Lindsey Lohan as Marylin Monroe!? NSFW!!


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I figured out why LL is so unattractive to me. She looks...ridiculously like my exhusband's first wife, but like v2.0. And I hate that bitch.


Well-known member
I dont think LL is ugly. I dont think she is fat. I honestly do think her boobs look too big for her body.. maybe it IS just the was she posed. I haven't seen her boobs in any "normal" positions.

I didn't expect everyone to trash LL because of the one comment I made about her boobs, and I was NOT trashing her. I was just stating what I saw. I didn't do it to be a bitch. or offend anyone with big boobs, because lord knows I need bigger boobs


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Why do these threads always turn into a "None-of-us-are-perfect" thread? None of us are, and having it pointed out is the risk you take when you put yourself in a fishbowl/spotlight. It's a moot point to talk about all the pressure she's under because for every Britney, Lindsey and Paris, there's a dime a dozen other celebs who have it just as bad and they are not cracking under pressure.


Yeah, cry me a river, people are judging someone who markets themselves the way female celebrities do - as perfect.

I judge. ALL the time. Everyone does. It is human nature.

I think LL looks like she's a middle aged hag. Too many drugs, too much alcohol and NOT ENOUGH PARENTING from that train wreck Dina.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
The pictures tell the truth to me.

Did Lindsay Lohan Have a Boob Job

That article has it so backwards. The first picture is the AFTER and the first one is BEFORE. She got skinny and her boobs shrunk. (and when she gained weight her boobs got bigger, it happens) The first pic is when she had an eating disorder and the 2nd is from when she made Mean Girls 2 years earlier. Also, she's walking, boobs bounce when you walk, photographer happened to get a perfect shot. The article is bogus.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*

Yeah, cry me a river, people are judging someone who markets themselves the way female celebrities do - as perfect.

I judge. ALL the time. Everyone does. It is human nature.

I think LL looks like she's a middle aged hag. Too many drugs, too much alcohol and NOT ENOUGH PARENTING from that train wreck Dina.

middle aged hag? are you kidding? she's really good looking. how bitchy :/ i would hate for you to see me if you're so mean about stranger's looks, ha


Well-known member
The reason I don't like these pictures is because they are poor remakes.
She tries to hard to make her expressions 'marilyn like'.

the second outtake picture (from above)
is the best picture of the bunch. Because it doesn't look forced.


Well-known member
Lindsey Lohan had a great body in Mean Girls. Real or not, her boobs were great, her legs were shaped wonderfully. I thought she looked pretty good in that movie.

That being said, damn she has a lot of freckles! Theres nothing wrong with freckles but damn. LoL. I like the freckles I have though i have just a few splashed across my cheeks underneath my eyes.

Lindsey Lohan is a ginger. (I really hope someone else saw that episode of South Park...)


Well-known member
These are just sad. She looks like a little girl playing dress up and trying way too hard.

She isn't even near Marilyn's aesthtic. IMO, Lindsay looked best when her body had a bit more curve/junk in tha trunk, which is how Marilyn was built. In those pics, her body just looks to unhealthy, as in trying to be skinny at the expense of zero musle tone. It's ironic that in real life Lindsay has tried so hard to be the opposite of what Marilyn's build was.

The few pics that looked good were the ones with the white scarf that had the red squiggles on it

And really, it's just kind of sad that she is trying to be someone else. It's also kind of presumptuous. Like instant gratification. Put on a wig and your immediately a sexy icon. I dunno, I am thinking way too much about this. *kicks brain*

I would rather just see her without a fake tan, with her natural hair colour, some junk in her trunk and a genuine smile on her face. That would be a great picture.


Well-known member
If Lindsay Lohan is fat, then we're all fucked. Honestly, some of the comments in this thread have been so incredibly misogynistic, in the sense of showing a real fear and even hatred of women's bodies. Real women have "fat", real boobs are large and "saggy".

The ironic thing, of course, is that men love curvy women and icky-icky "saggy" boobs.


Well-known member
Real breasts are saggy. We've established that. But her breasts aren't real. We've also established that. If I pay a Dr. for some breasts, I don't want 2 coconut halves but they'd better be a little bit more erect than reg'la ol' natural ones. Just my opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
If Lindsay Lohan is fat, then we're all fucked. Honestly, some of the comments in this thread have been so incredibly misogynistic, in the sense of showing a real fear and even hatred of women's bodies. Real women have "fat", real boobs are large and "saggy".

The ironic thing, of course, is that men love curvy women and icky-icky "saggy" boobs.

Not fat, just unfit.

I've never denied being a misogynist.


Well-known member
I call bullshit. I don't believe for an instant that criticisms of her body are based on fitness or health. "Unfit" is being used as a synonym for fat--it's a much nicer way of saying the same thing.


Well-known member
Call bullshit til the cows come home.
I've gone on record with what I believe her physique looks like. She's not fat, but she's not fit. Her ass, arms, and legs look like they're filled with peanut butter. The soft creamy kind.

That's not sexy.

I like FIT women who are strong and can keep up with me.

She's not it.

Maybe others are using them as synonyms, but as I am the one who originally said it in thread, I assure you, I said what I meant and I meant what I said. If ever you doubt what I say, don't, because I don't pussyfoot around.


Well-known member
No it doesn't. Sticking fingers down throats causes eating disorders. Believing that having muscle tone is a bad thing causes eating disorders.
She and Mischa Barton are both PERFECT examples of what 'skinny fat' people look like. Go to a local tanning salon and you'll likely see more evidenced by the teenyboppers working there.

Blame me & my exercise believing healthy food eating ass for eating disorders?
Go ahead. While you're pointing fingers, I'll be taking care of my body.

I'm not the person you want to do this with, not by any stretch of the imagination.

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