Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


Well-known member
I dont think anyone can emulate Marilyn tbh. Theere is something about Marilyn's facial features that I have never seen on someone else. She truly looked unique imo.

I also dont understand why any actress would agree to do this. Compared to Marilyn everyone fall short. Im not saying that Marilyn was neccesarily more beautiful than anyone else, but she is an icon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
She's not supposed to BE Marilyn, just emulate the sitting.

The photo set is actually named "Lindsay Lohan As Marilyn Monroe In "The Last Sitting."


Well-known member
Did Marilyn look unique before or after her nose job?

Im not reffering to her nose job, Im reffering to her wide set sorta sleepy looking eyes. I've never seen anyone else with eyes like that. I also dont understand the nose job comment? How is that relevant to wether she looked unique or not? :S


Well-known member
My opinion is probably unpopular (I haven't read through all the posts) but the closest to Marylin I've seen is Madonna in her 1992 book called SEX. She channels Marylin to an eerily close degree. Madonna's boobs are also just fantastic, I think Lindsay's are kind of saggy and not as nice.

If I was to have my boobs done, I'd take in the picture of Madonna hitchhiking naked from that book and say, "This is what I want" lol. She's just damn gorgeous in that book. I miss old Madonna.

These Hollywood newbs have nothing on Marylin or the bombshells of the 60s. They're trying way too hard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NYDoll88
Lindsay Lohan has fat all around her stomach. That to me, is fat. I truly believe everyone has different ideas of what "fat" is, so in my opinion, both Marilyn and Lindsay are fat. I still think they're beautiful though. Oh and I really don't think she had implants. Her boobs are natural looking. She just has large's not that uncommon for a 21 year old girl to have a big chest.

She's like a size 2. Hardly fat, just not fit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NYDoll88
Lindsay Lohan has fat all around her stomach. That to me, is fat. I truly believe everyone has different ideas of what "fat" is, so in my opinion, both Marilyn and Lindsay are fat. I still think they're beautiful though. Oh and I really don't think she had implants. Her boobs are natural looking. She just has large's not that uncommon for a 21 year old girl to have a big chest.

I hope we all have fat around our stomachs or else something is pretty wrong!

Anyway I agree she's just not all that fit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jeisenne
My opinion is probably unpopular (I haven't read through all the posts) but the closest to Marylin I've seen is Madonna in her 1992 book called SEX. She channels Marylin to an eerily close degree. Madonna's boobs are also just fantastic, I think Lindsay's are kind of saggy and not as nice.

If I was to have my boobs done, I'd take in the picture of Madonna hitchhiking naked from that book and say, "This is what I want" lol. She's just damn gorgeous in that book. I miss old Madonna.

These Hollywood newbs have nothing on Marylin or the bombshells of the 60s. They're trying way too hard.

Madonna has a great rack, and back in like 00, 01 she had some fucking fantastic shoulders.

Carry on.


Well-known member
I like the pics but something about the hair looks really bad 2 me..and to me she looks nothing like Marylin but hey if LL is who they wanted for the shoot then w/e...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
It's not like she freed slaves or ended a war. Good Lord....


Originally Posted by Shimmer
The 'media' didn't tell her to flash her pikachu.


Originally Posted by NYDoll88
Lindsay Lohan has fat all around her stomach. That to me, is fat. I truly believe everyone has different ideas of what "fat" is, so in my opinion, both Marilyn and Lindsay are fat.

oh how i hate to disagree but i have to here. how is a size 2 fat when the average size for the female population is between a size 6-10. remember she was considered curvy until she starved herself and went on a couple coke binges then tabloids were pleading for her to gain weight. so i'm assuming now that i couldn't qualify as not fat until you can't see me when i turn sideways. i mean honestly you can see the bones sticking out of her spine. i don't even think her fat content is above 6%


Well-known member
I remember reading a while back about her boobs being real, and that she considered herself lucky to be so well endowed. She was going on and on about how proud she was that she didn't need surgery, and she was in fact considering a breast reduction, due to back problems.This was back many years ago, and they seemed real to me (she had bright red hair, and was more curvaceous at the time). It was around the time she was filim Mean Girls.
I don't really agree with her choices, but I can't believe we are actually criticizing the shape of her breasts and the direction they point at. My breasts are far from being perfect, I actually wish they had the same shape as hers. Imagine how badly we can critique someone with breasts the size of prunes! I'm sure none of us here have the perfect breasts, so why are we "ewwing" at hers? They actually look fine to me. I actually would love to have a shape close to what she has. And if her breasts are real, their weight is probably preventing them from being perky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pushpa
but scarlett would have been an awesome choice but i just <3 her...but someone mentioned they had better things to do which was probably right

Yeah I think Scarlett Johansson would've rocked this photo shoot more than LL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by janwa09
Yeah I think Scarlett Johansson would've rocked this photo shoot more than LL.


I really don't like lindsay's hair colour, not as nice looking as Marilyns.

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