oh the drama we go through at MAC. if you guys only knew... lol.
i understand some of the posts about bad customer service and if muas just don't help you or they're rude, then you should definitely make a complaint. my counter/trainers always try our best to give good customer service and be nice.
but sometimes we have our off days, have brain farts, etc. some days we have so many customers that come in and are so indescisive about what they want. it can drive you batty. they say they want something but don't know. then they want us to pick something out for them which we think would look nice on them and they're just like "uh. no." we try to get info and people just don't answer us at all. so it's like how can we help you if you don't know yourself...?
with d/c'd products, sometimes we don't know it's discontinued. we just found out Sobe lippie is d/c'd cause i was going through our new lipstick schematic.
like a mua said about LE stuff, sometimes we don't get it in so we don't know what it is if we aren't around it. or it gets sold out so fast that some people who don't work everyday haven't seen it. and when people ask about LE lippies that are still out and we forget, think about the other stuff/new launches that are now out that we're focusing on. sometimes customers get the name totally wrong or say "it's a new color" and it's from last year. lol. i had one lady come in and said she was looking for an e/s ut she didn't see it. she's been buying it for years. she then decribed the color and it sounded like sketch. showed it to her and she said no. went through all of the burgundy shades and she said no to all of it. asked my manager and she said it sounded like sketch too. so she was like no, i'll just come back when i check the name. she comes back... what do you know... it's sketch! lol.
when we give you a blank stare when you ask about something, we might not have heard you right and/or we're trying to think of what product you're talking about. at least that's how it is with me
being a mua is a very stressful job. like risa said, we have so many things to do while we're at work (especially for people that are part-time) just to do for the counter along jugging customers who are indesicive, in a hurry, wanting demos, color matches, trying to find a color e/s or lipstick. you have to feel out customers like crazy and there's so much transfering of energy that it's tiring. all during lunch time or closing or when you're the only one on the floor.
and PLEASE save your boxes. especially if you shop at macy's. we have a very lenient return policy: 180 days (half a year) with the box or recipt or maybe even the credit card that you purchased it on. we have so many customers that try to return things without any of those things and give us an attitude about not being able to exchange. then they start going into the "well we shop here all of the time". it's not about that. we as muas are not able to do returns or exchanges without one of those 3, the macy's computers won't let us. so we have to get a macy's manager to override it. and they talk to the manager making it seem like it was our fault that we can't to the return. and don't get me started on people trying to return used USED makeup...
sorry for ranting just trying to give some light on our side.
but with some tricky customers, there are more customers that are very nice and understanding and you have a great connection with. the tricky ones make me appreciate the good ones even more. and i do try my best to make those difficult ones more pleasant by being nice and doing what i can do for them.