Identifying fake MAC eyeshadows - ***detailed guide with photos***


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Paypal wont automatically refund your money unless you can provide written evidence to verify these fakes.The letter must be from Mac or someone such as makeup artist who is expert in that field.
You can file for SNAD(significally not as described) ,BUT DO NOT escalate to claim, you have 10 days to get the written PROOF.Paypal will close dispute in sellers favour if you could not
get WRITTEN proof in time.
You have 45 days from the date of purchase to file the dispute!
Mac won't get involved as you have purchased these on ebay

Seller can also be reported to ebay,for non performance...

Justy to update. I sent them back to her as I thought they were fakes and she has refunded my money


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_petepie
Hi ladies

I have been looking at this on ebay

MACs EYESHADOW & ROUGE PALLETTE 16 VIBRANT COLOURS NIB - eBay, Eye Shadow, Makeup, Beauty, Health. (end time 14-Apr-09 20:25:09 AEST)

just wondering if its a fake? ive tried to have a read through but my work is blocking all the pics and some links are outdated


Hiya there,I was sort browsing quickly and sorry for the late reply,but the seller of that auction has some horrendous fake crap Mac and B.Brown,for sale !

Also based on her feedback left for someone who has left her negative for the Ed Hardy ,i would not touch any of her stuff with a barge pole!!In my opinion all her items are counterfeit!
I must remember to advise my aussie relatives( who incidently live/work around Sydney) never to buy off this seller
Nasty piece of work and im really surprised that EbayAU ,does not cancel these auctions of her fakey MAC.The 12 cream eyeshadows palettes are simply dreadful,the other Mac ,gawd knows what it is ....never seen it and don't want to see it

That seller wouldn't know genuine B.Brown and Mac if it came and bit her on her nose,literally for selling this crap!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Paypal wont automatically refund your money unless you can provide written evidence to verify these fakes.The letter must be from Mac or someone such as makeup artist who is expert in that field.
You can file for SNAD(significally not as described) ,BUT DO NOT escalate to claim, you have 10 days to get the written PROOF.Paypal will close dispute in sellers favour if you could not
get WRITTEN proof in time.
You have 45 days from the date of purchase to file the dispute!
Mac won't get involved as you have purchased these on ebay

Seller can also be reported to ebay,for non performance...

Crap... I just filed a paypal complaint for some fake mac pigments I won ($112 dollars!!), but escalated it to a claim because the seller kept denying it (of course). Who has the burden of proof? I was hoping that since the seller couldn't provide receipts (I asked for some), that it would be decided in my favor. What can I do??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
Crap... I just filed a paypal complaint for some fake mac pigments I won ($112 dollars!!), but escalated it to a claim because the seller kept denying it (of course). Who has the burden of proof? I was hoping that since the seller couldn't provide receipts (I asked for some), that it would be decided in my favor. What can I do??

Hun i don't know since im in UK,and i just havent got a clue if Paypal,US,operates on the same merits as UK??
All I know that i had to provide the proof as seller denied selling me the fake Mac zoom lash and declined refund
mind you he is no longer trading on ebay UK

Perhaps someone who is based in US,could offer you more advice...


Hi all, first post! I purchased a eyeshadow (satin taupe) from the MAC counter about 6 months ago but I noticed it doesnt have a batch no. printed on the back label is it a fake?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by annie333
My girlfriend is interested in buying some of these off eBay. These are fake, right?

Yes, they are fakes.


New member
I feel so duped knowing that I bought fake eyeshadows. I bought "Beautiful Iris," "Mulch," "Stars & Rockets," and "Greensmoke."


Active member
I have a question, is there a thread on fake MAC propans? I once bought one off ebay in "soot" a loooong time ago. I don't have the shadow anymore but I was pretty sure it may be fake. All the sticker had was the numbers like AA6 and the wort SOOT really big and that's it.

Also I recently got a Parfait Amour pan from a swapper an Makeup Alley, and the propan has like bad color pay-off, not like my other MAC shadows, and also the lettering on the bac ( toronto canada etc..) is different.


Well-known member
After joining Specktra, I learned that two prior eBay purchases were fakes, a grouping of Lip Glasses and two blushes (both branded as Hello Kitty). I don't really mind about the blushes, cause I do like both colors, but I am hesitant to even use the lipglasses....nothing I can do about it, since I purchased them last fall....definately learned my lesson

But most recently, I bought several MAC e/s that turned out to be fakes....I returned them to the seller and received a FULL refund!
Not sure if any of you guys will find this helpful, but I put a guide together based on a fake I got sent off MUA. I wrote this guide for her to help her spot them in the future.

This is info on the 'good' fakes - part of a new batch. There are several older batches which look F-all like genuine pigments but these babies are harder to spot. This is mostly pro-specfic - non pro fakes usually have left aligned text and (convincing) silver labels.

The fake box is always on the left, but the fake pigment isn't (I was in a hurry, stupid move, I know!).

Points of note

Image 1

Usually I ignore the wording of the writing on the box since MAC change this element of their packaging so often. What is worth picking up on is how lovely the box is. If you feel them the cardboard is very smooth and sturdy. It is *really* hard to scratch/dent/batter them. I store a few of my boxes in a drawer where they get battered and they're not bent in any way. The fakes are nearly always bent. In this one it's a bit stained and the shiny 'overlay' has come away. (The bubble on the top left). This never, ever happens with real boxes and is a dead giveaway.

The text on the fake boxes is thicker. This is usually most evident on the weight info on the front of the boxes (and here on the section beginning 'dist. by' - the book logo is also much thicker). In ebay auctions you can often see that the font is too thick if the photos are high res enough.

Image 2

Sorry for the rubbish quality. The bright fuchsia was bought from MAC a few years ago. I used it because it's an old-style jar (centered text - the new ones are left aligned and also often faked, but that's a whole other guide) and the colour is bright so hopefully you can see the text. My camera hates close ups.

It's so hard to see but the left reads '' M•A•C PIGMENT COLOR POWDER' Whereas the fake is 'M - A - C'. This is a feature on every fake I've seen in this batch.

The text is bolder, more angular, and more 'dense' on the fake. Again, it's a bit hard to see but a difference is visible. It's also more 'obvious' - the genuine one is a few years old and the text does tend to rub off / 'fade' a little with time.

On this one the lid isn't shiny but it is a tiny bit taller.

FWIW, if you can see, on the jar it says 'made in canada' but on the box 'made in USA'.

Mattes are usually 2.5g rather than 7.5g. Not always, but it can be something that alerts you to other issues.

Image 3

Pro pigments always have clear labels unless they're pre-2000. Fake pro pigments nearly always have these cloudy labels. Often, as here, the text is also more angular. Pay attention to the batch code - the final digit is the year it was made. As you can see, I bought my bright fuchsia a while back (2003 - the batch is usually a year or so before purchase). Is it really likely that a 2003 (AA3) pigment would pop up new on ebay in 2010?

Sometimes on ebay it can be tough to see if the labels are cloudy, but ask for pictures. Usually the seller will tell you if it's cloudy if you ask - the vast majority don't have a *clue* that they're selling fakes (they just believe their infamous 'suppliers') and so will happily give you this info without realising they're betraying fake pigments.

Image 4

Not all pigments have inserts, but most do. Every fake in this batch has a photocopy of the insert on the left. It was a genuine insert, but for the MAC non-pro line several years ago. The insert on the right is from my (non-pro, color forms) steel blue, just to illustrate that it's not a common insert. Note that there are no pro pigments listed on the precautions listed. Bright fuchsia isn't eye safe and nor are most of the darker mattes so...where are they?!