Yes, it is possible to find love online. It might not happen with the person you think it might happen.
I met my boyfriend online back in April. He emailed me and I told him if he wants to talk, to talk to me on AIM. He didn't have internet access at that point, and got AIM working on his phone. At that point in time I was living with my parents, working a terrible retail job and not wanting to meet him. He lived 1.5 hours away, and I figured it'd just be a waste if he came to meet me. He didn't seem my type and he didn't seem geeky enough for me. I blew him off most of the time, but I still continued to talk to him for whatever reason.
I moved 1 hour away from my parents for the boring retail job, which was only 40 minutes from him. He continually bothered me until I agreed to meet him just a day after I moved. He brought me a rose (and a vase, he figured I didn't have one). He took me out to eat, but started feeling sick midway through the meal. We stopped at Target to pick up a few things then he left for the night to go rest.
We talked some more online, he apologized for being a lame date and maybe we could try again? We met again 2 days later, at my apartment. We walked a block away and got pizza, and sat in front of my computer watching Ironman on DVD. He ended up spending the night. And took me for delicious locally made chocolate later too.
He was still very much the same person I talked to online, but he was the geeky type I love. I was thrilled.
My retail job turned for the worst after a month of working at the new place. Not that business was slow, but my boss (the owner) went apeshit when he found out I had a boyfriend. I put in my 2 weeks notice, because I was not going to deal with the abuse, lies and possible stalking from him (the owner). He had rented me an apartment to live in, now without that job I had to get out. It was either move back in with my parents, or move in with my boyfriend, who had a 2 bedroom apartment with a friend. The friend is a deadbeat, and wasn't paying rent. He gave the friend till the end of June to find a new place.
So barely after 1 month of dating, we moved in together. After about a month I found a new job. In October we found a different apartment that wasn't in a bad section of town, also in a state cheaper to live in, and about 5 minutes away from my work. We now have 2 of my cats (that were living with my parents, and my mother agreed to give up), multiple fish and toads.
We've gone through some rough times. His car dying and needing a $2000-3000 repair job. He sold it as junk and started driving my car (I didn't have a job at the time, and when I found my job he had enough flexibility to drive me to and from work). Difficulty in finding an apartment that would allow cats, other weird car issues, his ex constatly bothering us, that sort of thing.
I don't think we're a "normal" couple, but honestly it's worked out great for us. We don't fight, and even with sucky work schedules we're very happy. People keep asking us how many years we've been dating, and when we're getting married. Or they just assume we're married. That's up to him. I could care less.
In the end it has worked out for us.