Interracial relationships

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
It is also very common in the US...not sure why so much attention is still allocated to it....When I see a interracial couple I do not do a double take it is so common it doesn't even register with me...

Well, Tish, I'm not trying to single out the US or offend you in anyway. I always thought since US and Canada are both full of ppl of different cultures, interracial marriages/relationships would be common in both countries. It wasn't until I joined Specktra that I noticed that this wasn't the case. There was a thread here a while ago about Interracial dating and that's where I read the stories of what some folks had to go through. I realize that there are many other countries in the world where interracial marriages would be problematic, I just never thought US would be one of them :/

Hope I clarified my previous point


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
Well, Tish, I'm not trying to single out the US or offend you in anyway. I always thought since US and Canada are both full of ppl of different cultures, interracial marriages/relationships would be common in both countries. It wasn't until I joined Specktra that I noticed that this wasn't the case. There was a thread here a while ago about Interracial dating and that's where I read the stories of what some folks had to go through. I realize that there are many other countries in the world where interracial marriages would be problematic, I just never thought US would be one of them :/

Hope I clarified my previous point

No No I did not take it offensively at all by any means..I was agreeing that it is so common here in the US as well that I don't see why people still make such an issue or subject about it's like almost every 1 out of 10 couples are interracial it seems...especially where I live....I know you were only speaking on the Country that you live in and your experience...and I was just letting you know it is pretty much the same way here IMO


Well-known member
I'm a product of an interracial relationship (Eurasian) and yes, I've been in a couple. Anyway I look fully Caucasian to most people.

Being in an interracial relationship wasn't so much of an issue to me... but to family, yes. The first guy I "dated" (he was so sketchy so I don't want to think that I dated him) was from Haiti. Did NOT go well with family at all. Personally, I didn't really care. But it was so short-lived anyway that the relationship itself didn't matter.

I'm sorry if this question sounds stupid/ditzy, but if I'm Eurasian that looks mostly Caucasian and I dated an Asian guy, is that considered interracial?


Well-known member
I'm sort of in an interracial relationship, i'm
Despite all this, we still sometimes get negative reactions from people in the street. We've had people (older Asian people especially) stare at us and shake their heads.

It honestly baffles me that people still have this attitude, especially when other then how he looks he's no different to any other Australian. We often joke that he's more Australian then I am (I hate the beach, meat, beer and all other things which Aussie's are meant to love haha)

Oh my God same thing happens to us.
I remember having a really bad experience one time. we were at a restaurant (here in kenya) and this group of kenyan men came and sat right next to me and FH. They made a point of staring at us the entire meal and making snide comments. Funny thing is i noticed that in France we weren't anything special as an interracial couple. it's only in my country kenya where i feel like we stick out like a sore thumb. it's sad really but to hell with the haters am happier than i've ever been and that's all that matters


Well-known member
i think so? but it depends on what you think you are. what race you affiliate more with if that makes any sense?


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Yes, I have been in an interracial relationship relationship for 11 years. I'm Native American/Mexican my fiance is Greek. My family isn't judgmental on us. I feel that his mom would rather have him be with a greek girl. I think its stupid people act like that. I don't get the stared at though. When will it end?


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^^ I agree I am a straight up Mutt ...But I love all my layers and everytime I look in my sons green eyes I am thankful for the mixture because they are so beautiful


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my fiance is italian, and i never thought it was a big deal, love is love wherever you find it. i used to have a problem with his family his grandma mostly she's italian born, and she's brutal, she told me after we got engaged in her accent " i's neba seen cat and turtle makea love anda makea baby, blacks and white iz no good to me" i tried to hold in my laughter but i said to her i bet they'd make some awesome babies like chris and i are. so people will always have something to say if youre in a interacial or same race relationship. do what you do to make yourself happy and eff everyone else!


Well-known member
I'm Asian and my boyfriend is Caucasian .. His family REALLY supports it like.. I guess his entire family grew up in North America and they were very accepting of different races and doesn't really see us as "different".

My parents on the other hand grew up in China where they were VERY VERY conservative. Thankfully, my older sister has always dated out of the race and my parents have become somewhat accepting. They would definitely prefer for us to date someone Chinese but they don't really 'mind' anymore. My mom and I had a talk and she said she honestly really doesn't mind as long as our boyfriends make an effort to talk to her. She says language barrier isn't a problem because anyone can create a normal conversation (Saying hi, how are you, etc).


Well-known member
I don't like the term interracial, I feel like it's so impersonal. I can't explain it, it reminds me of the word interspecies, like with animals. But yea my boyfriend and I are of different ethnicities, even though I don't pay any mind to it. My parents raised hell when I started seeing him(3 years ago) but I know my mom also dislikes his tattoos and they're an issue for her. Oh and I've constantly received remarks from them ever since we started dating that he will someday leave me for a girl his own ethnicity. I've gotten some comments about it but I don't understand the big deal, we're all people who cares? I've stopped talking to a couple of acquaintances because they were so rude about it, and guys from my country think that it's perfectly acceptable to make nasty jokes. I can't stand close minded people.


Well-known member
I have no problem with inter racial relationships. I had to really search my soul when I had my son, being that we live in a majority white suburb I had to really ask myself if i would mind him dating a non black woman. But I'm at peace with it now. It's so nothing new

When I was a teenager I had a crush on this older white guy that went to my church. I asked him if he could see himself dating a black woman and his response was "God would really have to deal with him to do that" .. it was like I was asking him if he'd marry a person with an extra eye in the center of their head. But .. I grew to learn that not all people are like that and that's definitely not the type of person i want to be, why because it's ignorant


Well-known member
I'm African American and my boyfriend is White and yeah we get the stares and whispers, but we pay no mind to it....i like attention anyways lol Like others have said love is love if you find someone who loves you deeply the differences in skin, race or whatever shouldn't matter at all.


Well-known member
My parents have no problems with me dating other races. I'm another product of interracial relationship. My bf is a Central European and when we started going out I was afraid his family wouldn't like it because I'm another race. They turn out to be really nice people and his mom loves me. His dad even attended lessons to improve his English so that he can chat with me.

I live in a country where Asians are minorities. They do stare at me when I'm out with my bf but it doesn't really bother me...


Well-known member
My boyfriend is from afghanistan and I'm hispanic. My parents have absolutely no problem with him at all but his parents don't even know about me. Apparently he's not allowed a girlfriend at all and his parents expect him to just get married when he's older, I'm assuming to a muslim girl

I don't know what they would do if they found out about me..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blackeneddove
Another issue that stems off language is children. If we do end up staying together and eventually having children one day, what will we do? Raise them speaking spanish, and let them learn English in school? Then I will have to learn spanish and my parents will not be able to communicate with my child until they're well into Elementary school. Raise them speaking English, and forget about spanish? Then his parents will not be able to communicate with their grandchild. Either way, it's a lose/lose situation for one side of our families. My parents are older and I would like them to know my children, but it would be so useful to the child to raise them bilingual too.

Other than language, there really isn't a problem. We have different cultural traditions, but those are small things that don't really affect our relationship.

Hey sweetie, I just got around to reading this thread, and when I came across this, I had to ask you why you can't just raise your kids speaking English AND Spanish? Kids start speaking well before they go to school, so it seems to me that you could teach your kids English, and your man could teach them Spanish. I apologize if I missed something you said, and I'm not understanding it right, but I don't see why there'd be any reason you couldn't have your child(ren) speak English and Spanish equally. Given the fact that it's easier to learn languages at a young age, I would think it would be perfect to teach both, and that way neither family feels left out.

As for the general idea of this thread I have absolutely no problems with interracial relationships. I've personally never been in one, but I'm certainly not opposed to it either. You love who you love, and why should the melanin content of your skin matter. Science has no place in matters of the heart.

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