats so bad about it being a bit dirty?


yes i agree that nars packaging does look sleek and sophisticated. but the rubber part just collects a lot of eyeshadow bits and dust and seems to magnify it since it's black.


New member
i dont mean the packaging that looks more sophisticated but the colours and the collections...and of course the looks you can create with these colours..

for me the mac colours are a bit obvoius and colourful instead of being natural and interesting like the nars ones..

and i really dont mind that the rubber packaging gets dirty!


Well-known member
I just bought the Nars duo in... Euridyce or whatever its called. The purple colour is to dye for in the pan. When i tried to apply it, it just showed up muddy looking and blue. I was so dissapointed. There are so many colours i want, but i feel like im wasting my money. Does anyone have any tricks to make NARS shadows work?


Well-known member
^ Yeah it was so weird when I swatched it in Sephora...I'm not quite sure if it was Eurydice I was swatching, but it appeared to be a shimmery blue-purple in the pan and on my hand it was this weird matte deep plum?? Gorgeous nonetheless, but very strange...


Well-known member
When i swatch it on my finger it turns out true to the pan, but when i try it with a brush its garbage!! Its too bad too, cause i really want a bunch of others, like mekong, ,but if thats how they're all gonna look, then theres no use. Next time our NARS rep is in, im going to ask her for some tips.


Well-known member
My best friend bought me a bunch of NARS for Christmas, I'm honestly impressed with everything that I received. I got the Euridyce duo and I actually like the color it turns to. It sort of reminds me of Burnt Burgundy.

I also have Misfit and it applies exactly the way it does in the pan. Maybe it's just Euridyce?


New member
i think eurydice must be applied either wet or you have to pack it on a wet base (like blacktrack) but the base must be still wet when you pack the colour on....and you really have to pack it on instead of rubbing it on you lids


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
When i swatch it on my finger it turns out true to the pan, but when i try it with a brush its garbage!! Its too bad too, cause i really want a bunch of others, like mekong, ,but if thats how they're all gonna look, then theres no use. Next time our NARS rep is in, im going to ask her for some tips.

This maybe a pat on color, I got Brousse not Euridyce but if it's like Mekong and the night series, you can't treat it like you would mac.
But it looks amazing after you learn the right way to apply it, pat on in a rolling motion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aniusha
i dont mean the packaging that looks more sophisticated but the colours and the collections...and of course the looks you can create with these colours..

for me the mac colours are a bit obvoius and colourful instead of being natural and interesting like the nars ones..

and i really dont mind that the rubber packaging gets dirty!

well i think mac has a lot of very sophisticated colors. ones like copperplate, print, cork, texture, soft brown, those can all be very sophisticated when paired right. i might give nars another try but i would have to do a bit more research before buying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
well i think mac has a lot of very sophisticated colors. ones like copperplate, print, cork, texture, soft brown, those can all be very sophisticated when paired right. i might give nars another try but i would have to do a bit more research before buying.

I think she's talking about the overall direction of the brands. MAC tends to focus on what's edgy and trendy, while NARS tends to favor a slightly more natural, day-to-day type look. Both brands have bright colors and natural colors, but the way they advertise and who they market themselves to are very different.

Personally, I think NARS' blushes can't be beat once you find the colors that really wow you. But I don't like most of their lip products, excluding one or two of their glosses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
This maybe a pat on color, I got Brousse not Euridyce but if it's like Mekong and the night series, you can't treat it like you would mac.
But it looks amazing after you learn the right way to apply it, pat on in a rolling motion

thats how i apply most of my shadows (patting), and still a muddy mess for me. I asked the NARS rep for some quick tips and she basically told me to pair them with the cream shadows. I was dissapointed with this answer, not only did they still not turn out true to pan (a nicer, but very tame version of the pan colour), but i dont really want to buy a bunch of diffrent products so they work, ya know?

i did apply night porter over stila smudge pot in black and the green realy showed up. im thinking of using it over my GPS soon. i duno, im gonna keep playing around with them to find a solution. I just find any colour that has a glitter, pearl or shimmer to it turns out muddy and/or ugly on me.

maybe a sponge tip is my only option!


Well-known member
I haven't purchased a lot of NARS, their eyeshadows intrigue me, but I've heard a lot of crap abotut heir payoff.

Also, the price scares me, alot!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Iya
I hear you, yesterday, i tried to use the "Night Flight" eyeshadow (dark navy blue) over benefit's tattle tale (pearlish white cream eyeshadow)to brighten it up, instead of getting a blue colour, it turned out grey!!
and when used alone, it looked black; i stumbled upon your post after typing "nars" on the search engine, as i was wondering if i did something wrong, or if there is a different way of wearing the colour without changing it. I guess Nars is just not for me.

try using a black base! i have night clubbing and night porter. night porter sucks on its own but with MUFE black cream shadow it looks gorgeous. night clubbing is super pigmented.

i agree with the es being chalky and too glittery..its not even shimmer its just glitter! the orgasm blush failed for me and i almost gave up on nars..but then i fell in love with the sheer glow foundation! i have to say sheer glow is now my HG foundation. i've got 4 es and soft touch shadow pencil. i don't see my nars collection growing any further than that.

also, when i use my p/p, sometimes i use a ccb like fawntastic all over, up to my eyebrows, then p/p just on my lid..bc painterly tends to dry up on me fast and it pulls and makes my es look really ugly. ccb makes it a little smoother and easier to blend.

i'm a MAC snob and have been for almost 8 years.. i only own a few items from other brands such as mufe, nars, and ud. i have a hard time buying non-mac items! i end up feeling guilty.


Well-known member
I personally am not a huge Nars fan. I used to buy their products but I found i was never satisfied. I ended up swapping most of it on makeup alley. The only Nars items I still own is the galapagos eyeshadow (which blends like sh*t, but it's so pretty in the pan i don't want to get rid of it), orgasm & turkish delight lipgloss, and a few creme blushes (which i love!). I used to have quite a few eye shadow and the eye shadow duos but I just found that they weren't anything special. Their powder blushes are okay, I used to have orgasm and deep throat but I ended up swapping that as well.

I guess a lot it does come down to be very Mac loyal. I love their eye shadows more then any others. And I love their blushes. I've found my HG blush in Mac (well dressed).

Just a tip for the people on here that posted about how the Nars rubber packaging gets dirty real easily - clean it with rubbing alcohol. It works like a charm!

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