I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


On the other hand, some customers know they are being greeted as a theft deterrent and feel insulted that they are being profiled. I guess it depends on the tone of the greeting.


Active member
I don't work in makeup but I have worked retail 99% of my working life so I feel the pain here.

I do my best to be polite and courteous to people who are helping me because generally I have been there.
On the other hand, if someone is a complete snatchbucket then I'll either turn and walk out or tell them why I am leaving and go put back my purchases before I walk out.

I was at MAC in Lynnwood this weekend, they were swamped and all I wanted was a single Buckwheat e/s, I would have come back but they were sold out online and I couldn't find any at the two stores I'd stopped at previously. Many MAs said hello but they were busy and I told them all to take their time, I was in no rush.
My husband and I waited about ten or fifteen minutes and a lovely MA checked for me that indeed they did have them in and grabbed one for me in between helping her two other customers. She asked if we could wait a moment which was no problem and finished her two other customers who were now ready and then she rang us up and I thanked her for her time and wished her luck for the day.
I've only ever ran into one what I could say 'rude' MA. First off, I'm not exactly a svelt girl which seems to give many MAC MAs pause though I don't understand it, also I sometimes have to stop in after work so by then I'm a bit unkempt. This girl looks at me, practically sneered and then proceeded to ignore me. Sadly this was the only MA there, and the counter was dead, no other customers. I decided she could be having a bad day and I really wanted these things so I walked up to the counter where she had her back to me and said very nicely, 'excuse me?'. She proceeded to ignore me, so I tried again 'excuse me I'd like to make some purchases', she ignored me again so then I'd had it, I said 'Okay then, well, I had almost 300.00 to spend here today but I'll come back when another sales person is willing to help me", at this she turned around but I spun on my heal and walked out.
I'm not a quiet person, even some workers at the counters near her looked over when I said 'excuse me' the first two times so I know I wasn't too quiet to hear especially when she knew I was there.
I haven't seen her at the counter since so I don't think she lasted long.

The only time I get the pushy people are at CCOs. I understand they are worried about theft but oh my goodness! If I have a person ask me AGAIN in the same minute if they can hold my items up front I'll scream.


Well-known member
The other day a cute blonde and her boyfriend came to MAC and she proceeded to tell me with a smile she would like her free lipstick as she passed me a bag of containers. I go through it and I say "I'm sorry this is not enough..." and before I can say anything she's like "No there are four eyeshadows and a lip pencil (cremestick)".

I then tell her she needs 6 to return for a free lipstick. She's like "No... all the other times I've been here it's been 4 or 5 why would they change it" I then tell her No it's actually been 6 ever since I can remember and I've used MAC for more than 5 years. With a huff and puff she turns grabs her bag and storms off her with boyfriend.

Um I work here, I know our procedures?? This reminds me of another customer that said she got Viva Glam V as a B2m'd lipstick. She even showed us a marker dot on her old lipstick. Who is dumb enough to give Viva Glam away for free?? I'm sure if I took a sharpie and marked my Viva Glam I could claim it was free too!


God, I hear that! People argue on a daily basis how many empties it is to B2M.

"It's 6 now? When did they change it?"

"Oh, at "the other" counter it's 5."

Or that other counters B2M for eye shadows or lipglass.

I had one girl go ballistic on me when I told her she could not B2M for a VG. She said she had no problems doing it at other counters and stores. OK.

People, it's free! Don't be tacky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
God, I hear that! People argue on a daily basis how many empties it is to B2M.

"It's 6 now? When did they change it?"

"Oh, at "the other" counter it's 5."

Or that other counters B2M for eye shadows or lipglass.

I had one girl go ballistic on me when I told her she could not B2M for a VG. She said she had no problems doing it at other counters and stores. OK.

People, it's free! Don't be tacky.

Riiiiiiiiiight? It's a charity lipstick? CONTIBUTE TO CHARITY. Jeez, use B2M for Girl About Town, something you wouldn't normally pay for! God!

And seriously, if other counters ARE giving away Viva Glam... they're doing it wrong.


Well-known member
Yeah people are pretty tacky when it comes to free things these days...I'm going to suffer through hell next month when we have gift-with-purchase *sigh*


Well-known member
wowwww. I have NO idea how you are so patient with these people!! I would of flipped out by now! Especially with the lady that wanted you to look through alllllllllll those boxes for her ONE eyeshadow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
I've just finished read every post in this tread and as a fellow retail worker I sympatize and empathize. I would like to share a story of my own.

On Aug 25, 2005 Katrina lumbered on to the shores of south Florida. The store I was then working in was not prepared for the storm. Leading up to the actual landfall most media outlets was reporting it as Tropical Storm Katrina. In South FL a Tropical Storm isn't reason enough to stop going. However by the time Katrina got to us it was offically a Catagory 1 Hurricane. So the other managers and I were in a rush to get the customers (yes there were ppl shopping in this mess) out of the store. At this point I had all but one of the registers closed and we still had one customer shopping. We informed her that we wanted to get our remaining employees safely to their homes. If you looked out the windows at this point you would have seen the wind whipping palm trees around our parking lot. I should mention at this point that one of the employees that we were trying to get out was 8 months pregnant. This customer looked at us and then still took her time. Then when she finally brought what ever trival item it was that she COULDN'T live without she had the BALLS to ask us to gift wrap it. My district manager was there and started laughing out loud at the customer. I said no and rung her up urging her out the door to her waiting Bently.

wowww... Thats CRAZY!! I would have been like "theres a hurricane, you need to leave...now." haha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MaskedBeauty
wowwww. I have NO idea how you are so patient with these people!! I would of flipped out by now! Especially with the lady that wanted you to look through alllllllllll those boxes for her ONE eyeshadow.

I JUST had this happen. Working alone, store full of customers and boxes stacked up over the counters. She kept coming back every 15-20 mins to see if i had found it yet. Uhm, NO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
The other day a cute blonde and her boyfriend came to MAC and she proceeded to tell me with a smile she would like her free lipstick as she passed me a bag of containers. I go through it and I say "I'm sorry this is not enough..." and before I can say anything she's like "No there are four eyeshadows and a lip pencil (cremestick)".

I then tell her she needs 6 to return for a free lipstick. She's like "No... all the other times I've been here it's been 4 or 5 why would they change it" I then tell her No it's actually been 6 ever since I can remember and I've used MAC for more than 5 years. With a huff and puff she turns grabs her bag and storms off her with boyfriend.

Um I work here, I know our procedures?? This reminds me of another customer that said she got Viva Glam V as a B2m'd lipstick. She even showed us a marker dot on her old lipstick. Who is dumb enough to give Viva Glam away for free?? I'm sure if I took a sharpie and marked my Viva Glam I could claim it was free too!

This happens to me atleast twice a week. Customer comes in with 4-5 empties wanting thier free lipstick & when I explain that it's 6. They are like "Since when? When did you raise the number?!" I try to explain that it has always been 6 & they act like I am crazy & trying to keep them from getting their free lipstick or something lol! Then there are the ones who bring in the empty boxes, not the containers or the ones who bring in the wooden pencils that have been sharpened down to little nubs & don't understand why they don't count.


Well-known member
I will start at MAC soon and I'm a bit nervous about meeting ungrateful, difficult customers.
At least now I'm sort of prepared. I'm pretty good at staying calm and not letting them get to me. We'll see. Haha.


I seriously hate it when customers think they know what their talking about, then don't fricken ask me. I had this one customer come in looking for natural looking lashes, I show her some but then she goes, "I said natural". She proceeds to pick out 46's and then when I put them on her shes like, "There not even doing anything". I'm like yah idiot, cause your natural lashes are longer than that. Why the hell do you think I didn't show you those. And then she goes on to say that she wants to return them, wtf! I already put them on.


Well-known member
First crack head customer experience the other day.

So this lady walks in and wants me to try a couple of colors on her. So I do a look like she requested and she keeps complaining and saying how horrible I am at the job and how I don't know anything. I was so offended but I kept calm and told her she can show me how she wants it. She then starts drawing all these weird lines on her eye with the eyeliner and goes crazy with it. She yells more insults my way until my manager saved me. My manager purposely asked me to step aside and 'help' him so I didn't have to help her out again. She was so freakin evil.


Active member
Damn! After reading through these threads, wow.... I want to work at MAC but it seems like a job straight from hell.

Anyway a few questions, I TRY to be as nice as possible when I go to my mac counter ( ususally just for LE items)

I never ask for help unless I need to pay. (or suggestions etc.)

Does it bother you all that people ask for pigment samples? I always make a purchase, but one time I purchased a bunch of stuff, and I asked for a pigment sample ( makeup art collection) of reflects rust, and the SA told me " we don't do that, we have no more jars", I know i may sound crazy but I had an empty mac jar with me at the time because I used to stick my class ring in there when I went to my dance classes(people are theives, that disguised it well) so I told her" well I have a jar in my bag actually" so she rolled her eyes and gave me a sample in a jar she said she didn't have.

Also does it bother you when we know exactly what we want? Because sometimes when I ask for something a SA will make a suggestion and I will just say " um no i want this" and they always seem really annoyed...


Well-known member
Where I used to work, the bags we used to put the products in had "$1 off next purchase" on them. Customers seriously would buy the products, find that coupon and 2 seconds after I handed them their items, ask to return their items so they can use that coupon on their purchase.

First off, you have spend $150 dollars just now, is paying $149 instead that important to you?

Secondly, it says on your next purchase. Had you not purchased these items, you would not have received the coupon. Why should I let you return two seconds after you had purchased them and then use the coupon you got from that purchase?

I've had to do so many tedious returns because of that. Thank god they took that coupon away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tina1wina13
Damn! After reading through these threads, wow.... I want to work at MAC but it seems like a job straight from hell.

Anyway a few questions, I TRY to be as nice as possible when I go to my mac counter ( ususally just for LE items)

I never ask for help unless I need to pay. (or suggestions etc.)

Does it bother you all that people ask for pigment samples? I always make a purchase, but one time I purchased a bunch of stuff, and I asked for a pigment sample ( makeup art collection) of reflects rust, and the SA told me " we don't do that, we have no more jars", I know i may sound crazy but I had an empty mac jar with me at the time because I used to stick my class ring in there when I went to my dance classes(people are theives, that disguised it well) so I told her" well I have a jar in my bag actually" so she rolled her eyes and gave me a sample in a jar she said she didn't have.

Also does it bother you when we know exactly what we want? Because sometimes when I ask for something a SA will make a suggestion and I will just say " um no i want this" and they always seem really annoyed...

I personally don't get annoyed when ppl ask for samples. I mean, unless they want samples of like 20 things. Usually they ask for 1 or 2 samples. I know when a customer is just being cheap and wants free stuff and I can tell when they truly are interested in something.

I know some people don't want to be bothered when at the MAC counter. I greet everyone and ask if they need help, if they say no, then I don't pester them. Some people just wanna look at the colors, play with them, and they'll let u know if they wanan get something. Most customers usually do want help. Some tell me there are just so many products and colors to choose from and they need a rec so I give them a rec. =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by obscuria
Where I used to work, the bags we used to put the products in had "$1 off next purchase" on them. Customers seriously would buy the products, find that coupon and 2 seconds after I handed them their items, ask to return their items so they can use that coupon on their purchase.

First off, you have spend $150 dollars just now, is paying $149 instead that important to you?

Secondly, it says on your next purchase. Had you not purchased these items, you would not have received the coupon. Why should I let you return two seconds after you had purchased them and then use the coupon you got from that purchase?

I've had to do so many tedious returns because of that. Thank god they took that coupon away.

wow that's annoying...at michael's, i get coupons for 20% off next purchase dated ____ to ____ so people can't be like, 'oh hey i wanna return this thing i just bought cuz i just got this coupon from u...'

glad i don't have to deal with coupons.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tina1wina13
Damn! After reading through these threads, wow.... I want to work at MAC but it seems like a job straight from hell.

Anyway a few questions, I TRY to be as nice as possible when I go to my mac counter ( ususally just for LE items)

I never ask for help unless I need to pay. (or suggestions etc.)

Does it bother you all that people ask for pigment samples? I always make a purchase, but one time I purchased a bunch of stuff, and I asked for a pigment sample ( makeup art collection) of reflects rust, and the SA told me " we don't do that, we have no more jars", I know i may sound crazy but I had an empty mac jar with me at the time because I used to stick my class ring in there when I went to my dance classes(people are theives, that disguised it well) so I told her" well I have a jar in my bag actually" so she rolled her eyes and gave me a sample in a jar she said she didn't have.

Also does it bother you when we know exactly what we want? Because sometimes when I ask for something a SA will make a suggestion and I will just say " um no i want this" and they always seem really annoyed...

If someone just bought a bunch of stuff from me, you bet I will give a pigment sample. I can't drain the jar, but I totally try to hook my regulars up. If someone is really cool, I'll even offer to give a sample of one we are out of if it is LE. It's just gonna be B2Med to sit in a drawer. If someone comes in and is jerky, then no.
I don't mind giving samples at all, and even will offer one to someone difficult to make then happy and (to be honest) get them out of my face. I am really laid back and try to be really nice...but I don't have a lot of patience for rude people and I am tired of dealing with it. Golden rule, people.

Originally Posted by obscuria
Where I used to work, the bags we used to put the products in had "$1 off next purchase" on them. Customers seriously would buy the products, find that coupon and 2 seconds after I handed them their items, ask to return their items so they can use that coupon on their purchase.

First off, you have spend $150 dollars just now, is paying $149 instead that important to you?

Secondly, it says on your next purchase. Had you not purchased these items, you would not have received the coupon. Why should I let you return two seconds after you had purchased them and then use the coupon you got from that purchase?

I've had to do so many tedious returns because of that. Thank god they took that coupon away.

That's when you want to say, "I'll give you a freakin' dollar if you just get out of my face."