MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
Only one lippie? I knew I should have went to the store tonite to check out RS and the quad. I came home and crashed out.
i know...i felt that the rest of them i wasn't going to get much wear out of because i wouldn't feel comfortable. most of the more red-orange/peach shades don't work that well on my skintone because there isn't enough red/pink in my skin. and i don't want to buy lipsticks right now that i can only apply super carefully, with a liner and a primer and what not.... i don't mind doing that from time to time, but i just don't want to always have tangerine dream it is! no liner required. swipe and go!


Well-known member
If It helps i got RS And im a NC30 Going into NC35 and it looks lovely. I just use it with no bronzer and since its matte I can use it freely during the day. It is very girlie looking I think but I'm prob gonna use for min makeup days since it'll give me a rosy cheek effortlessly Em 94 YJ white.
I feel like RS is going to look lovely with Flamingo. I'm also NC30/35 and I'm determined to find another flamingo today and pick up RS


Well-known member
And I say girlie looking being that I'm use to my go to blushes are a bit in the bright side: nars exhibit A and nars taj mahal..... My "girlie" look is usually a bit of orgasm... So yea RS Is def a tone down the usual but it does look very pretty and complements the orange lippies Em 94 YJ white.
Lol I'm the same way I love a bright blush to exhibit a is my all time favorite blush


Well-known member
Great swatches Bobbiedoll!
I especially like the pic of you "feeling yourself." Good for you!!!

Thanks for this! I've just started hoarding blush so I'm on the hunt for any super pretty ones.


Well-known member
Yes!! I think w flamingo it'll be the ish!! I Didnt get flamingo tho so post that combination when you can :) And exhibit A is amazing thoroughly blended.. I even use it as eyeshadow sometimes -Emma


Well-known member
@luvly Lol I just figured it out how to change my signature. I use tapatalk for the forum but I'm also part of nycjeepclub Offroad club and our signature there is usually our jeeps and what mods they have etc Em is for Emma 94 YJ white is my jeep model year and color. But I figured how to fix it on the app -Emma


Well-known member
[quote name="Medgal07"    :nono:  [COLOR=0000FF]Don't encourage her!!!  She's a skillful enabler makeup enthusiast as it is![/COLOR] [/quote] Lmao, all keep that in mind :)


Well-known member
NIce haul Naughtyp! Guess you'll have to go back and get one of those CSGs to go w/ SnS

I opened my package today, and I got Flamingo, Tangerine Dream, and Sweet & Sour. I didn't even try on Sweet & Sour, because just looking at it and looking at other people's swatches I know it's not going to work for me. So, I'm going to send that one back.
Tangerine Dream was a disappointment. I think it would have looked better on me if it wasn't a lustre. It was just too sheer and patchy looking.
BUT, Flamingo! That's my new BFF! It's what I've always wanted Ever Hip, Dressmaker, Dressmaker, and Nicki 1 to be. It will be my bestie this summer. I'm wearing it now with NYX Fuschia liner. It's pretty without being all extra bright, in your face, look at my neon lips. I'm going to try it tomorrow with MAC Magenta liner.


Well-known member
Great swatches!!! Just makes all of the colors look so I invited them all

Just got my Flamingo and Sushi Kiss in the mail today! They're both so beautiful, although Sushi Kiss is a little bold. It's something I've never tried before. It will be amazing for summer, though!

I experimented a bit to try and make SK a little more wearable for me, so I made a Flamingo/Sushi Kiss sandwich! I first did a layer of F, then one of SK, and finally another layer of F on top. It looks sooo gorgeous. I suggest you giving it a try if you find SK a little too much for you. Flamingo really softens it.


Well-known member
I figured as much. I rushed to Macy's today to try Honey Jasmine. I virtually disappeared on my hand and RS was a bit ashy on my hand as well. I wondered if it was like Immortal Flower and the others last year that swatched poorly on my hand but looked lovely on my face. I may just try these two again. But goodness knows I don't need any more orangey/corally blushes. I can't wait for lipstick delivery tomorrow.

The trip wasn't a total waste because I bought Elegant's rec - Smashbox CC cream. The rec came just in time because I had noticed a lot dark spots on the side of my face that I don't really even notice when I make up my face and I was looking to get some kind of lightening cream. I thought I'd give it a try. I think I am between the two darkest colors. I decided to go with the medium because I figured I would put something over it anyway and I wasn't sure if the dark would work for layering. I may be able to give the dark a go come summer time when I get a little bit darker. But we'll see how it goes when I try it tomorrow.
Hope you like the SBCCC---I wear mine like a primer, under my foundation. Good stuff.


Well-known member
So I called the same MAC that I went to yesterday to get my Flamingo lipstick and she said they had 3 in, yesterday the girl told me they only had 1 left. So I'm curious, did they get another shipment or is this tactical to build the hype that we must buy everything now lol!!?


Well-known member
Thanks to an awesome Specktrette the AAO part of my cp consists of: Honey Jasmine Royal Sunset Sushi Kiss Razzledazzler Tart & Trendy So happy, so happy. :cloud9:


Well-known member
So I called the same MAC that I went to yesterday to get my Flamingo lipstick and she said they had 3 in, yesterday the girl told me they only had 1 left. So I'm curious, did they get another shipment or is this tactical to build the hype that we must buy everything now lol!!?
Sometimes people put stuff on hold and dont show up to buy it so they put it back in stock.

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