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Naaa. Bored, ailing, aging, and apparently horny.Lots of posts. We stalking to nite or wha?

Naaa. Bored, ailing, aging, and apparently horny.Lots of posts. We stalking to nite or wha?
no probsThanks breatheonbeat!
Thanks babycakes!absolutely! I truly lucked out with taking this stuff.. and it's helped me cause I never get migraines or headaches.. Thank God! keep at it and stay healthy..:frenz:
I saw pics! Sounds amazing![COLOR=800080]Hey![/COLOR] :flower: [COLOR=800080]Traveling as usual.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Spent the day on my native island ( Andros, Bahamas) with my grand mother today listening to her tell me how much I "look like Gold" lol [/COLOR]
Nope. It doesn't release til later this week.Lots of posts. We stalking to nite or wha?
aww you're team no sleep too??? i was actually talking to @NaturallyUrs about #teamnosleep. we should make it a thing, if it isn't one.I know I am regardless. I have trouble sleeping anyways =/
Wow! Serious gorgeousness! I was told the same thing about heels after my diskectomy. I don't wear them regularly, but there was no way I was going to totally give them up, either!
If you decide you want to sell it or swap it one day, let me know. I don't back things up, but I kind of wish I had for this one.So funny to see this! I was so in love with Sex Ray for a minute. I still have one, BNIB.
I have a gluten sensitivity. There are five different kinds. My surfaces in bloat and skin rash, plus migraines. Although I've read that some who aren't gluten sensitive But have migraines can benefit from gluten free. I can tell when I have ingested gluten now. My skin breaks out, I get bloated and uncomfortable, and a migraine starts. Weird I know. My guy knows what to tell the doctor. I cannot stand talking in the middle of a migraine. I had to wait for an hour once to get the treatment and they kept asking me questions. I wanted to scream "just f@cking give me the drugs so I can go home." So frustrating. I've found some doctors out here, but now the problem is people who abuse controlled RX drugs are making it hard for me to get some meds. Sigh. It seems like it's always something with my health. I don't know about gluten free as a diet, but for my medical needs it's working for now. It's not easy. I flipping love bread and pasta :shock:Lets hope everything gets better! There is no Giving up when you are trying to get healthy and getting your life Back! I always say everything is worth doing! I got into makeup weeks after my Diagnose and i joined specktra as soon as i found the site. So sorry about you having to leave your Doctor. Finding great doctors is very Difficult. I hope you find one that can help you. ughh Migraines are the worst. and Nausea is something i detests with all my guts. I usually call before going to the ER. they ask so many damn questions LOL i cant image to be waiting for them to do something while having a Migraine. Great about the Gluten Free diet. i had no idea it helped for that. i only knew it use for people with Celiac Disease or the ones that are allergic to Gluten. The good thing is that Gluten Free Food is more available now. thanks to the Ignorance of Gwyneth Paltrow. It Definitely Helps people with Real Medical Problems.
At my most, I got 3-4 a week. An those lasted 24-48 untreated. They sometimes ran together. Now that I'm older and taking meds, I get 2-3 near headaches and 1-2 actual full migraines a week. Magnesium can really help. You can take it every day as a supplement, but in a larger dose it can help break it.I never knew about taking magnesium for migraines. I'll have to try it. I get the worst migraines/headaches so bad that I just get nauseous and have to lye down. And they stay all day! I get them about 1 a week too, my dr prescribed me some meds but I hate taking medicine!
Why did I think you were Nigerian? Bahamian did not enter my mind at all. Let me go to bed.[COLOR=800080]Hey![/COLOR] :flower: [COLOR=800080]Traveling as usual.[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Spent the day on my native island ( Andros, Bahamas) with my grand mother today listening to her tell me how much I "look like Gold" lol [/COLOR]
Magnesium is always in the IV drip I get to treat a long, medicine resistant migraine. Always helps.I'm right there with ya babe. Try magnesium. I've been taking it for about 2 months now and i haven't had a single migraine in that time. No joke. For the last year and a half I've been fighting (as ya'll know) with chronic migraines, and nothings been working. I've had em for 18 years, but was only getting 2-3 a year. Then after being on chemo, i started getting 2-3 a month. And for an entire year we tried all sorts of different meds. Well back in march i got 3 of them in less than 2 weeks. A friend of mine who is a pharm tech told me she started taking magnesium for her migraines and hers stopped completely. So i started taking it as well, and it's been 5 days shy of 2 months and i haven't had one yet (knock on wood). I'm still taking my migraine meds tho, but i definitely recommend the magnesium, as long as there's no contraindications. Holy hotness HG! :hot: You're a week early my dear.
ty darling.. you are too sweet! re magnesium.. I don't have migraines but my nutritionist told me to take them and I do.. religiously every day and I never get headaches. this was 4 years ago when I had all this spine trauma. Talk about being lucky. Migraines are so debilitating and awful. that's wonderful it's working for you! lol @ stalking.. I was wondering what the heck they were stalking:haha:
I get weather related migraines, too. It's one of my many triggers.:kiss: It's crazy how well they're working! When i told my doctor about them at my check for my Rx renewal, she said there's no definite medical proof that it works, but that it's been reported to work, but so far it has been for me! I've been having some minor headaches the last few days due to weather changes, but no migraines. When you get one and then another the very next day, and then a third a few days later, it's time to try anything!
YES! I can say magnesium totally works with the migraines. The day after I ran out, I got one triggered by my Boyfriend snoring in my ear! It was small, but had to take 1,000 mg Bayer Aspirin to get it to a point that I could sleep the rest off. But to know I didnt have one single migraine for 2 months and then to come off the magnesium for a day and get one triggered off by something so simple! I'm back on the magnesium and will continue to take them.
When you get yours, do they alternate? I keep a log with the date, time, what I'm doing when i get them, and what side the pain and auras are on, and every single one i get, they alternate sides. Every time. I dunno why or what the significance is of it, but I'm curious if it's just me? And i take the magnesium daily. 400mg.At my most, I got 3-4 a week. An those lasted 24-48 untreated. They sometimes ran together. Now that I'm older and taking meds, I get 2-3 near headaches and 1-2 actual full migraines a week. Magnesium can really help. You can take it every day as a supplement, but in a larger dose it can help break it.
I assume they've done MRI's? If not make someone do one. I had chronic back pain for years and no one did one. I also went to PT, but since they didn't truly know what the problem was, it probably hurt more than helped. I got to where I couldn't even sit at work after 2 -3 hours. And it know exactly what you mean about not being able to stand for long. Have you tried a pain management Dr.? They can give you steroid shots in your spine which help some people. I tried everything I could think of for 6 months, then I finally said "please do the surgery!" I was glad that I tried everything else first, though. I had a herniated extruded disc that was pressing on my sciatic nerve. One Dr. Wanted to do a fusion, and another said he'd start with a diskectomy and if that didn't work, then the fusion. I decided to go with the simplest surgery first, to just cut off the part of the disc that was bulging out. It did help, especially the pain in my leg from the sciatic nerve. For a few months I had no pain at all, but unfortunately it came back. It was not as bad as before the surgery, but bad enough that I need daily pain meds. Now I can stand for an hour or maybe 2, so that's an improvement. So overall I do think it helped, just not enough. I've never had the fusion surgery, I'm afraid, to be honest. Let me know what the neurosurgeon says. Feel free to private message me if you want to talk more.I might be going through this soon. I'm only 24 but due to a car accident about 4 years ago (broke my neck in two places) I have spinal damage. Just last year I started having problems with my lower back, it's gotten to the point where I can no longer stand for more than 5 minutes at a time because the disc is pressing on the nerves in my left leg. There's a protruding disc in my lower back, spinosis (or something like that) in my neck, and I think something may be happening with the middle of my back now as well. I went through two months of physical therapy with no results. My regular doctor thinks I most likely will have to have surgery. I FINALLY go see the neurosurgeon on wednesday to see what they think we should do. Any advice for if I have to have the back surgery? I'm pretty nervous but also just really looking forward to not being in pain 24/7.
I'll join! I have the worst sleep habits.aww you're team no sleep too??? i was actually talking to @NaturallyUrs about #teamnosleep. we should make it a thing, if it isn't one.
yes we should! I dont sleep well and yet I feel well rested. Maybe its stress who knows but it does do me well when im stalking lolaww you're team no sleep too??? i was actually talking to @NaturallyUrs about #teamnosleep. we should make it a thing, if it isn't one.
Hi, just chiming in to say that I too have had migraines since I was 18 or so. And yes, they always switch from one side to the other! My doctor said that happens but, like most things pertaining to the brain, they don't know why exactly. In the last year I've resorted to Botox injections in the sides of my forehead. It has eliminated 90% of me headaches I'm happy to say.When you get yours, do they alternate? I keep a log with the date, time, what I'm doing when i get them, and what side the pain and auras are on, and every single one i get, they alternate sides. Every time. I dunno why or what the significance is of it, but I'm curious if it's just me? And i take the magnesium daily. 400mg.