Interracial relationships.. whats ur opinion?


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I don't see anything wrong with it, but I honestly probably wouldn't do it. I'm way too involved in my culture to be with someone who doesn't share the same culture as me. I've never been with someone who isn't Arab and I will never be with someone who isn't Arab. My culture shapes a lot of my life: politicial views, social life, morals, ideals ... all that stuff.

Now I know people who have dated/married outside their race and that works for them. I see no problem with it, my cousin married a white woman and they have the cutest chubby baby in the world hehe. I think it's a matter of personal preference but it's really nobody's business but yours.


Well-known member
I too am a product of a interacial relationship. My Mother is black and my daddy is white and japanese. I personally can't say I've dated outside my race because I'm a mixed puppy. So I've dated whoever has liked me. I've never dated a white man, because a white man has never liked me. The person I'm with now is also bi-racial. My boyfriend is Korean and Black. I think people should be able to date who they want. If a person treats you right and loves you right, the skin color shouldn't matter. Yes, some people's cultures are different. But, sometimes people try to see past that and become apart of it and learn about it. My Mother is married to a Jewish man now. She tries to adapt to his culture and learn about it. She even learned how to make jewish dishes. People should be able to see who they want to see.


Oh geesh, don't even get me started on 'race.'

I've been dating a japanese guy for four years now, (I'm white) and only recently, since coming to college have I noticed the stares. I think a white female with an asian male is a lot less common occurence (at least where I'm from) and not a day goes by that I don't see others looking at us. I don't understand it, I just happen to be attracted to dark hair and pretty eyes. I wish people would get over it and realize how little 'race' matters. I don't believe it's a validation for anything. But alas, you can't change people, so just do what makes you happy. Life is too short to worry about what others think.


Well-known member
Do you love him?
Does he love you?
Do you treat each other right?
Are you happy in each others' arms?

If the answers are yes, that's what matters. Everything else is a matter of how much sunscreen you need to use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think interracial relationships are perfectly fine with these exceptions:

-People who dislike their own race that strongly so that they date outside of their own race

-People with racial fetishes, like dating East Asian, black, Latina, white, etc. I've known people to disregard their own race because interracial dating is cool and date interracially for the sake of it. I think it's creepy, because a person is so much more than a skin color or ethnic identity. I can understand wanting to date someone of your ethnic background, if you're seeking someone similar, but to date someone because you think it would be so cool to date an Arab/black person/Jew/East Asian/etc. is so incredibly dumb and offensive.

-People who date/procreate interracially in hopes of better looking kids. I don't agree with the statement that biracial people are better looking. I've known many and while some are absolutely gorgeous, others are not. There's no huge difference in how people look. I think one of my friends said it best: if two ugly people are having kids, no matter what race they are, the kids are going to be ugly. Of course, they may be beautiful on the inside, but they may not physically be attractive at first look.

I've heard about the first one but have actually known people who hold the last two. I think you should date whomever you are most compatible with and race isn't going to determine that..

well said! couldn't agree more!!!


Well-known member
Go for it!

It's all about who turns you on! Who cares what race he is as long as you have sparks!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by juli
But why is this an exception? if you say

What if someone isn't comfortable with their own race? Its nothing wrong to be uncomfortable/uncompatible with people of your own race. (exception of family)

Now that is wrong but then who does that??

NOT true about the friend's comment! I have seen ugly people having very good looking kids! Just because either or both parents are ugly doesn't/don't mean kids will. All depends on genetics!
But then there are people that are pretty but then nasty in the inside.
I am not trying to classify people into being ugly, pretty or what not. I just think majority of the bi-racials are better looking. And once again this is just my opinion. I don't plan on having kids with diff. race just for the look sake.

To me, it seems race doesn't equal personality. I don't understand why you wouldn't be comfortable with people of your own race. I dislike lots of East Asians, for instance, but I dislike lots of people across the racial board. I wouldn't disregard dating an East Asian because I dislike a lot of them. Because I grew up in a white family, I'm not a stereotypical East Asian. I have very little to no interest in East Asian things. Even Asians who grow up in East Asian households aren't always what is a stereotypical East Asian. You can't judge a book by its cover.

I think it's silly to pick a spouse for his/her looks to pass onto the child (or even intelligence, since the kid could be born mentally retarded). There is no guarantee that the child will look good, and I personally believe that when people procreate, their first concerns should be raising a healthy, kind child. I've actually known people who do crazy stuff like that. I know someone now who is actively seeking Arab men to have good looking, Arab-white children with some day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
To me, it seems race doesn't equal personality. I don't understand why you wouldn't be comfortable with people of your own race.

Probably because of past expierences with members of that race? She's latina, and latino men can be very mysognistic on their views towards women, and their role in a family. The whole, MACHISMO!" thing. Is that ALL latino men? No. But if every latino man you've dated, known, etc behaves this way it's, you might not bother with latino men anymore because based on your expierence, chances are, he'll be like the last.

You can't judge a book by its cover.

true, but if the first 2 books sucked, why would you buy the third if it was written by the same author? That book would have to come with some really good reviews from friends for me to want to read it.

I think it's silly to pick a spouse for his/her looks to pass onto the child (or even intelligence, since the kid could be born mentally retarded). There is no guarantee that the child will look good, and I personally believe that when people procreate, their first concerns should be raising a healthy, kind child. I've actually known people who do crazy stuff like that. I know someone now who is actively seeking Arab men to have good looking, Arab-white children with some day.

<shrug> i dont see this as that big of a deal. Different things make different peolpe happy. I'd think your chances of giving birth to a healthy child are pretty consistant regardless of what race you choose to have kids with, so thats really not a factor, as long as the mother is healthy. If she wants to marry an Arab man, go for it.


Well-known member
My son is part Samoan, part tongan, part white, and half mexican.
Like I said Im gonna try to teach him to value people as people .
I am ok with my husband not having my same culture cus I show him mine and he shows me his, and its wonderful.

I love him for him and had he been, black, asian, purple.. anything,
I would have loved him just the same if he was exactly how he is now!

I met a really great philipino who i can honestly say loved me.
but it was destiny that I had already met my husband and dated
him I dont doubt that he would have treated me just as good,
but my husband was the one with my heart.

Love is love, and it does make me mad wen others say "we are a shame to our race"
also wen people say "marry a white guy to improve our race"
thats a really common sayin amongs the mexican community

I didnt think it was such a big deal until I noticed ppl look at us different, and heard their comments..


Well-known member
I don't think the question should be are interracial relationships OK, it should be, "Are you happy? Do you like the person you are with?" Their skin colour shouldn't even enter into the equation.

Whilst my husband and I are both caucasian, there are interracial marriages and mixed race children within our extended family. When we are all together, we look like a bag of Skittles (as in lots of different colours
).We have all been raised to see everyone the same, so there has never been any concept of race. We are all just members of our family. I have never heard of any of them experiencing any issue with it from others.

I think a lot of how others perceive it (or have a problem with it) has to do with how they were raised and where they live. I grew up in Seattle which is a very comfortable, accepting city. Of my 3 best friends in high school, one was Iranian, one was half black/half asian and the other was Thai. It never really was noticed that they were a different race than me. Race was a non-issue. They dated guys that they liked and race was never an issue to them.

I never really experienced any type of racism until I visited the east coast (DC) for the first time and had some really ignorant things said to me. That really sucked and really surprised me. You just want to expect better from mankind. When that kind of stuff happens, it really floors me that some people are actually like that and it isn't just something I am seeing in a bad movie.


Well-known member
I will keep my opinion short and sweet...we are all pink on the inside. The outer shell doesn't matter, because underneath it all, we are all the same.

I'm all for it. Simple as that.


Well-known member
oh please
people who say and things like that are VERY small minded and backwards.. who gives a shit what race you are.. love is love, color be damned... i'm black (jamaican) and my husband is from india (tho he looks italian) we're going to have a bunch of "mutts" for kids and i couldn't be happier..


Well-known member
I may have a differing opinion than most people.

I feel like on the very logical and idealistic side that I should expect the decency of people to not judge my relationships and personal life. I also feel that, in this day in age, hopefully people would be more accepting, understanding, gentle and open minded. This is where my however comes- However, from experience I honestly don’t think everyone is cut out for interracial dating. I think you have to know what type of person you are and your values and when push comes to shove where you will stand.

It kills me that by being with me my fiancé‘s parents are instantly “hurt”. They don’t look past the race. I’m Spanish/Mexican and he’s Indian. He tells me all the time that if they just got to know me that I would be the type of person they wish they had had as their own child. Honestly, I know if I didn’t mean the world to my fiancé it is not something he would ever put his parents through. Of course, I feel like they are being immature and close minded- but this is what they were brought up with. They grew up in the world where you were married to your best possible available match and now in their late 50s all of this is just “too much” to handle. My point is that I can see where if someone cares about their family and they are not serious about their significant other they may choose to date someone within their race as to not upset their family or society. I know a lot of people that the family thing matters so much to them they will not consider dating anyone outside of their race and in my opinion, it’s because they are scared of falling hard for someone of the “wrong race”. Ideally, yes, I wish people did not see the color as an issue. But, I can definitely see where staying within your own race is “easier”.

We knew a guy friend (Indian) of ours who was wonderfully in love with a Caucasian girl. After they graduated he proposed to her and she said yes and they were engaged for about year until they finally told his parents. His mom came to live with him and slept in his room for 2 weeks threatening to kill herself if he married her. In the end, he broke it off with his fiancé and married some Indian girl. =(

For years my Mom told me not to get excited about being with my fiancé because he would never marry me because of his societal roles and responsibilities to his parents. He is an only male child left in the family and that’s a big deal to his parents. So, even my own Mom, who taught me to never look at color, is affected by race and stereotypes.

As always, I think the only thing that matters are your priorities. Personally, I’m not willing to stick to a small pool of applicants just to appease someone else’s views of what is right or wrong. I value my fiancé for what he brings to my life- yes, he was raised differently in some aspects and has some different views- but together we find such a happy balance. I mean in the end it’s just me and him and we know this. We know that after our parents die we will only have the person we fell in love with. We know that all our parents truly want is for us to be happy and it will just take time to see that the only thing they are scared of is the unknown. That the different person is the one that makes their son happy and then when they realize that everything will be okay. I’m okay with that, I knew when I fell in love with my fiancé that it may be something I would be up against and I love his parents for loving him so much that they are scared of me. They made him the man that I fell in love with and I’m okay with giving them time in return.


Well-known member
I am also a "white boy" (he is japanese, scottish, and german). My immediate family has never ever said anything about his ethnicity, but my older relatives (grandmothers, aunts, uncles) have told my mom "How can you let her date him? He is not mexican/spanish - it's not right". And to them I say is none of their business who I date or fall in love with. I love this man not for what he looks like (although he is damn good looking), but for who he is on the inside. I've never really noticed people staring at us, but my sister says they do - I just tell her it's because we are a hot couple! =) I grew up in a mostly caucasian community/school system, my first best friends were african american and asian, my college roomates have been asian/spanish/arab, so I've never really seen/noticed color. Like you, I've dated lots of latinos and all I found were controlling, demanding men (not to say they are all like this, that was just my experience). I hope one day this won't be an issue we have to discuss, but in the mean time, I just stay positive and count my blessings/lucky stars that the man of my dreams became my reality.


Well-known member
This is a real hot button issue for me so I don't want to get too deep into it. I will say this - I don't think that it is wrong to have an interracial relationship that is produced out of a genuine attraction, genuine affection or love for someone. I DO, however, think that that it's bullshit when people do it for other reasons.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Originally Posted by liv
I'm totally for marrying whomever, whether they're black, white, yellow, or polka-dotted. =]



I'm Spanish, and my boyfriend is Australian

Quite a mix there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Pumpkin


I'm Spanish, and my boyfriend is Australian

Quite a mix there

Sorry pet peeve here...

Nationality, is not race.

While your boyfriend was born in Australia, from the photo's you posted, he's probably caucasian. Which makes sense, considering unless he's a Aborigine, his family line probably can be traced back to Europe, as Australia was heavily colonized back in the day.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sorry pet peeve here...

Nationality, is not race.

While your boyfriend was born in Australia, from the photo's you posted, he's probably caucasian. Which makes sense, considering unless he's a Aborigine, his family line probably can be traced back to Europe, as Australia was heavily colonized back in the day.

Yes, but we look extremely different and it could lead to people critizising. :chillpill:


Well-known member
Who cares? Date who you like, be with who you love. It's not my business, nor is it for anyone else.


Well-known member
Don't see why it's a big deal. I used to get criticized for merely dating another asian (I'm filipino, he's korean), <sarcasm> oh the horror! </sarcasm>. As long as you love each other it's all good.

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