If you had a choice which USA city would you like to live in?


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Originally Posted by little teaser
no hun your not wrong.. hawaii is not all palm trees and beaches.. outside of that it totally sux and full of ice heads i live there when my husband was in the navy, dont get me wrong its a great place to visit for a short amount of time but i was soooooo ready to leave and come back to the mainland..

i think i would like to live in

hahahaha! I live in Hawai'i and you're totally right about iceheads. I work in Kalihi, which is icehead central and I work for welfare/food stamps which has the iceheads come into my building. My coworker actually saw a guy lighting his pipe on the way to the coffee shop one day (day, not night!).

But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. I grew up here and it's so homey (not the icehead part, the place where I live in Aiea) and it's just so easy for me to do my thing and not worry about anything. I think because I was born and grew up here that I relate better here than little teaser. I have to admit though-- I did live on the mainland for awhile and it drove me bonkers. My BF on the other hand, is comfortable anywhere (he's lived in San Jose, Philly, Taiwan-- military brat).

If I had to pick one of the continental, I'd go with San Fran. I like the hustle and bustle of the place and there's druggies there too (woo, did I see some when I went clubbing!!), so I'll have lots of work :p


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I'd LOVE to live in Florida - Fort Lauderdale or Orlando.. I'm gonig on holiday to Orlando in about 3 weeks I'm SO excited.
& I'd love to live in California - Los Angeles, somewhere nice & prettyin Orange County like Laguna Beach hahaha
Orrrrr NEW YORKKK! Going there in Feb with my Fashion college.. cannot wait!
& I'd love to live in Las Vegas for a bit, only a few months to a year tho!


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Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
Chicago is not that pretty. No trees, no stars, just steel and concrete. But Christmas time (when it bothers to snow) on Michigan Ave at night is glorious! It has it's moments, but mostly it just smells funny. And is very dirty. I can attest to it, as I've lived here my entire life. It's only redeeming quality- amazing shopping and architecture like you wouldn't even believe. Drawbacks- 9% tax on MAC (well, and everything else too)! Sad thing is, I'm a midwestern Chicago girl through and through. The thought of living somewhere else frightens me, haha. I need the dirt and noise and gross a@$ black snow, or else it's not home! And- if I went anywhere else, people would make fun of me for my accent! I say melk!

I'm moving to Taos, NM.

Oh my god! I completely disagree! I think Chicago is beautiful. The lakeshore, the skyline, the architechture, the neighboorhoods. I love it. I grew up in Chicago, moved and now I'm back. I appreciate it more now than ever.


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Austin, TX. Definitely. I'm in love with that city, I'm a Texas girl. I'll live there eventually!


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I'm definatley a Florida girl.. I can't imagine leaving here.. Though I would like to get out of Palm Beach.. I'm moving to Ft Lauderdale in September, but if I had the funds I'd live on South Beach.


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California, in the Santa Barbara area i just think its so pretty their and Hawaii


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I LOVE FLORIDA and its practically PARADISE
i live not even 10 mins from the beach.... hurricanes are ridiculous here i must admit but I wouldnt trade it for anything
I love in the panhandle and I would love to live farther south maybe orlando, ft lauderdale, MIAMI= TOO EXPENSIVE
I love ATL too but tooo much goin on too fast for me
Been to Chicage but it was X mas time so it probably seemed more glamorous
I would LOVE to visit NYC maybe after I graduate


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iio
California, in the Santa Barbara area i just think its so pretty their and Hawaii

I guess the grass is always greener. This is where I live and I hate it.people here are RUDE. Santa Barbara is the WORST , people honking at you all the time, Its like being in the city of L.A.


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I am born and raised from the city of Chicago. I didnt realize how awesome it was until I moved to Houston. Houston SUCKS!!! Its so hot, humid, scary highway drivers, no good shops (rice village doesnt cut it really)...I could do on and on. BUT i try to make the best of it because I am here for my Fiance's job at NASA and want to stay positive. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I guess the grass is always greener. This is where I live and I hate it.people here are RUDE. Santa Barbara is the WORST , people honking at you all the time, Its like being in the city of L.A.

Oh really ahh im sorry about that...I've been there a couple of times when I used to live near L.A. BUt yeah L.A. drivers are agressive and mean drivers.

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