Let's shoot the animal...for being exactly what the animal is supposed to be?


Well-known member
Tiger in zoo attack was shot to death by police after it mauled 3 people.

Well. No shit. A tiger...a big cat predator...attacks people?


It's a tragic death for the family but that's what those animals are bred to do...hunt and catch prey. They shot an endangered specimen for doing what it does naturally.

I do not agree with this decision. Tranquilize it and send it elsewhere? Absolutely. Make better enclosures? Yes. Shoot it? No. Sorry. I don't agree with that.


Well-known member
Exactly my opinion.
don#t they have any tranquillizer guns in a zoo for emergency cases!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Tiger in zoo attack was shot to death by police after it mauled 3 people.

Well. No shit. A tiger...a big cat predator...attacks people?


It's a tragic death for the family but that's what those animals are bred to do...hunt and catch prey. They shot an endangered specimen for doing what it does naturally.

I do not agree with this decision. Tranquilize it and send it elsewhere? Absolutely. Make better enclosures? Yes. Shoot it? No. Sorry. I don't agree with that.

I agree 100% makes me so sad I love animals!!!!


Well-known member
Nope, sorry, but if I come up on a tiger that is crouched over someone trying to maul them and then it turns on me, you bet your butt I'm protecting myself with whatever I've got.

You can argue that the Zoo itself didn't have proper procedures in place but I can't blame the people who killed the tiger after it turned toward them. The tiger never should have been in that exhibit after attacking a zookeeper last year. The blame here lies solely with the Zoo, IMO.


Well-known member
I don't disagree with that at all, and I understand and endorse self defense 100%, you know that.
But, I do think that instead of managing the panicked public so poorly that the police had to be called and resort to the death of the animal, the zoo should have had the procedure in place to handle the situation.

And, if it turns out the victims were taunting the animal and helped it escape, like the article suggests may have happened, my sympathy with them is nonexistent.


Well-known member
r u f***ING KIDDING ME? THEY SHOT THE TIGER???????????????????????
WTF man????????????????


Well-known member
I'm not sure that anyone really had time to react properly. Combine that with the fact that the zoo is obviously very poorly prepared and you have this disaster. I feel for the people who were attacked (although I agree - if they brought this on themselves, then they did in fact get what they deserved) and the poor tiger. And anyone that witnessed that attack. That had to be so freaking scary.

There are so many questions here. Like, why are police involved? Were they just there? Are they regularly just there? Is there actual zoo security? That kind of thing.

eta: I feel bad for those cops too. Having to kill that tiger probably doesn't feel real good to them either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'm not sure that anyone really had time to react properly. Combine that with the fact that the zoo is obviously very poorly prepared and you have this disaster. I feel for the people who were attacked (although I agree - if they brought this on themselves, then they did in fact get what they deserved) and the poor tiger. And anyone that witnessed that attack. That had to be so freaking scary.

There are so many questions here. Like, why are police involved? Were they just there? Are they regularly just there? Is there actual zoo security? That kind of thing.

eta: I feel bad for those cops too. Having to kill that tiger probably doesn't feel real good to them either.

All really good points.

The zoo is supposed to have a response team, though why they weren't ... y'know...responding...isn't mentioned in the article.


Well-known member
The poor tiger
I nearly cried when I read that it had been shot.

Shame on the zoo for not being prepared for this kind of situation. A beautiful, endangered animal has been destroyed because the police had to do something to stop it attacking... and with no response team in sight, what do you honestly think they're going to do?

I feel for those attacked (only if they weren't taunting it and trying to lure it out - if you're going to do something that stupid then deal with the consequences), and I feel for the police officers that had to make the decision to shoot it.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone. And this wasn't the first time the tiger had attacked, so I'm wondering why the zoo didn't find alternative arrangements after the first incident. After the first attack the zoo knew the propensity of the animal to attack, so in my mind, I have a hard time justifying what was done. The zoo should have shipped that poor kitty off to a nature reserve somewhere.


Well-known member
They are WILD animals. I really have an issue with killing these animals for doing what they would do in nature. They want to stick them in cages. If they act like what they are, predators, they kill them.

I see so many shows where they go into the cages and let these WILD animals hug on them or beat them into standing up. When one has enough of that foolishness, he slaps the stupid man or pins them down and the wounds are severe. They don't respect these animals are WILD and always will be WILD and powerful animals.

In the animal kingdom, the laws are clear. You threaten or tease me. That means you want to fight me. The lesson can be deadly. You don't tease what is bigger & more powerful than you. Now, that's common sense.


Well-known member
I blame the Zoo for not securing the place properly, I mean they know that tigers are wild animals. A lot of people die in zoo's and circus's because of poor security around the cages etc.
They shouldn't have shot the tiger maybe shoot it with a sedator or something that would've callmed the tiger down. I guess people just panicked and did what they thought was best in an impulse.


I'm sooo upset that this happened! A ZOO is where these animals and the public should be safe. The animal got out. I blame the zoo. People killed/injured. I blame the zoo. Animal killed. Again the zoo is to blame. I think this incident should inspire all zoos to review all their safety procedures!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
I feel for those attacked (only if they weren't taunting it and trying to lure it out - if you're going to do something that stupid then deal with the consequences), and I feel for the police officers that had to make the decision to shoot it.

The people attacked were eating at an outdoor cafe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyPie
The people attacked were eating at an outdoor cafe.

Where did you read that?


Well-known member
Tranquilizers are far too slow.
If its killing people, they are going to have to do something about it ASAP, Its sad the tiger had to die ,but If its about to kill some little kids, sorry but its getting shot.Tranquilizers just aren't going to cut it when something like that is happening.\

Perhaps we should think twice before caging up wild animals for the public to stare at.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyPie
"Let's let the tiger eat the man - he's only doing what he does naturally!"

I don't think anyone here is saying that they should have let the tiger continue to dine, what we're saying is that the zoo and the police handled the situation very poorly. Tranquilizing the tiger would have been equally effective and it would have minimized the loss of life. That tiger should not have been killed because it was acting as nature intended. That tiger does not know the difference between a zebra and a person. All he saw was something move and he went into attack mode. It's not the tiger's fault, nor is it the attack victims' faults...it's the zoo. The zoo is the one who wasn't prepared and didn't have adequate facilities to keep this kitty in check.