Interracial relationships.. whats ur opinion?


It's amazing to me that anyone thinks anything about it one way or the other. I know people do, but I don't get why it matters to anyone. People are people, period.


hmmm, this is very interesting. I have been off and on for a year with an Indian guy I am black. When we go out people stare... my mother made a comment something like hmmm, well what's his deal because you know they only stick to thier own kind
he is mabye three shades darker than me so he always says he is "blacker" than I am, jokingly.

I havent allowed myself to become attatched to him because no one seems to think it will work even though they dont even know him. I've heard it all from he must be looking for his green card to he is using you to experiment with sex before he marries an Indian girl.


Well-known member
i think that people should be with who they love no matter what.

tho im not to keen when someone ONLY likes one race. like my cousin is white, and she will not even look at a white guy, she used to only date native guys and now she will ONLY date black guys, with no exceptions. I mean who knows, she could have missed out on the love of her life cause she would'nt give him a chance cause he was white.

I think that race should never be a factor, just love who you love


Well-known member
I'm in an interracial relationship - we're practically engaged. I've known him for two years, dating for 7 months...he's muy perfecto!

but anyways,

I usually date white guys, and their parents never approve of me. Ive been hung up on, yelled at, and all kinds of things. they always label me as a slut before they even meet me, thinking that I'm what THEY consider a "typical" black female. it got pretty fucking annoying after a while.

the parents of my current beau...they hated me, for the exact reason above - they threatened to kick him out of the house, and made him leave me at one point [I was a freshman, he a senior]. they [unsuccessfully] tried raising him to hate blacks, and were pretty pissed that it didn't work. sadly, they're doing it to his younger sister. she'll come to me [only 7] and say, "you like rock? I thought you liked black people music!" and once, beau was channel surfing, and his sister said, "JERRY! this is for black people, not us!" which resulted in him arguing with his parents about his sister's upbringing, and flat out telling them, "'re fucking stupid."

yeah....being in interracial relationships are pretty difficult, but if you find the one for you, its all worth it, I guess.


Well-known member
i'm not against interracial relationships at all. i'm vietnamese and my bf is portuguese. we've been together for 1 year and 3 months. we get stares all the time..


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I'm in an inter-racial relationship as well. I'm filipino and my bf is black and we've been together for a year and a half already. Even though its already 2008, I know there are still alot of people that are against interracial dating . It is very stupid and simply ignorance. I've dated mostly filipino, a dominican and 2 other black men so I don't discriminate lol. Seriously, I hate when people make rude comments about who I date. My manager (german-polish) together with my co-worker (she's spaniard) has not only once commented and asked me - "you like dark men, huh?" and "what is it with black men?". I'm like - WTF, are you seriously asking me this? It may be a question out of curiosity but its just very stupid to ask someone why they date outside their race.

I feel like I'm blessed because my family was never against this (parents & brother) so I don't have to sing you and me against the world, lol. Though I've heard a few rude remarks from one aunt but I don't give a rats ass with what she or anybody else says.

I love him and he loves me, that's all that matters to both of us.


Well-known member
Happiness in this day and age is hard to come by, so if you find it in the same race, different race, same sex, different sex, same religion or different religion just grab it hold onto it and don't give a s**t what other people think, lifes too short!!


Well-known member
Male, female, white, black, asian, latino, plaid... The important part is whether or not you are happy.


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Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Backhanded compliments are a part of my everday existence unfortunately. I work in the same upper-middle-class predominantly white/asian area that my boyfriend lives in. I'll be putting makeup on a client, who usually is white, and I always here people saying "We're all tanning because we want your skin color. Everything looks good on you guys..." Who the fuck is you guys? I'm Black, I'm not another species. Sorry I have more melanin, just the way it works.

"Is your hair real?" yes, bitch, I grew it myself. "You have such pretty hair for a Black person." I didn't know Black people all had shitty hair? I've seen some non-Black women with pretty pathetic excuses for hair. It's all about how you take care of your assets, and I happen to invest a lot of time and effort into upkeeping my natural hair.

"You have lovely skin! Most Black women have pretty skin though..." well, maybe in your observation but I spend about 20 minutes a day on my skin and plenty of money on replenishing product to keep it nice.

And I dunno why pretty hair and skin means I must be mixed. People are always asking me if I'm mixed. Can someone who isn't completely mixed have nice features? Personally I think native African women are gorgeous, or should we mix them up and make them better?

It's pretty stupid, I'm stunned no old woman has called in and called me "Colored" or a "Negro" yet.

Thank you I hate that people assume that if your hair or skin looks a certain way you must not be fully black. I feel that on a whole AA are pretty mixed up in the first place, but I go to a historically black university and because I talk a certain way and have curly hair and lighter skin people assume I'm not "fully" black. Someone has actually said to me "I hate light skin bitches" it was meant as a joke but being one of the lightest people there it made me feel bad. Yes all my ancestors weren't black but that doesn't stop both of my parents from be considered black and therefore I am too. There are terrible attitudes from outside and within the AA community,IMO.


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My post adds absolutely nothing to this thread but I saw the thread and I needed to vent to someone:

I was just in the street grabbing early lunch and as I rounded the corner I ran into this guy, 6-foot-odd, shaped like heaven, a short mohawk thing, and the most to-die-for face ever, i'm not sure of his ethnicity but he had dark-skin. After stopping dead in my tracks for what felt like a year, I smiled and passed him, and my inner-man came out when I HAD to turn around and check him out again!! AHAHAHAHAHA....

I swear, If i didn't have a boyfriend I would have ran back to him and said 'use me, im yours'! hahaha...

He reminded me of Tyson Beckford in that movie Into the Blue.

Like I said: My post adds nothing to this thread other than me saying that there is nothing wrong with interracial relationships! We are all the same on the inside.

Im seriously in a complete state of Euphoria from the whole experience - I guess it didn't hurt that he had a bootiful-booty!


I have no problem with it im black and my boyfriend is white and I really do not see any color at all =) love should be color blind and you should love a person for what is inside not the outside.


Well-known member
I'm caucasian & my b/f is Portugese & Burmese. I happen to like latin men. Woh cares what other ppl think. You are dating him not your friends. If someone has something negative to say, then they're insecure in thier own skin & too busy passing judgement onto someone else.

I personally think that kids who are mixed, are drop dead gorgeous & look so exotic. (Look @ Nicole from PCD)

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
im mixed so im like a interracial relationship by myself haha j/k but sometimes i have a hard time when it comes to each side of my familys traditions or culture or even how different everybody looks. i always felt so out of place growing up because somehow u get the idea from everybody else that u have to ''stick to ur own kind'' but everybody(no matter what race) has differnt values and ways of life, u have to realize its just a skin color that is diffferent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think interracial relationships are perfectly fine with these exceptions:

-People who dislike their own race that strongly so that they date outside of their own race

-People with racial fetishes, like dating East Asian, black, Latina, white, etc. I've known people to disregard their own race because interracial dating is cool and date interracially for the sake of it. I think it's creepy, because a person is so much more than a skin color or ethnic identity. I can understand wanting to date someone of your ethnic background, if you're seeking someone similar, but to date someone because you think it would be so cool to date an Arab/black person/Jew/East Asian/etc. is so incredibly dumb and offensive.

-People who date/procreate interracially in hopes of better looking kids. I don't agree with the statement that biracial people are better looking. I've known many and while some are absolutely gorgeous, others are not. There's no huge difference in how people look. I think one of my friends said it best: if two ugly people are having kids, no matter what race they are, the kids are going to be ugly. Of course, they may be beautiful on the inside, but they may not physically be attractive at first look.

I've heard about the first one but have actually known people who hold the last two. I think you should date whomever you are most compatible with and race isn't going to determine that..

I couldn't agree more.


I'm Filipina and my fiance is Puerto Rican, West Indian, and Irish. I was actually told by another filipino that I should marry somebody white because, "It improves the race." How ignorant! Since when is being myself not enough? Then on the otherhand, I've had people tell my fiance and I, "Wow! What a mix! No way are you going to have ugly kids!" Ugly? The most important thing to me is that they're healthy.


Well-known member
I am Puerto Rican and I have a "Thing" for black boys. Always always have
My ex husband is actually Black and French. I think in my entire life I've only dated two Puerto Rican/hispanic guys. Not that I have anything against them, I just know what I like. My mom used to make a big deal out of it, but she's used to it now.


Well-known member
As far as I'm concerned race and age shouldn't matter. All that matters is that your in love. And I think its really sad that it still seems to be an issue in some places. It's 2008 now! Surely we can all get along with each other!! :0)


Well-known member
A lot of the older generations in particular cultures confuse interracial relationships with THE END OF OUR CULTURAL TRADITION AS THEY KNOW IT.

My dad and aunt were so against my cousin being with a black man - there were tears, fights, you name it - and she eventually left him and got with a Turk who was and is a complete ass. She is so unhappy, he is controlling to the point where he didnt let her see her family and everyone now feels terrible for her.

Her SISTER on the other hand was like "if i wanna be with a black man then i will be". Again, there was so much hostility but she didnt give a shit. She's happily married to the same man now and they have two beautiful half Nigerian half Turkish daughters. She has definitely been subject to criticism. A Turkish woman on a bus once told her that her children will probably end up being 'ugly' like their father. And her brother-in-law, who i mentioned above (asshole), told her that he hates her children.

My father's attitude remains the same toward me though. Moving from his home country did it for him though - he's even more traditional than i think he would of been had he stayed there. I'm not in an interracial relationship as my boyfriend is of the same ethnicity as me, but i mean, you play the hands you're dealt. If you grow up in a culturally diverse environment it's more likely that your partners will be of mixed origin or a different origin to you completely.

I think that for those who are lucky enough to find true love - the opinions of others should always take a back seat.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I don't think I posted here yet; I'm of Persian ethnicity and my husband is half black, half native american. When we first started dating about 5 years ago my parents gave me a hard time but they got used to it soon and saw that we were serious about our relationship. Now we're happily married and they are extremely supportive of us and hence the whole community is

I agree that in the 21st century things like race and religion should not matter.


Well-known member
oh i just found this topic i know it has been posted february

when im in love im totally color blind

im caucasian first love was half black half white
ive been so in love with a caucasian guy and now im dating a guy from brasil so i fall in love with the person not the race....and every race is beautiful...oh and life is to short to worry what other people say...let them stare and be happy with your partner