I need to loose 30 pounds.


How to Start Losing Weight

* First, I want you to forget everything that has happened so far. Forget about your dieting failures, forget about any recent weight gain you might have experienced, forget about your fat tummy or thighs and give yourself a clean sheet. I know this is easier said than done, but it's very important if you want to lose weight and take back control of your life.

* Second, I want you to stop trying to be the "perfect dieter". No one is perfect when it comes to dieting and losing weight - not me, not you - no one! So you are going to make mistakes. You may crash in the first week. You may go on a huge eating binge in the second week. You may not do a single minute of physical exercise in week 3. It doesn't matter. Why not? Because when (not if) these things happen, you are gonna start over. And eventually you will get it right and achieve all your weight loss goals. Trust me.

* Third, don't "wait" to have a bad day or bad week on your diet. Instead, you are gonna plan for it. You are going to assume that your weight loss program goes up in smoke and you are going to have an "action-plan" to help you recover and start losing weight again. So sit down and plan what to do.

Maybe arrange to phone a close friend for support. Or decide to take a long walk. Or clean out your garden shed. It doesn't matter what you choose, as long as you have a program of action organised. Because when your diet plan flies out the window, you are gonna feel REAL guilty and start eating lots of calories. By having a specific plan to fall back on, you will overcome your temporary dieting problem and return to your weight loss plan.

* Fourth, I want you to stop thinking that dieting is a pain in the butt. The truth is, a healthy weight loss diet is not boring, or painful or uncomfortable. It is your passport to a new life. It is going to open up wonderful opportunities for you. The only thing that is boring, painful and uncomfortable is staying overweight. But you are gonna change all this. You are going to follow a healthy diet and lose weight and enjoy every moment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shazy
Hopefully I will as well, i gained 1 pound in the last two weeks...its amazing how much people vary on weight afterwards...was your baby big or little?

He was 7lbs 9 oz


Well-known member
This thread is definitely the motivation I needed. I made myself read all 8 pages while working out lol. Feels so great to know I'm not alone in this


Well-known member
Level 2 kicked my butt harder than 1. I am on day 2 of level 2 wish me luck!! I went for a 4 mile run today as well


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iShadow
Holy cow!!! I was 6 lbs 6 oz!

babies under 8 lbs are small these days...Most people are popping out 8 lb'ers...I was a small baby too...I was 5 lbs 9 oz


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
babies under 8 lbs are small these days...Most people are popping out 8 lb'ers...I was a small baby too...I was 5 lbs 9 oz

Awwww! Teeny! My mom is pretty little, she's only 5'3'' or so... But I'm 5'9'', I'm worried I'm going to be popping out like 10lb babies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
babies under 8 lbs are small these days...Most people are popping out 8 lb'ers...I was a small baby too...I was 5 lbs 9 oz

Originally Posted by iShadow
Awwww! Teeny! My mom is pretty little, she's only 5'3'' or so... But I'm 5'9'', I'm worried I'm going to be popping out like 10lb babies!

I think that the higher birth weights today are a function of women being heavier at conception, enjoying "eating for two" during pregnancy, and then viola...giant babies. I saw on the news that Ob-Gyns are now recommending women who are overweight gain only 10 - 15 pounds during pregnancy.

I think it's important to be at a healthy weight before getting pregnant, and then focusing on healthy weight gain during pregnancy. That's one of the reasons I'm being much more focused now that I have been in the past few years. I'd like to be at or very near my goal weight so that I finally do have kids, I'm not stuck losing even more weight after the pregnancies.


Well-known member
^^ I agree with that....I gained 25-26 lbs I think and it was gone within 2 weeks after I had Alex....Breastfeeding helps with the tummy shrinkage for sure


Well-known member
I am so happy reading you girls' posts. It's definitely a motivation to start hitting the gym and eating healthy.

I was 119 when i got here in US. Since there was no time to coook at home, I ended up eating out a lot. In N Out, Mexican fast foods, chinese to go's..Over the past years, I have gained 10 lbs or more. I wanna go back to my old weight and fit in my old clothes.

Also, I also noticed that my face is getting chubbier. My main concerns are my face and stomach. I really wanna shed some fat from those areas.

Any advice?

Thanks for the help.


Well-known member
Back on this thread after an absence, I went to a festival for 5 days recently and lost 5 pounds! I didnt know how but figured it was because i was having a breakfast bar and oj in the morning and then one main meal. I was drinking but i was also drinking water with every alcoholic beverage. And i was walking everywhere, we must've walked miles everyday, not to mention carrying all the tent and luggage which was ridiculously heavy!

So anyway im back now and my appetite seems to have stayed the same(minus me drinking) I have a nice breakfast and purely because i am not hungry i have been either splitting my main meal into lunch and dinner or having an extra light lunch and something like cereal for dinner. I am usually a snacker and i can honestly say ive not needed to, im not starving myself in fact ive not had any cravings for food. I have been drinking a lot of water all day and chewing sugarfree gum which im sure has helped. I have also been dancing like a madwoman for 45 mins every other day
I am weighing myself once a week and all seems to be good, all i know is that i dont want to gain those 5 pounds back, that is my incentive.


Well-known member
Just wanted to leave a quick update for anyone following:

This week I was getting really discouraged with my diet and exercise routine, I wasnt feeling like I was seeing progress and I was tired of eating bird food (not literally but you know what I mean) so I was finding excuses to sneak a couple bad things into my diet, not terrible things, but maybe pasta one night a week, or take out pizza with my mom one night, and I was feeling really down so I decided to go weigh myself thinking I hadn't made any progress.

I've lost 15 pounds so far. 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I couldn't have been more wrong.

So for anyone who is feeling discouraged, remember that you're doing this for a purpose! And things will change if you stay strong and stay dedicated to becoming a better version of yourself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Just wanted to leave a quick update for anyone following:

This week I was getting really discouraged with my diet and exercise routine, I wasnt feeling like I was seeing progress and I was tired of eating bird food (not literally but you know what I mean) so I was finding excuses to sneak a couple bad things into my diet, not terrible things, but maybe pasta one night a week, or take out pizza with my mom one night, and I was feeling really down so I decided to go weigh myself thinking I hadn't made any progress.

I've lost 15 pounds so far. 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I couldn't have been more wrong.

1. Congratulations!!! That's absolutely fantastic! And I bet you've lost even more fat than that, since you've probably been replacing it with heavy body building muscle.

2. I was "diagnosed" with allergies to soy, gluten, eggs and dairy... my "bread" was made out of millet seed, which IS birdfood LOL. Thankfully this is just something I laugh about now, haha.

3. I try really, really hard not to use the word "diet" meaning "food I'm depriving myself of" because that's where I fall apart and binge. If I don't condemn myself for eating "bad things" occasionally, I'm typically a lot more successful.


Well-known member
good for u BlindPassion!
I haven't lost a pound , and on Friday while on the train, this man told me I would look better if I lost weight, then had the nerve to ask for directions to the UN! I sent his ass to Coney Island in Brooklyn just for being rude >_<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Just wanted to leave a quick update for anyone following:

This week I was getting really discouraged with my diet and exercise routine, I wasnt feeling like I was seeing progress and I was tired of eating bird food (not literally but you know what I mean) so I was finding excuses to sneak a couple bad things into my diet, not terrible things, but maybe pasta one night a week, or take out pizza with my mom one night, and I was feeling really down so I decided to go weigh myself thinking I hadn't made any progress.

I've lost 15 pounds so far. 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I couldn't have been more wrong.

So for anyone who is feeling discouraged, remember that you're doing this for a purpose! And things will change if you stay strong and stay dedicated to becoming a better version of yourself.

That's fantastic! Go you! 15 pounds..you're halfway to your goal

Man I've been feeling really discouraged and lazy lately too..thanks to my period ugh..but I just signed up for hot yoga today and damn that 90 minutes in a sizzling hot room totally kicked my ass. I hope this hot yoga thing works out for me and FAST! I would love to be where you are right now


Well-known member
Has anyone kept up with the Jillian Michaels DVD's? I have.. sort of. Theres been days I don't do it, but I pick it up again, I noticed a bit more muscle definition, but nothing too crazy :s


Well-known member
While I've read everyone's advice I was wondering what can a person that works nights do? Its hard to maintain an routine when you work 10 hrs over night and sleep most of the day away.


Well-known member
I have to pop in here to plug Weight Watchers. I've lost nearly 40 pounds (started at 252 and am currently at 216) since January with very little exercise (my schedule doesn't make it easy). I joined online which costs roughly $17 month, don't go to meetings but I'm religious about tracking my points, which I can do on my blackberry or computer.

I've been thrilled at how much easier WW is than anything else I've tried. I can eat real food but need to make conscious choices and plan ahead a bit when I shop. The biggest change has been in my snacking, I don't eat chips at all anymore and very rarely have candy (I LOVE candy-bars) but don't feel deprived and have grown less and less dependant on junk food to get through the day.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
While I've read everyone's advice I was wondering what can a person that works nights do? Its hard to maintain an routine when you work 10 hrs over night and sleep most of the day away.

My schedule is a bit weird too since I have shift work and everyone has the same amount of time in a day and you just have to have a bit of a different sort of routine than someone who works in the day. You could join a 24 hour gym and go after work or you could work out at home when you get up.

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