I love when customers try to tell me how to do my job...


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Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
First crack head customer experience the other day.

So this lady walks in and wants me to try a couple of colors on her. So I do a look like she requested and she keeps complaining and saying how horrible I am at the job and how I don't know anything. I was so offended but I kept calm and told her she can show me how she wants it. She then starts drawing all these weird lines on her eye with the eyeliner and goes crazy with it. She yells more insults my way until my manager saved me. My manager purposely asked me to step aside and 'help' him so I didn't have to help her out again. She was so freakin evil.

Oh you've been broken in! I had someone do that with LiquidLast. Have fun trying to get that off later.


Well-known member
I worked in an occult store called Baldwins for about 18 months.

So it's a different field, but you get just as many nutcases and the product you're buying (for what I am ranting about) is perishable and pricey and you don't want other people fingering it!

We mostly sold books covering all directions of the occult, from satanism to wicca, from hermetics to zorastrians, but we mostly attracted curious teeny goths.

You would get teenaged wiccans come in all the time(no offense if there are any her, but goddamn they made me angry!) They would TOUCH EVERYTHING! I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but a lot of that stuff, you touch it, you buy it! You open it it's yours!

We had a lot of items such as herbs, plants, powders and such like in small bags/packages which had been sealed by the person we purchased in from, which become useless/go off in days once opened.
It's much like opening a lipgloss/eyeliner, testing it and putting it back on the shelf.

We had very clear "DO NOT TOUCH" signs all over the place and signs stating "Touch it it's yours" because certain items are supposedly of no use if someone else has handled them.... Kinda like make up!!

But yeah my point is people who have to touch shit in a shop which they aren't going to buy/can't afford.

I hate people who don't realise tinkering with something makes wasted stock and profit loss!

You try explaining to a 14 yr old goth "That's £47 a gram, and you'd puke if I told you what it's intended for, but now you've opened and sniffed it..."


Well-known member
Here's the lady I had last night that made me late to clock out. LOL.

She USED to use most of the Lauder skin care (cleanser, Idealist, ANR and moisturizer) but she didn't think she was seeing any results. So she stopped using them and stated using some bar soap a lady she works with sells her and some stuff from Sally's. She now notices her pores seems larger, her skin is dryer and her foundation doesn't go on as smoothly. So she wants to return the foundation. After finding out the above, I asked why she stopped using Lauder skincare and she said she didn't think she was seeing any results. So after you stop using our skin care and start using some off brand stuff you notice your skin isn't as nice as it was, and you think it's the foundation you're using (which was fine before)? Umm. Okay. LOL. She didn't want to listen.

And then when I asked her is she exfoliated, she said yes. Then I asked how often, and she admitted she had no clue what I meant.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by KimmyAnn_678
Here's the lady I had last night that made me late to clock out. LOL.

She USED to use most of the Lauder skin care (cleanser, Idealist, ANR and moisturizer) but she didn't think she was seeing any results. So she stopped using them and stated using some bar soap a lady she works with sells her and some stuff from Sally's. She now notices her pores seems larger, her skin is dryer and her foundation doesn't go on as smoothly. So she wants to return the foundation. After finding out the above, I asked why she stopped using Lauder skincare and she said she didn't think she was seeing any results. So after you stop using our skin care and start using some off brand stuff you notice your skin isn't as nice as it was, and you think it's the foundation you're using (which was fine before)? Umm. Okay. LOL. She didn't want to listen.

And then when I asked her is she exfoliated, she said yes. Then I asked how often, and she admitted she had no clue what I meant.


Ah, exfoliation. People don't realize how fricken important it is....

OOOOOR there area always those special customers who like exfoliating a little TOO much- with their product of choice being a pumice stone (yes ladies and gentlemen... on their faces- I've heard this one too many times to count)


Well-known member
One of my biggest pet peeve is trying to serve customers who wont put down their cell phones for 2 seconds.

I work Part time at the mall in the food court. This one Saturday was the busiest weekend shopping day. So of course I am on the register trying to ring people in quicky and effectively crew. This spoiled ass girl, is on her cell phone, the ENTIRE time while trying to order food. Tells me she wants cheese breadsticks and pink lemonade. While still on her phone, I give her the total cost. She rudely says "umm no I'll just take the cheesestick, $1.81 is ridiculous for a bottel of pink lemonade." Remember I dont make the price! I just ring them in, its not my company. So biting my tongue I just say ok it's $4.80 then for your order. She is then bitching to the person she is on the phone with how its stupid we charge that much for a bottle of pink lemonade. I just try to ignore her. She gives me a $5.00 bill, and I ring it through and her change of course is $.20 cents, She she says rudely again, "If you only waited a few minutes I HAVE THAT CHANGE to give you." SO I said, well if you have it then just give it to me, and I'll give you $1.00 back. SHe says "no nevermind, if you weren't in a rush to do this transaction, I could have given you that change." (in her angry voice) I was so so close to saying, "listen up you dumb *****, First of all get off your cell phone when you are in the middle of a transaction or order because 1, it's rude , and 2nd things like this happens because you aren't paying attention and blame it on other people, and 3rd, you're effing RUDE and a *****.
Instead I just looked at her and smile and said HAVE A NICE DAY!!

please just tell the person you're on the phone with, can you hold on 1 second while I order my food.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i work at the body shop and we recently had a price increase last friday and people are SCREAMING at me and YELLING AND CURSING AT ME in the store like it was my personal decision to change the prices. this one woman had the mannerisms of someone off Charm School Girls. she walked around the store like she was hot shit and richer than all god holy hell but then she went on for 20 minutes about how awful it was that our prices went up like a DOLLAR and "how could i do that". then she was looking at brow liners and she was like "SHOW ME how to do that". so i get the tester and sanitize it, i get a clean brush and i go to show her and she goes "NO youre gonna show me how to do this with THAT brush" meaning the little one in the brow kit. so i show her and she goes "ugh thats absolutely f***cking disgusting. GIVE ME something to take this hideous thing off then GET AWAY FROM ME". then 5 minutes later she is looking at all the oil burners and goes "COME HERE. TELL ME how this works." then i start explaining how to do it and she starts going off on me about how "expensive" the oils are, while waving a soapstone oil burner around during her rant. and low and behold she BREAKS it. then when i go to clean it up she goes "GET AWAY FROM ME. youre in MY way" and at no point EVER apologized for breaking the item nor did she ever offer to pay, which is what alot of normal people do. that was absolutely IT. i had to walk in the back room and relax before i slapped her. might i also add that she was not only being a huge b i t c h to everyone in the store, but she was also returning $50 of makeup products without a receipt, which im pretty sure was STOLEN from another store.

ive had customers come in the store and yell at me about our color selection, like i personally made up all the colors myself. sorry, this is the body shop, our makeup line sucks... mac is 2 stores down and sephora is directly below us. stop yelling at me.

at my store we give out alot of free samples with almost every purchase. that just part of our body shop theory. that doesnt mean people can waltz into the store with no intention of getting anything and just go up and ask "do you have anything free today". its free for you to get out of my store, thats whats free today.

i definetly feel your pain when it comes to awful customers.
i really dont understand who people really think that they are, and what possesses people to be so rude and obnoxious to perfect strangers.
if you dont need help with anything, be polite about it.
if you have questions, be polite about it. there is no reason to be obnoxious or act like we are ruining your life by asking if you have any questions. thats out JOB. i especially love it when i welcome people to the store and inform them of our sales and ask if they have any questions and theyre like "NO! JUST LOOKING LEAVE ME ALONE" then 2 seconds later theyre like COME HERE. HELP ME NOW.
the other day my manager welcomed someone to the store and she was like LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. literally she said that to him and walked out of the store.

This is appalling. I cannot believe what I am reading!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SarahC0612
This is appalling. I cannot believe what I am reading!!!!

Yeah, body shop customers are on a whole other level. I had some crazies when I worked there... WHOLE. OTHER. LEVEL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i work at the body shop and we recently had a price increase last friday and people are SCREAMING at me and YELLING AND CURSING AT ME in the store like it was my personal decision to change the prices. this one woman had the mannerisms of someone off Charm School Girls. she walked around the store like she was hot shit and richer than all god holy hell but then she went on for 20 minutes about how awful it was that our prices went up like a DOLLAR and "how could i do that". then she was looking at brow liners and she was like "SHOW ME how to do that". so i get the tester and sanitize it, i get a clean brush and i go to show her and she goes "NO youre gonna show me how to do this with THAT brush" meaning the little one in the brow kit. so i show her and she goes "ugh thats absolutely f***cking disgusting. GIVE ME something to take this hideous thing off then GET AWAY FROM ME". then 5 minutes later she is looking at all the oil burners and goes "COME HERE. TELL ME how this works." then i start explaining how to do it and she starts going off on me about how "expensive" the oils are, while waving a soapstone oil burner around during her rant. and low and behold she BREAKS it. then when i go to clean it up she goes "GET AWAY FROM ME. youre in MY way" and at no point EVER apologized for breaking the item nor did she ever offer to pay, which is what alot of normal people do. that was absolutely IT. i had to walk in the back room and relax before i slapped her. might i also add that she was not only being a huge b i t c h to everyone in the store, but she was also returning $50 of makeup products without a receipt, which im pretty sure was STOLEN from another store.

ive had customers come in the store and yell at me about our color selection, like i personally made up all the colors myself. sorry, this is the body shop, our makeup line sucks... mac is 2 stores down and sephora is directly below us. stop yelling at me.

at my store we give out alot of free samples with almost every purchase. that just part of our body shop theory. that doesnt mean people can waltz into the store with no intention of getting anything and just go up and ask "do you have anything free today". its free for you to get out of my store, thats whats free today.

i definetly feel your pain when it comes to awful customers.
i really dont understand who people really think that they are, and what possesses people to be so rude and obnoxious to perfect strangers.
if you dont need help with anything, be polite about it.
if you have questions, be polite about it. there is no reason to be obnoxious or act like we are ruining your life by asking if you have any questions. thats out JOB. i especially love it when i welcome people to the store and inform them of our sales and ask if they have any questions and theyre like "NO! JUST LOOKING LEAVE ME ALONE" then 2 seconds later theyre like COME HERE. HELP ME NOW.
the other day my manager welcomed someone to the store and she was like LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. literally she said that to him and walked out of the store.

OMG I can't believe you have to deal with phycos like this! If it was me I'd hope to meet her on a night out with a bottle of vodka in me LOL! What a cheeky bitch like! x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I don't really understand this as an issue because as customers we're supposed to choose what we want carefully and be educated about the products we're buying.

I agree with this. Customers have a right to ask a billion questions, even if they are only buying one thing today. Cause who knows, maybe in a week they will come back and buy a bunch of stuff! As long as they are polite about it, I don't see a problem with it.

I go into my MAC store and often ask alot of questions because I am trying to learn. Sure I buy stuff alot, as I am a regular customer, but sometimes I can't afford to buy a whole boat load of stuff right at that moment. But, I also would never EVER conduct myself in the ghastly manner that so many people have describe in this thread, so I am sure that is part of the reason why my MAC store girls are always so happy to help me and answer my questions. I guess it's paid off too b/c I was just hired as a freelancer.

Just goes to prove what so many people on here have already confirmed - what goes around comes around. If you treat people with respect and courtesy, it comes back to you full circle.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACnickels
We actually keep a little book at the counter where we write down stupid things customers say. If you're ever having a bad day, just read a couple pages, and you'll die laughing. I think Boscia Skin care is all organic. I know they don't used presevatives, and it's all really good stuff. It's from japan.

I used to work in the Guest Relations Department at Disneyland. Our department also answered phones for the park's 1-800 line, and we kept one of these journals. OMG, HILARIOUS. I think we had two actually, one for the phone room, and one for the service desk at the front of the park. My absolute favorite was, "Where are the fireworks?" And our answer, "in the sky."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981

also, i have NEVER had an MA put anything on my face without telling me the specifics of what it is and what it does.




Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
God, I hear that! People argue on a daily basis how many empties it is to B2M.

"It's 6 now? When did they change it?"

"Oh, at "the other" counter it's 5."

Or that other counters B2M for eye shadows or lipglass.

I had one girl go ballistic on me when I told her she could not B2M for a VG. She said she had no problems doing it at other counters and stores. OK.

People, it's free! Don't be tacky.

Hahaha, I love when customers tell the workers what your policies are! I really don't believe in the whole, "The customer is always right" I think the trained employee is right the majority of the time.

I work at Petroglyph, a ceramic painting lounge. We have a $9.75 sitting fee to paint that covers all the supplies the customer needs, as well as the firing time. Whenever we greet a customer we ask them if they've been to the studio before and if they know the pricing. I love when they tell me yes, then are shocked by the sitting fee when the get to the counter and claim they've never had to pay one before. Well, the store's been open for about 20 years and has always had it, so if you've been here many times and never paid it, I guess you owe us some money, dontcha?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ghostsinsnow
Hahaha, I love when customers tell the workers what your policies are! I really don't believe in the whole, "The customer is always right" I think the trained employee is right the majority of the time.

I work at Petroglyph, a ceramic painting lounge. We have a $9.75 sitting fee to paint that covers all the supplies the customer needs, as well as the firing time. Whenever we greet a customer we ask them if they've been to the studio before and if they know the pricing. I love when they tell me yes, then are shocked by the sitting fee when the get to the counter and claim they've never had to pay one before. Well, the store's been open for about 20 years and has always had it, so if you've been here many times and never paid it, I guess you owe us some money, dontcha?

The deer in the headlights routine never ceases to amuse the hell out of me.


Well-known member
Wow I totally agree!!

I got my wedding makeup done at MAC and the artist did a fantastic job, because I told her a few things I liked, and let her do the rest. If you don't want that kind of treatment, go to the drugstore and pick out what you want. Nobody will bother you there.