Interracial relationships.. whats ur opinion?


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Done w/ the discussion


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I am ALL for it!!! 200% if not more. I dislike my own kind and unless its meant to be by destiny I am not marrying my own kind. (I am not trying to be racial or descriminating) I am Asian & I refuse to date/marry asian. It took me yrs to convince my parents that I refuse to date/marry asian. Now they don't care who I marry as long as I get married someday!
Thats another issue for me!

Plus, people that are asian+caucasian mix, they are better looking. (IMO/that is just one ex. I am not trying to start any fights, just so you guys know.)


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my best friend is latina and her boyfriend is black and when shes out in public you see lots of people starring at them.To me they make a cute couple.I can not stand people who are racist.


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I'm not against interracial relationships. In fact, I'm married to somone outside of my race for almost 6 years now.
However, I think it's a completely different issue if you have a thing against males of your own race.


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I'm not against it at all. I'm latina and my fiance is Philipino and we also have a daughter together. In this day and age, I don't think people should be trippen off interatial relationships anymore. I think people who still do are plain ignorent. It's not who a person's with, it's if their happy together!


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I'm totally for marrying whomever, whether they're black, white, yellow, or polka-dotted. =]

I actually have a 'thing' for black boys, and I'm caucasian.

My grandparents are really racist though, and they've told me that they won't come to my wedding if I marry a boy whose black/mexican/anyone not white. =[ It's sad, but I don't care. I'm marrying who makes ME happy, not them.

And I agree, some of the most beautiful people I've met are bi-racial.


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I like men and the one's that have asked me out over the past 5+ years have been Cuban, Russian and currently I'm seeing someone who's Polish. I have found what's important to me is how a man, no matter where he's from, treats me.


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I have nothing against guys in my race. I had bad experiences but I know some pretty good ones who are heaven sent! but theyr taken!
My grandma is racist against our own kind.

My sister is her favorite grandaughter and my sister loves mexican boys! but my gramma hates that. She once told her
"why cant you be like your sister and marry a nice white boy"
It made me mad that she was totally ignoring the fact not only that
I married him because I LOVE him but also that he is only HALf
we have a beautiful son together whom we love dearly!

And were gonna raise him appreciating his different cultures.
and were gonna raise him to see people not because of their color
but because of their being.

I cant believe people are still racist.
Its the new millenium. The emancipation proclamiton was signed
A LONG time ago.. get with the times.


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I'm latina, and my ex is your typical blue eyed white boy.

I never thought much into it, we never cared, it's not a big deal. My family loved him, his family, i'm not so sure. However, there were a few times here and there where we'd get looked at funny out on the street, mostly from white girls, sometimes i'd get the WTF look. Besides from that, one time while in a fast food place this big 'cholo' looking mexican shot us the craziest look ever, but that's really the only time I can recall, besides of course from the white girls.

I think it's ridiculous people still have messed up views like this, it's sad.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think interracial relationships are perfectly fine with these exceptions:

-People who dislike their own race that strongly so that they date outside of their own race

-People with racial fetishes, like dating East Asian, black, Latina, white, etc. I've known people to disregard their own race because interracial dating is cool and date interracially for the sake of it. I think it's creepy, because a person is so much more than a skin color or ethnic identity. I can understand wanting to date someone of your ethnic background, if you're seeking someone similar, but to date someone because you think it would be so cool to date an Arab/black person/Jew/East Asian/etc. is so incredibly dumb and offensive.

-People who date/procreate interracially in hopes of better looking kids. I don't agree with the statement that biracial people are better looking. I've known many and while some are absolutely gorgeous, others are not. There's no huge difference in how people look. I think one of my friends said it best: if two ugly people are having kids, no matter what race they are, the kids are going to be ugly. Of course, they may be beautiful on the inside, but they may not physically be attractive at first look.

I've heard about the first one but have actually known people who hold the last two. I think you should date whomever you are most compatible with and race isn't going to determine that..


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I have no problem with interracial couples at all. I think this is more sensitive in the USA, I've been together with a South Asian man and the only problem was the culture clash. The skin colour and race issue was never a problem for me. As long as you're happy, screw what other people say, its none of their business.


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I agree, I think a lot of it has to do with where you live too. In class we're always hearing how Canada is the mosaic and USA is the melting pot etc etc...I've lived in both Canada and the US and from what I can remember, race was a big thing in the US. Here in Canada interracial dating is more common I find.

I am Asian and I'm dating a Canadian white guy, no mix, nothing other than white. The other night we went on a double date with a friend of mine that was Asian also dating a white guy. During that date we saw about 3 couples that were like us (asian+white). and we didnt stare or anything, just thought it was neat but that could also be because we obviously are okay with it. My parents are old fashioned Chinese but they accepted him from the start and have been for 4 years now.

I think its important to note that these opinions also spring from your position in this topic. However, I dont really see many stares or hear about my other interracial couple friends saying anything about it. Its a shame that ppl do though, in this day in age skin colour should be nothing but a biological trait. It shouldnt' be an indicator of whats right/wrong or something someone 'is in to and will date nothing else' etc. Its too bad its still around.


Well-known member
I think interracial relationships are perfectly fine with these exceptions:

-People who dislike their own race that strongly so that they date outside of their own race

But why is this an exception? if you say Quote:
I think you should date whomever you are most compatible with and race isn't going to determine that..

What if someone isn't comfortable with their own race? Its nothing wrong to be uncomfortable/uncompatible with people of your own race. (exception of family)

-People who date/procreate interracially in hopes of better looking kids.

Now that is wrong but then who does that??

I've known many and while some are absolutely gorgeous, others are not. There's no huge difference in how people look. I think one of my friends said it best: if two ugly people are having kids, no matter what race they are, the kids are going to be ugly. Of course, they may be beautiful on the inside, but they may not physically be attractive at first look.

NOT true about the friend's comment! I have seen ugly people having very good looking kids! Just because either or both parents are ugly doesn't/don't mean kids will. All depends on genetics!
But then there are people that are pretty but then nasty in the inside.
I am not trying to classify people into being ugly, pretty or what not. I just think majority of the bi-racials are better looking. And once again this is just my opinion. I don't plan on having kids with diff. race just for the look sake.


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If it works, who cares? Its hard enough to find someone you can stay with, what does it matter what color they are?

The only barrier I have with dating interracially (and I have before <3), is there are some culture barriers which are hard to overcome.

More power to you if you can stick to it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by juli

Now that is wrong but then who does that??

About the bi-racial procreating thing... ahahah I used to think like that when I was younger, because I had GORGEOUS friends who were hapa (half asian and half white). I used to tell my mom, "Im going to marry a white boy so that my kids will be as pretty as blank (insert girls name)"

Now while I was young, Im SURE that there are still people out there with those intentions.


Well-known member
I come from a town and an area where interracial dating is looked down upon. I think-also that our society no matter how liberal we want to think we are- we really are not.

Now me personally- I think that it's not that big of a deal. I mean I'm of the opinion that if you cut anyone in the world regardless of race and religion they will bleed the same color red. I think it's a great thing that you found someone you love and if you love him then thats really all that matters at the heart of the matter.


Well-known member
I find that race is alwyas an issue with some in society.... i am a bi-product of an interacial marriage, my father is caucasian and my mother is Korean.... my husband is Puerto Rican.. my kids are white/korean/puerto rican. There is always going to be someone out there that has a problem with interacial dating/marrige. i guess growing up as a military brat race never played a part in my life. my mother and father always told my sister and i " no matter who you both decide to be with in life race/relgion/creed/sex just as long as you both are happy then we are happy for you. Also having grandparents on my fathers side of the family telling me that i am only white.... and having problems with interracial dating/marriage didnt stop me from being who i am.. or who i wanted to be with regaudless of race. Sometimes ppl are set in their ways.. I must admit i broke the mold and my grandparents except my husband and my Bi-racial children.. not to say this can be done with everyone.. racisim is always going to be out there not matter where u are from.. where u live.... state/country.. I just choose not to iknowledge it..... I say be happy..... live....... and love life no matter who u are with


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You're always going to run into ignorant, rotten people that will have something to say about virtually anything...

I am of the opinion that if you love someone, what does anything such as skin color matter? At the end of the day, when you go home and snuggle with each other, what race you are seems mighty trivial. (I also feel that way about same-sex partnerships/marriage).

When you come down to it at the end, people are just people...sure there are different cultures, and ways of doing things, but whether you are black/white/Latino/Asian/Native American we all have a heart and soul...If someone else is so closed-minded or too rotten of a human being that they want to make others feel bad, then their opinion doesn't count anyway! The most important thing is being happy...and if you're happy together, then good for you; 'cause most of the people that have something nasty to say AREN'T happy...and they never will be...that's why they judge; to make themselves feel superior.

You're lucky if you've found happiness with a person...even if they are a different skin color than you...Not many people DO find happiness...If you have, then congratulate yourself!


Well-known member
It bothers me when people have a problem with interracial relationships. What difference does it make to anyone else who you are in love with? The color of your skin means nothing! And you can learn so much from each other if you really embrace your individual cultures. The same goes for two white people of different ethnic backgrounds. One of my friends is dating an Armenian guy whose family has very strong ethnic traditions and it's very different to her, just like dating someone of a different race if you think about it. And she loves how much she's learned from him! I think people are just too close-minded to accept it which is sad. Love is love! Share it with whoever you want!!