I need to loose 30 pounds.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Briar
I have to pop in here to plug Weight Watchers. I've lost nearly 40 pounds (started at 252 and am currently at 216) since January with very little exercise (my schedule doesn't make it easy). I joined online which costs roughly $17 month, don't go to meetings but I'm religious about tracking my points, which I can do on my blackberry or computer.

I've been thrilled at how much easier WW is than anything else I've tried. I can eat real food but need to make conscious choices and plan ahead a bit when I shop. The biggest change has been in my snacking, I don't eat chips at all anymore and very rarely have candy (I LOVE candy-bars) but don't feel deprived and have grown less and less dependant on junk food to get through the day.

Congrats on the weight loss!! I have seen some of the recent FOTD's you have posted, and I could definitely see a weight loss in your face. For awhile you had me guessing...I knew something was different about you, but I couldn't pinpoint it. Congrats again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Briar
I have to pop in here to plug Weight Watchers. I've lost nearly 40 pounds (started at 252 and am currently at 216) since January with very little exercise (my schedule doesn't make it easy). I joined online which costs roughly $17 month, don't go to meetings but I'm religious about tracking my points, which I can do on my blackberry or computer.

I've been thrilled at how much easier WW is than anything else I've tried. I can eat real food but need to make conscious choices and plan ahead a bit when I shop. The biggest change has been in my snacking, I don't eat chips at all anymore and very rarely have candy (I LOVE candy-bars) but don't feel deprived and have grown less and less dependant on junk food to get through the day.

Sorry but what exactly is WW all about? When I'm in the supermarket I sometimes see a WW symbol on like yogurt or something, is it just counting points?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Sorry but what exactly is WW all about? When I'm in the supermarket I sometimes see a WW symbol on like yogurt or something, is it just counting points?

Each piece of food corresponds to a number of points.

And, based on your age, weight and size, you're allowed to eat a certain number of points everyday...

Also, other things like working out allows you to have more points available to eat.

miss sha

Well-known member
You guys are all great motivation.

I gained 30lbs my freshman year of college and I'll be entering my 4th year this September. I haven't gained anymore since then, but I also haven't lost any. Today is the start of really seriously trying to lose weight!

I did 40 minutes on the stationary bike today. I HATE it because the stupid seat really digs into my butt. I wish we had an elliptical, but I'm not going to make my family get one when all my dad uses is the treadmill and his Total Gym thingy. I wanted to do 20 minutes on the treadmill too, but my legs were already sore after standing up all day at July 4th BBQ yesterday. Excuses excuses, but it's a bit much to go from 0 to 60 like that!

Afterwards, I've signed up for the free trial at Weight Watchers, then made myself some tuna with crackers and yogurt. 8 points in total and I still have half the can of tuna left. $17 monthly seems a little steep for the points database and tracking system (which is all I can see myself using), but as someone who has trouble figuring out what's okay to eat, for me, it'll probably be the most convenient thing in the world. So maybe. I already pay $15 monthly for my WoW subscription, and I don't even use that daily.

I live with my parents right now, and my mom is overweight, so not a whole lot of healthy things in my house. I'll try to get her to cook with whole wheat pastas, and get some nuts and carrots as healthy snacks for myself, plus more tuna and whole wheat breads/pitas. It's going to be even harder when I go back to school and can't cook, but at least we have a rec center with a full gym so I can do a better workout.

My goal is to get back to 125lbs, the weight I was at when I started college.


Well-known member
I am having the absolute worst time, trying to get under 120. I've beend doing drifferent stuff like having a bit more calories and more excersize even going back to a bit under 1,000 cals and NOTHING! Im so frustrated right now. There have been days where I weigh myself and it'll say 121 or 122. what gives?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
I am having the absolute worst time, trying to get under 120. I've beend doing drifferent stuff like having a bit more calories and more excersize even going back to a bit under 1,000 cals and NOTHING! Im so frustrated right now. There have been days where I weigh myself and it'll say 121 or 122. what gives?


I'm literally having the same exact problem as you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cupcake_x
I'm literally having the same exact problem as you.

Tell me about it. I guess the last 5 truly are the hardest to lose. My friend told me to do the Master cleanse, but ugh, I don't think I can again. I did it once and it was hard. And I don't want to gain the weight back. I gave myself till my bday in Sept to be down to at least 115 (I started back in Feb) but still. Im frustrated cus Im so close, and there are days that the scale says Im heavier but I know I haven't had a surplus of 3,500 cals!

Ah! Help!? Any advice would be awesome at this point.


Well-known member
I am starting the Body for Life diet tomorrow. It consists of 6 small meals a day (each meal is portioned with a protein, whole wheat carb). You can also do protein shake for 2-3 meals. It also has a cardio/weight training working that goes with it. One day a week is your 'free' day and you can eat whatever you want and no exercise. I really enjoy working out, so that part will be easy. The hard part is the 6 meals a day and planning it all out ahead of time. I tend to start to slack off eventually and then if I don't plan ahead I make poor eating choices. I'm recently married and my husband will do it too, but he hates to workout, so I'm always having to remind him to do his workout and eventually I get tired of doing that and then I start slacking. It's a viscious cycle.

Why is losing weight so damn hard!!!
My sister has the perfect body and she has never worked out a day in her life and eats whatever. I on the otherhand have always been athletic and even played sports at a Division I college on a scholarship, yet I have always struggled keeping weight off. It's not fair.

Ok, I'm going to stop pissing and moaning and just do it. All I have to do is making the right choices and do this for me and no one else. I can do this. I need to report back to this thread and keep myself (and maybe others) motivated!

I'm making out my grocery list to get stocked up on things I can eat!

Wish me Luck!!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Tell me about it. I guess the last 5 truly are the hardest to lose. My friend told me to do the Master cleanse, but ugh, I don't think I can again. I did it once and it was hard. And I don't want to gain the weight back. I gave myself till my bday in Sept to be down to at least 115 (I started back in Feb) but still. Im frustrated cus Im so close, and there are days that the scale says Im heavier but I know I haven't had a surplus of 3,500 cals!

Ah! Help!? Any advice would be awesome at this point.

Have you tried interval training? If not, I'd do that. Jumping rope doing interval training will burn a crazy number of calories.


Well-known member
I got all my groceries to start up tomorrow. I had to tell my husband to put like 10 things back (it was like having a kid with me) lol. He even has his food all packed for tomorrow! yeah!


Originally Posted by blindpassion
SO - I'm going to try and create a seven day meal plan for dinners using my fav vegetarian and fish recipes (I eat fish as well.)

Monday Dinner: Pan fried salmon with brown rice and asparagus.

Tuesday Dinner: Vegetarian Chilli

Wednesday Dinner: Vegetarian Lasagna

Thursday Dinner: Eggplant Parmesan with steamed broccoli and carrots.

Friday Dinner: Oysters with brown rice and vegetables.

Saturday Dinner: Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce (our saturday family tradition).

Sunday: Vegetarian Sloppy Joes.

I dropped 40-45 lbs in about 6 months. The key is to stay away from rice, pasta, bread and all starches. Avoid alcoholic beverages and foods that are high in sodium since they will make u retain water. The first 10 lbs I lost was water weight. Its hard in the beginning trying to figure out what to eat in place of your normal meals. But you will get the hang of it. Hope this helps


Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
Have you tried interval training? If not, I'd do that. Jumping rope doing interval training will burn a crazy number of calories.

Take a spinning class if you can at least twice a week. That combined with a healthy diet will get u results in no time.


Well-known member
Wow! Thanks everyone for the advice!

Simply Elegant- I haven't tried interval training. Im not too familiar with it, do you have any tips on how to start? Sorry, Im still learning. All I used to do to stay in shape before was play in 2 different soccer teams, but thats no longer a possibility for me at the moment.

MacJunki- You know, Im gonna try that! Staying away from starches. Its so hard though! OMG, bread is like my WEAKNESS! I dunno why, I love bread, with anything and everything and even by itself. Ugh, no wonder. Rice I don't care for pasta either, but breads and tortillas. I will try to keep that in mind for sure. And my gym has spinning classes, I think I will try and go now.

Thank you so much ladies, its really helpful to hear it from other people. I was about to really actually do the cleanse.

At the moment, Im really worried about the placement of my IUD. My uterus hurts right now, it feels like its contracting sometimes, and I feel sooo bloated. I hadn't had a period in a year! I just got one last month and I dunno if this is whats happening, but iM gonna go to my Dr. Does anyone know if its common for an IUD to move? I've had mine for 2yrs now.

Thanks everyone

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
^You shouldn't be able to do interval training for longer than half an hour if you do it properly. It's just working out at a lower intensity for a certain time and then switching to a very high intensity for a certain time. You're supposed to push yourself as hard as you can during this time. You can do interval training with pretty much any cardio work out. The slow period is sort of like a break and helps you recover. It's good for plateaus because it keeps your body guessing.

Visual Edge

Well-known member
Ruby_woo- Interval training is the best thing thats ever happened to me. I actually like working out! I feel immediate benefits from this and it only takes me 25 minutes including warm up and warm down. Then, I do some light strength training (Im working on doing a bit more) and call it a day!

Here's an integration program: The Lose Belly Fat Workout ? Lose Your Belly In 8 Weeks
and a timer for interval training: Free Workout Timer

I hope it can bring you all the wonderful benefits its brought me.

I cant seem to lose weight right now either. I eat no more than 1500 calories a day of healthy food, I avoid white carbs and salt though I do have a small sweet treat everyday (Usually a cookie or a handful of jelly beans). I excersize religiously and try to be more active in general. Ive never been one of those people who had weight drop off overnight, I lose weight slowly even with major changes but man, this is ridiculous. The last couple of months Ive been completely stuck at around 128 and thats only 8 pounds from my goal weight!! (I'm 5 foot 7 and a bit so I dont want to be too thin) Ive cut down my sugar a ton, it's always been my weakness and I dont eat processed food so I have no idea what Im doing wrong. Help!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Visual Edge
Ruby_woo- Interval training is the best thing thats ever happened to me. I actually like working out! I feel immediate benefits from this and it only takes me 25 minutes including warm up and warm down. Then, I do some light strength training (Im working on doing a bit more) and call it a day!

Here's an integration program: The Lose Belly Fat Workout ? Lose Your Belly In 8 Weeks
and a timer for interval training: Free Workout Timer

I hope it can bring you all the wonderful benefits its brought me.

I cant seem to lose weight right now either. I eat no more than 1500 calories a day of healthy food, I avoid white carbs and salt though I do have a small sweet treat everyday (Usually a cookie or a handful of jelly beans). I excersize religiously and try to be more active in general. Ive never been one of those people who had weight drop off overnight, I lose weight slowly even with major changes but man, this is ridiculous. The last couple of months Ive been completely stuck at around 128 and thats only 8 pounds from my goal weight!! (I'm 5 foot 7 and a bit so I dont want to be too thin) Ive cut down my sugar a ton, it's always been my weakness and I dont eat processed food so I have no idea what Im doing wrong. Help!!

oh my gosh i think it was on here somewhere that i saw the loosebellyfatworkout website. its amazing!

#1 i have lost belly fat and
#2 its got me running again, and somehow the intervals dont hurt my knee! i had been having such knee problems before and couldnt run more than a mile. now i can run their interval workout for 2-3 miles with no pain, i dont get it, but who cares! i can run again!


Well-known member
IDK if I mentioned this before, but an alternative to snacking I must say, are rice cakes! I love these things
low calories, 4g of sugar (which is A+ for me since I'm such a chocolate whore)

I noticed in the past few days when I'm craving cheese doodles or chocolate, I just eat a chocalte or cheese flavoured rice cake, and be able to still feel good

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