I'm in an interracial relationship - we're practically engaged. I've known him for two years, dating for 7 months...he's muy perfecto!
but anyways,
I usually date white guys, and their parents never approve of me. Ive been hung up on, yelled at, and all kinds of things. they always label me as a slut before they even meet me, thinking that I'm what THEY consider a "typical" black female. it got pretty fucking annoying after a while.
the parents of my current beau...they hated me, for the exact reason above - they threatened to kick him out of the house, and made him leave me at one point [I was a freshman, he a senior]. they [unsuccessfully] tried raising him to hate blacks, and were pretty pissed that it didn't work. sadly, they're doing it to his younger sister. she'll come to me [only 7] and say, "you like rock? I thought you liked black people music!" and once, beau was channel surfing, and his sister said, "JERRY! this is for black people, not us!" which resulted in him arguing with his parents about his sister's upbringing, and flat out telling them, "...you're fucking stupid."
yeah....being in interracial relationships are pretty difficult, but if you find the one for you, its all worth it, I guess.