Lying to get a PRO card

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Well-known member
^^PSH, yeah...b/c Peggy Bundy is the portrait of reality....


I'm not even TOUCHING the rude comments about stay at home mothers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tabou82
This entire post is stupid! If you are going to report her, then do it! If not, then don't! Obviously, her actions are not okay with you morally and it doesn't appear that you are friends, so why is it important to have the "support" of Spectra behind you when you are utterly disgusted by her actions and wants to report her? Again, just do it if that's what you want to do. Personally, I wouldn't care because I don't live my life according to what other people do and have nor how they gain those possessions. I just try to focus on me being the best person I can be. In this case, I feel that MAC dropped the ball and should have a more thorough policy regarding PROCard Approvals. It's their product and namesake so they should jump through hurdles to make sure that the integrity of the PROCard Membership is maintained. But that's just me....

I've stayed out of this whole thing pretty much, but I've gotta say...THIS IS A FREAKIN FORUM! lol. I'm just saying that there are hundreds of threads on here where people are just sharing a situation (which they already have a strong opinion on) and thats ok. I think this thread is totally relevant. People have lots of different reasons for posting threads and that's their right. Not all the threads on here are about people needing "support of Specktra" to make decisions. It's a fun place to chat and share situations and ask for opinions and points of view and thats what she's doing.

Calling her post "stupid" was going a little far.
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