Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
middle aged hag? are you kidding? she's really good looking. how bitchy :/ i would hate for you to see me if you're so mean about stranger's looks, ha

She's 21. She *easily* looks 35.

And looking 35 isn't bad at all, if you're close to 35. Looking 35 when you just received clearance to legally purchase alcohol? Not so good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
If Lindsay Lohan is fat, then we're all fucked. Honestly, some of the comments in this thread have been so incredibly misogynistic, in the sense of showing a real fear and even hatred of women's bodies. Real women have "fat", real boobs are large and "saggy".

The ironic thing, of course, is that men love curvy women and icky-icky "saggy" boobs.

Wow, as a man, I must have missed the survey you conducted seeing as how I'm not a huge fan of the 'curvy' (e.g. flappy, saggy, feels like you're embracing a bag full of jello) 'saggy boobs' or as I call them 'gophers' (you take off the bra and the 'go fer' the floor). Her personal drug and alcohol problems aside I, frankly, wouldn't do her if she showed up in the monkey house with a fist full of bananas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No it doesn't. Sticking fingers down throats causes eating disorders. Believing that having muscle tone is a bad thing causes eating disorders.
She and Mischa Barton are both PERFECT examples of what 'skinny fat' people look like. Go to a local tanning salon and you'll likely see more evidenced by the teenyboppers working there.

Blame me & my exercise believing healthy food eating ass for eating disorders?
Go ahead. While you're pointing fingers, I'll be taking care of my body.

I'm not the person you want to do this with, not by any stretch of the imagination.

Is that some sort of threat? Your hostility is really unnecessary. If you want to see my response to an entire thread as being about you, while that's your own issue.

I'm stilling calling the black kettle black. There are plenty of healthy bodies that aren't scrawny or skinny or taut or any of the other code words for skinny that people want to hide their fatphobia behind. This thread has been riddled with people calling Lindsay Lohan fat when she clearly is not. It's just that sort of misogynistic bullshit that causes women to stick their fingers down their throats, as you so poetically put it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
Is that some sort of threat? Your hostility is really unnecessary. If you want to see my response to an entire thread as being about you, while that's your own issue.

I'm stilling calling the black kettle black. There are plenty of healthy bodies that aren't scrawny or skinny or taut or any of the other code words for skinny that people want to hide their fatphobia behind. This thread has been riddled with people calling Lindsay Lohan fat when she clearly is not. It's just that sort of misogynistic bullshit that causes women to stick their fingers down their throats, as you so poetically put it.

Take it as you wish.

I'm sorry, are you implying that it's fatphobic to want to be fit? Because that's ridiculous. My mother is a size 18, but she's FIT. She can walk circles around most women my age, despite her double digit sizing. Lindsay Lohan isn't fit. She couldn't pull her own weight, much less weight added to it, for any length of time.
I didn't say scrawny, I didn't say taut, and I didn't use any buzzwords. You still didn't like my choice of words. I'm not scrawny or skinny, I'm 5f3 and a solid 145 lbs, but I can lift my body weight and knock out more pull/chin ups than most guys my age, and knock out more correct pushups than...the vast majority of women my age. I'm not a size 2. I'm a size 6. Big fucking deal. I take care of myself. That's the difference.

As a young (immature) woman who presents herself to the public for judgment and evaluation like she does, by doing photoshoots and posing and constantly being in the public eye, she grants me (and others like me) to give our opinions objectively.

As a woman who has an active and enthusiastic interest in other women sexually, I know what is generally accepted as attractive.

Peanut butter ass isn't attractive. Lack of muscle tone isn't attractive. It's not healthy, it's not at all a pleasing aesthetic. Instead of paying her drug dealer, she needs to be paying a personal trainer and nutritionist to salvage some semblance of youth and vigor before it's too late.

It's not misogynistic to have preferences for what one finds attractive. That's not mean, rude, or out of line, either. I don't expect perfection, I expect some fucking effort.


Well-known member
Shimmer your peanut butter analogy gave me the most disgusting image in my head of squeezing someones arm and it just .. staying deformed..



Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Lindsey Lohan is a ginger. (I really hope someone else saw that episode of South Park...)

(Quotes Cartman): "Thats sick! Just gross!"


Well-known member
She is what we call "Skinny Fat". Basically a person that doesn't appear outwardly "Fat", but rather untoned. Not much muscle and mostly fat even if they appear thin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
She's 21. She *easily* looks 35.

And looking 35 isn't bad at all, if you're close to 35. Looking 35 when you just received clearance to legally purchase alcohol? Not so good.

okay...look at any press shots of her & she clearly looks in her early 20's. she won't age well though. & it's completely normal & attractive for females bodies to look soft. think what you like, but the popular conventional standard for women's bodies isn't muscular like you claim. i'm sensing a lot of jealousy over her beauty's pretty pathetic that her appearance is being insulted the most over her behaviour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
(Quotes Cartman): "Thats sick! Just gross!"

I'm a ginger.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
okay...look at any press shots of her & she clearly looks in her early 20's. she won't age well though. & it's completely normal & attractive for females bodies to look soft. think what you like, but the popular conventional standard for women's bodies isn't muscular like you claim. i'm sensing a lot of jealousy over her beauty's pretty pathetic that her appearance is being insulted the most over her behaviour.

HAHAHAHAH Are you serious?
No, it's NOT completely normal for female bodies to look soft and squishy. That's why Jessica Simpson trained so hard to wear that red bikini, and she WASN'T overly muscular.

I've never been the jealous type, and I've never been threatened by another female's appearance. That's just silly.


Well-known member
Anyone with natural breasts, an ass, any kind of muffin top or thigh or leg jiggle is going to read this thread and feel inadequate, regardless of size.


Well-known member
I probably shouldn't get involved in this
but I can't help it.

Ethel, I understand why you may think it's ridiculous for some members to say Lindsey is "fat" because I think she's more underweight then anything else and is in serious need of some healthy living. I agree those statements about her being fat is disturbing. But I don't think you should have directed it at Shimmer, if anything, Shim was correcting those statments by saying she isn't fat but unfit which I understood that to mean she has a unhealthy lifestyle which lead her body to look "untone".

I agree with Shimmer and I am 100% certain that it's not a cloak to mean she IS fat. She's gooey and could use some healthy eating, exercise, proper sleep and cuttin out the drugs and alcohol that's all we're saying. Also, not all of us have critized her boobs, body etc. some posters hate her, some love her but there are also those that have been objective and calling a spade a spade.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
As a size 12/14, I feel fat when I read this thread.

Me too, it's made me hide my chocolate biscuits away


Well-known member
I just started liking my natural boobs a few years ago. I kept telling them they were awesome and their self confidence was lifted. They deflated again during this thread. I got to give them their affirmations again "You are awesome." "You are beautiful just the way you are." It's amazing they have ears.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
She's gooey and could use some healthy eating, exercise, proper sleep and cuttin out the drugs and alcohol that's all we're saying. Also, not all of us have critized her boobs, body etc. some posters hate her, some love her but there are also those that have been objective and calling a spade a spade.

Yes. Back when she was younger she had some serious potential to grow into her looks and become a very attractive woman, but she really ruined that on many levels by neglecting and abusing her body the way she has.

She could undo a lot of the damage, and get most of her looks back, by taking care of herself...eating right, exercising, staying out of the sun, taking care of her skin and hair, and laying off the booze and drugs (or at least only using them sporadically). She won't ever reach the potential she had but she could definitely improve from where she's at.

Nothing, though, will ever take away the calculated look of experience in her eyes, I'm afraid. She doesn't have any innocence left. And that's pretty sad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
okay...look at any press shots of her & she clearly looks in her early 20's. she won't age well though. & it's completely normal & attractive for females bodies to look soft. think what you like, but the popular conventional standard for women's bodies isn't muscular like you claim. i'm sensing a lot of jealousy over her beauty's pretty pathetic that her appearance is being insulted the most over her behaviour.

You might want to get your sensor checked then because that is NOT the direction she was going as far as I've read. Lohan looks like the spokesmodel for pillsbury in my opinion and it didn't have to be that way. She had a great deal of potential when she was younger but the trainwreck that she has made of her life has detracted from that.

BTW for you ladies that have a little extra padding I am NOT a fatophobic. I can look in a mirror and see where I could lose a few pounds myself. My spouse isn't twig thin either. Life does happen and everybody could do a little bit more to stay healthier / more fit. If you're happy with yourself and your partner is as well then don't worry about it if you don't want to. If you're not happy with yourself change your habits and tone up if you want to. We all have personal choices.

As Lohan is a public figure she puts herself out there for honest critique by everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
I probably shouldn't get involved in this
but I can't help it.

Ethel, I understand why you may think it's ridiculous for some members to say Lindsey is "fat" because I think she's more underweight then anything else and is in serious need of some healthy living. I agree those statements about her being fat is disturbing. But I don't think you should have directed it at Shimmer, if anything, Shim was correcting those statments by saying she isn't fat but unfit which I understood that to mean she has a unhealthy lifestyle which lead her body to look "untone".

I'm not directed my complaints at Shimmer. Read the thread. I made general comments in response to the whole thread. She began quoting my posts and attacking me.

I still think this fitness rhetoric is bullshit. There are many women with lots of body fat who eat healthy and exercise. Having fat and curves is not unhealthy.

Lohan does put herself in the public eye and therefore makes herself ripe for critique. But launching into attacks about how fat, saggy, unfit, etc. she is--as so many of the posters in this thread eagerly did--has repercussions beyong Lohan's ego. The fact that other posters have said they feel fat or that their boobs are gross after reading this thread illustrates that an attack on a celebrity's bodies is easily perceived as an attack women's bodies in general.

And don't even get me started about the post on how women's boobs feel like disgusting jello. Regardless of whether or not your attracted to women or not, remember your audience is made up primarily of women before posting something like that.

Most tof the posters here are women. I don't see why we should make each other feel bad about our bodies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
I'm not directed my complaints at Shimmer. Read the thread. I made general comments in response to the whole thread. She began quoting my posts and attacking me.

You specifically chose to single out the wording I used. I responded. That's how this works.
I still think this fitness rhetoric is bullshit. There are many women with lots of body fat who eat healthy and exercise. Having fat and curves is not unhealthy.

Lots of body fat =/= healthy. I'm not talking about fat. I'm talking about FITNESS. There's a difference, and it's not an attack on anyone to say they're UNFIT. LOHAN IS UNFIT. There's nothing FIT about Lindsay Lohan. She's not 'fat', and I've repeated that ad nauseum, but she's also not FIT. I'll stand by those words too.
In the medical world, skinny-fat is known as sarcopenia, a condition marked by muscle and strength loss in people of otherwise-normal weight.
Here's a WebMD article on one study ran relating to the 'skinnyfat' phenomenon.
I never said having curves is unhealthy or bad...but be realistic. This (maybe NSFW) is NOT curvy. This or this is curvy.
The euphemisms are bullshit. Those are what needs to be dropped. It's not sexy or hot to be unhealthy, regardless of weight.

Lohan does put herself in the public eye and therefore makes herself ripe for critique. But launching into attacks about how fat, saggy, unfit, etc. she is--as so many of the posters in this thread eagerly did--has repercussions beyong Lohan's ego. The fact that other posters have said they feel fat or that their boobs are gross after reading this thread illustrates that an attack on a celebrity's bodies is easily perceived as an attack women's bodies in general.

And don't even get me started about the post on how women's boobs feel like disgusting jello. Regardless of whether or not your attracted to women or not, remember your audience is made up primarily of women before posting something like that.

I don't think the poster said that women's breasts feel like disgusting jello. I think he quantified that statement. I'll even say I think he has gone on record on the site saying he's straight and married.
As such, I think he's got a fairly good grasp on what heterosexual men find attractive, non?
Most tof the posters here are women. I don't see why we should make each other feel bad about our bodies.

I've never understood the behaviour of taking someone else's appearance/failings/whatever onto oneself. It's ridiculous.

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