I'm pregnant and not sure what to do...


Well-known member
I just found out yesterday but I kind of already knew something was off. Estimated 8 weeks but we think it could be less. Now that I know for sure I feel the symptoms worse. I'm 27, unemployed, still in college, one more year till degree, and live with my parents. My bf is the one, we've been together for over a year, he's 26, still lives at home too and has a job but it barely pays the bills. He has big plans to open his restaurant and I just want my degree to see where I go and play with makeup. I'm leaning more towards terminating the pregnancy but I'm thinking what if? I'm guessing others would probably agree to terminate under my circumstances. I also want to have more time alone with my bf. If we would have been together for 2 or more years I would definitely have it but I just want my bf all to my self. This may be the wrong area to post this but I would like to read other's experiences.



Well-known member
You should do whatever you feel is right for you, this is really a personal decision, and I'm sure it would be much harder with tons of people putting their input in.


Well-known member
Wow. That's a tough situation to be in. I personally haven't been in that position, but I am sure there are people here who have and willbe able to help you.

Good luck girl.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
You should do whatever you feel is right for you, this is really a personal decision, and I'm sure it would be much harder with tons of people putting their input in.

You're right. Thanks.


Well-known member
I have been where you are! I was 20 and in my second year of college when I found out I was pregnant with my son. I had a part time job and my boyfriend had a full time job. I was happy but crushed when I realized what was about to happen. To make a long story short I ended up moving home and having my baby. I came to the realization that I was going to do whatever I had to. This was going to work. That was 10 years ago I am now married (not to my sons father) a nurse and we have a 17 month old. It will all work out no matter what you decide to do. No one can make this decision for you. Think long and hard. It was tough but well worth it. Everything that happened made me a stronger and better person. I woudln't be who I am had I not gone through this!


Well-known member
I just want to let you know that you'll be in my thoughts, and I hope you make the right decision for you based on your circumstances.


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I think people should only have kids when they really want them and are prepared to give this child a great home and all the love and support it needs. It's not easy and you'll have to sacrifice a lot.

Do what you feel is right for you.


Well-known member
You have to do what is right for you. No one can tell you what do do. Only you can make this personal decision for yourself.
Good luck


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This is just an idea. If it offends you, that is not my intention. I don't know how you feel about adoption, but you could always continue the pregnancy and see how everything turns out. I personally would never have an abortion, I just don't feel like it is something I could do/deal with. I know alot of women who have and I think it is every womans own decision. If you do decide to have the baby and want to keep it, you could still finish school. Just find some friends and family to help you work around your schedule. I have a 2 year old and he is the love of my life. You should definately not let anyone make this decision for you. It's good to have input but it's your body and your life. You will be in my thoughts.


Well-known member
definetly do what is Right for you ..but I would encourage you too take a step back and look at every option avaialbe to you and the pros and cons of them. Like the above poster said adoption is there too. good luck to you in whatever decsison you make.


Well-known member
I don't agree with abortion because your reasons behind it are completely selfish. If you're going to have sex then you know what can come of it obviously. I think the best option if you really don't want the baby is to give it up for adoption because I am certain there are tons of people who would want that precious baby. And maybe your boyfriend does want a baby - maybe it would make him strive harder for the job he wants? You might not be living on your own or with your boyfriend for "long enough" in your eyes but think of how many people have been in similar situations (teen mothers, for example) and have pulled through just fine with a wonderful, loving child. Not to mention the horror stores I've heard of from friends who have had abortions...

Goodluck. I hope I wasn't sounding too harsh because that wasn't my intent! I understand no one else is in your position, but just giving you my opinion. I can't sugarcoat it! lol

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
i had a baby at a young age (20) and i didn't have much money saved up nor did my bf. we werent in school either though. finding out that i was pregnant motivated us, i got a job and he got a 2nd one and we did get alot of help from each of our big families. most of her newborn to 1 year needs we got ALOT of help with so we had a good chance to save some $$$ up.

even though we werent prepared at all 4 a baby money-wise, i knew i would love and do anything for my baby to survive and have a good life. and we made it through. terminating never once crossed my mind.


Well-known member
Sweetie, don't let anyone tell you what you decide is wrong, or selfish. It is YOUR body and YOUR choice. Everyone here has advice to give you but ultimately it is up to YOU and your boyfriend to decide. If you choose to have an abortion then that is okay. And if you choose to keep it or give it up for adoption thats okay too. Any decision you make is NOT wrong, no matter what anyone says.

I have three adopted siblings (3, 4, and 11) and I will tell you if you do decide to not to have an abortion and give it away, there are loving families out there. I love them more than anything, they are my world. If you have any questions about adoption, feel free to PM me. But if you are not ready then don't let words pressure you into something you don't want to do.

I wish you the best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, this is YOUR choice and YOUR body and no matter what you decide, it is the right thing to do.


Well-known member
wow, good luck to you. i hope you do find your decision soon and the one that you feel is right for you. some things i would consider is if your families will help you and if the baby can be raised in a loving family... if the boyfriend chooses to be a dedicated father... you aren't selfish like ambonee has mentioned. you have rights and you can decide what to do with your body.

i can't imagine what its like to give up a baby for adoption. once it comes out, i'd think there would be some sort of maternal bond.

i don't want to pressure you or anything but if you do decide to terminate, the sooner the better. don't think its very humane when the fetus is starting to really look developed.. embryonic stages would be best, though i am not familiar with the abortion procedures myself.

good luck, talk to councellors, contact the local women's health centre, talk to a trusted family member, be informed, do some research. you shouldn't have to deal with it on your own


Well-known member
I think you should really think about it more. Your bf is done with school and you only have 1 more year to go and thats not a big of a difference. I don't have the right to judge you because I have not been there, but I am human. I can understand your concern and worry. I think you should ponder about this more.


Well-known member
First off it is your decision. My input on it is simply this... After highschool I thought I never wanted kids. I would have definately had an abortion. But now I am about to be 24, and I am with the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I unfortunately now am having problems having a child. I would do anything to be able to. If you do decide to give the child up for adoption, there are many people out there just like me who greatly appreciate the oppertunity to adopt. Good Luck


Well-known member
You can only make this decision based on your heart and mind. No one else has the right to tell you what to do or why. Asking for opinions on this will likely only make it harder for you.

This is your decision, your body, your life. You do not have to justify your choice to anyone!

Whatever you choose, I hope you the support you need, from your boyfriend, your parents, your friends, etc. to carry you through.


Well-known member
I don't have much different to tell you than the others but just remember we are all here for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Hi this is the hardest decision you will ever make, but you will know deep down which is the right choice! i got pregnant with my son while i was still at university lived with my parents and had only been with y boyfriend for 6 months. it was agonising making the decision i really wanted to die having to think it through. Eventually i decided what was best for me and had my baby. Don't let superficial things like jobs money and other people influence your decision do whats right for you to be truly happy in the future.My son is the best thing that ever happened to me and i look back and wonder why the decision was so hard, but i also understand that not everyone could handle it well xxxx