Originally Posted by fashioniztah_07
is these fake? sorry if i keep asking. im only new to mac so i dont really have any idea whether its fake or not..
(Ask away - its what this forum section is here for!
From what they look like viewing the photos on my monitor these look counterfeit. The 'e' signs look different between them, the pigment looks weird, them two '/' signs differ to each other on the boxes, the writing on the box doesnt look centered (like the authentic ones), and the boxes look like they have that weird bend seen on counterfeits - not crisp enough for real MAC. Some of what ive seen could be down to aspects of the photos looking weird due to the size (especially if they've seen resizing). Also monitor differences plays a part, so it would be best to get a few peoples opinions.
Do they have the numbering/words/lettering that i commented about in my previous post? Also are the stickers on the base of the jar identical (except for their correct shade names) to the Pink Opal one, and are the stickers on the top of the boxes in the top right-hand corner (when the front of the box is facing you)?