Interracial relationships.. whats ur opinion?


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I live in a border town, so its very common to see interracial dating. No big deal. In fact, my boyfriend of a year is Hispanic. (I didn't meet him here though; he lives in a mostly white town and is in the military.) So, I am all for it. However, I do think it will be a bit odd when we go see my grandparents. I swear, their little bitty town does not ever see people that aren't white.


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Hey just thought I'd contribute. I am mixed black,white, and native american. For all those mixed people out there what do you check when asked your race in documents. When I was younger, there was no box for bi racial or check as many as you need, so every year I'd pick a new one. Even hispanic, and alaskan, just cause it pissed me off they didn't have a box for me. But anyways back to the subject, right now I am with my boyfriend of going on 5 years, he is white. We live in a small town in the heartland, which is in the bible belt, which seems to be the worse place to have an interracial relationship. I don't really notice stares but unless I am in a town that is really known for being racist, when I do catch people staring I don't even think of that being a reason. Honestly I thought it's 2008 everyone should get along right. Until I was on topix for my town and neighboring towns and saw how hateful the world really is. Ithink I'll post a link, because this thread seems to be pretty postive, and I just want to show you how hateful the world can be. Be warnedyou will get angry I had to stop reading because it would piss me off so bad.
P.s. I know the topic is not interacial dating but it turns into it. It really upest me because this is a rural area, small town next to small town, you have to go through at least 3 of them to get to a city. So potentially these are people I see everyday. I guess it shouldn't hurt, I should just ignore it, but it hurts.


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I say if you're lucky enough to find the one, it doesn't matter at all how much melanin their skin makes, you should jump on that chance! I'm all for it! I've been asked if my bf is of mixed race background (he's mediterranean) and I get a kick out of it heheh
Of course the fact that my mom's parents had an interracial marriage probably has some pull on my opinion, growing up around it you just don't ever give it a second thought.


Well-known member
I find nothing wrong with being in an interracial relationship. I don't like to judge people based on their background, though i am human and it can happen!

however, I definitely think that people judge me based on my background. I also find that I am very closely tied to my culture, but most men I meet are not interested at all in that. i think if you're involved with someone, u should try to make some kind of an effort to understand their background, and if their culture is important to them, than that is one of the things u should try to delve into. I am a white woman technically, but my parents are right off the boat and i grew up in two cultures my whole life. Most people think I am just American, when I actually don't really identify with a lot of American people in the way that I was raised.

I also find that because my heritgae is relatively unknown and uncommon, people who come from backgrounds that are more popularized in american culture could not care less about my culture, while they expect me to have this huge interest in theirs. it really is a pet peeve of mine!


Well-known member
I'm mixed myself, so I've nothing against / see anything wrong with interracial relationship. Kids used to call me names in primary school (see how those little people can be so evil sometimes? *LOL*). When I was in highschool, people were telling me things like, 'Oh how I wish I'm mixed too!'

I don't like the stereotypes about races, Asian men are like that... Caucasian men are like this.. blah blah... There are jerks and a**holes in every races! What matter the most is he loves you.

My BF is a Slovak and we both came from totally different cultures. I get along very well with his family. My parents love him too.


Active member
Originally Posted by alb40
hmmm, this is very interesting. I have been off and on for a year with an Indian guy I am black. When we go out people stare... my mother made a comment something like hmmm, well what's his deal because you know they only stick to thier own kind
he is mabye three shades darker than me so he always says he is "blacker" than I am, jokingly.

I havent allowed myself to become attatched to him because no one seems to think it will work even though they dont even know him. I've heard it all from he must be looking for his green card to he is using you to experiment with sex before he marries an Indian girl.

Hmmm...I don't get colour labels. Well I do and don't at the same time. I am paler than some "white" people (this is a tricky one, but I'm guessing they are those with mostly European ancestry) and my partner is darker than some "black" people (I understand that as people with African ancestry), since we are not part of a colour "race" (hehe, we are of the transparent race!) we're simply just "Asian" so I guess I'm in a same-race relationship (which I constantly claim anyway no matter what "race" my exes have been, as I only believe in the one human race). Well, I guess we could be part of the "yellow" race, but as it is the same with "white" (good, pure) and "black" (bad, doom) there are certain connotations (implication that the yellow symbolises cowards and deceit) to it that I find offensive. I find the study of the idea of race fascinating and completely rubbish at the same time.

At the end of the day, me and my partner are just two very lazy Aussies.

I had a green card, but I gave it up because flying to the US was too expensive and the plane trips were so incredibly boring.


Well-known member
ah, it saddens me so much that this is an issue, so much hatred exists in the world and all of it is pointless.

I'm in an interracial relationship (though i never think of it like that in my head lol
) and im smitten with my boy <3

I'm caucasian, he's half white, half black jamaican. Unfortunately i happen to live in one of the most racist parts of the North East *oh yay* so we have to deal with a lot of outright racism and a hell of a lot of outright rude staring and mutterings when we are out.
Hes 6'5, tattooed, pierced, dreadlocked and stunning so people tend to stare anyway but its hard to pretend thats all it is when you can hear the remarks -_-

My own grandparents are terribly old fashioned and racist which causes so much heartache for me and hearing friends of people around me being 'casually' racist makes me despair but would i hell let anyone else influence my heart or humanity with their shameful bigotry.
Theres so much knowledge available to everyone in this day and age, theres no excuse for prejudices to live on.

love and friendship is beautiful no matter what


Well-known member
In Hawaii everybody's so mixed anyway, we call it "chop suey"! I totally support interracial relationships. Who cares?

I'm Hawaiian, Filipino, Puerto Rican and a little bit Caucasian. My boyfriend is Palauan. I never even heard of the country Palau before we met!


Well-known member
In Hawaii everybody's so mixed anyway, we call it "chop suey"! I totally support interracial relationships. Who cares?

I'm Hawaiian, Filipino, Puerto Rican and a little bit Caucasian. My boyfriend is Palauan. I never even heard of the country Palau before we met! I had to ask him to show it to me on a map!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Loveleighe
I remember being the only black 2nd grader in my class and having a racist teacher. I mean obviously the other students noticed i ws darker than they were but no one treated me any differently until my teacher made it seem as if it was a bad thing that i ws black and mingling with white children. If she misplaced something she would pull me aside and in a loud whisper would say i know you must've taken it , that's what your people do. She'd call on me to read and make comments like you read better than the rest of them you must be some sort of mutt.

So that teacher in Everybody Hates Chris really does exist!


Well-known member
What annoys the hell out of me are parents who really don't want their kids dating outside their race, but it would be ok with them if the person was white.

If you can't find someone from your own race, at least let that person be white, which I find quite interesting.

Black people really don't think that way. Which I find even more interesting.


Active member
like most people here i think its all about who your are attracted to, who you have the best time with, and who treats you right.

i'm black, my boyfriend is white. my mother is multi-racial and my parents always taught me to accept everyone regardless of what they look like. every now and then we get looks but i know its because up here where i live a white guy being with a black girl is not very common, while other types of interacial couples are. the looks dont bother me, neither do the comments from people i dont know (very rare). what does bother me is when friends, or people im pretty close to make comments.

my sister's boyfriend (who is black) said the dumbest thing to me a few weeks ago, and now every time he's around i just get SO irritated. Long story short he thought that because I date white guys it meant that I absolutely hate black guys and wouldnt even want to have a black guy as my friend. I thought it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. I know there are people out there who have problems with their own race but i'm not one of them, i love myself and i love my people. Now what made my sister's boyfriend comment seem even more dumb is the fact that I definitely bought him a birthday present, and I definitely invited him to events with my friends and I, some of which who were black men. So I was just like WTF??? It pissed me off.


Well-known member
My dad is White and my mom is Filipino. When they got married, my dad's family cut all ties with him and basically disowned him because she wasn't white.
It's weird to think that somewhere in the world lives my dad's family who don't like me because half of me isn't white and I've never even met them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmyshimmyya
What annoys the hell out of me are parents who really don't want their kids dating outside their race, but it would be ok with them if the person was white.

If you can't find someone from your own race, at least let that person be white, which I find quite interesting.

Black people really don't think that way. Which I find even more interesting.

Yep, my parents are a example of this.

My parents would be disappointed if I bought a white man home. They wouldn't be rude to him or anything but would be 'having words' with me once he'd left to express their feelings.

Their argument is that the clash of cultures would eventually rear its ugly head in the r'ship. I can kinda see where they're coming from as I've seen it first hand with both my uncles (my Dad's brothers) whose wives are Romanian. They've often turned their noses up at Nigerian tradition and disrespected family members (including my Mum) alienating themselves further.

My parents fear the same drama would happen if I dated/married a white man. I can actually envisage my Mum getting on her knees and begging me to end it if I were to bring a white man home.

Nigerian tradition is very important to my family and I've onviously been bought up to embrace our culture and traditions too.

My parents can sleep easy though, I'm only physically attracted to black men. I can appreciate what other women see in the Justin Timberlake and David Beckhams of the world but they just don't do it for me.