MAC and parents??

Getting a job creates several things...
1. It gives you a sense of accomplishment.
2. It gives you an idea of what it's going to be like as an adult with responsiblities.
3. It gives you a paycheck..with which you can buy things you want.
4. It shows your parents/guardians that you are responsible and know the value of $1.00

With that being said, if the workforce isn't for you right now (age/school/whatnot), you can always ask for MAC as gifts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LatinaRose
You have to earn it! Maybe you can work something out with your parents where you get rewarded for good grades or you can earn an allowance for chores. But you certainly shouldn't expect it of them. Get a part time job, babysit, clean houses in your neighborhood, wash cars in the summer. Ask for MAC for Xmas and bdays as suggested above.

Pretty much anyone, no matter what age, has to earn their MAC and you do too

Also I'm sure if your parents see you actually working towards MAC, they'll see how much it means to you and stop calling it a waste of money. Explain that its an art form, its a hobby, it could even be a career!

A summer time car wash is a good idea! Reminds me of when my friend and some other kids would bring coolers full of ice and cans of soda onto the corner of the street and sell them to people who were walking or driving by. They made some decent cash doing that considering they were still in middle school when they did this.

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
As a parent of a 16 year old.. i'd have to say that MAC is a luxury. I gift her lipglasses every now and again but I wouldn't buy her much more than that. When I was in highschool it was strictly wet and wild ...

Be patient..

and I'd say even when you got a job, don't spend all your money on MAC

The last part is definitely some good advice. As tempting as it is to run out and spend all your cash at MAC, you should really budget. Make a limit of how much you can spend on MAC or anything else that you want that is considered a "luxury" and save up the rest. And to get more bang for your buck only buy the MAC items that you know you really want and will actually be using a lot.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
OMG I so remember Wet & Wild!!!
Lipsticks, Polishes everything was $1..I was always hoping to get Mary Kay at that time...Even Avon was a luxury for me ...WOW how time changes things!

I remember those days in middle school with Wet & Wild, NYC, and those Bonne Bell sp? lip products! Back then a trip to the drugstore was considered having a good time lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by suthrnblueblood
Getting a job creates several things...
1. It gives you a sense of accomplishment.
2. It gives you an idea of what it's going to be like as an adult with responsiblities.
3. It gives you a paycheck..with which you can buy things you want.
4. It shows your parents/guardians that you are responsible and know the value of $1.00

With that being said, if the workforce isn't for you right now (age/school/whatnot), you can always ask for MAC as gifts.

I think it's really important to get a sense of working at a job starting at a young age. It creates a less of a "shock" whenever your out in the real world and have to work for your money and the things you want.


Active member
well, im 15. and i get all of my mac from babysitting money, which is a decent amount... and when i go out and buy my makeup i feel much better that i earned it!

also, i wait and only go to mac maybe once/twice a month just so i can get a couple things to keep me satisfied..

my mom treats me occasionally, holidays, or special occasions, or accomplishments...

im getting a job this summer anyway !


Well-known member
when i was 14 i got a job to pay for things i wanted, cause the only things my parents paid for were things like school stuff, food and shelter, and shampoo, etc. If i wanted anything for entertainment purposes, like going out with friends, make up, accessories, etc, i had to work for it.. my parents stopped buying me clothing when i turned 16 (and even before then, they only bought me what i needed)... i wasn't into MAC when i was in high school but i think if i had asked my mom to pay for it, she woulda told me to give my head a shake! lol, i guess what im saying is, as with many of the other replies, i think getting a job is a good way to go


Well-known member
I'm a senior in Highschool, I've been using mac since end of 8th grade. I do a lot of things to earn money to buy mac or whatever I please.
I have a summer job or Babysit for my family friends
I make dinner every night and do the dishes so when my mom comes home she can just relax.
I get good grades and get on honor roll.
My mom loves when I help her so she rewards me with a small mac order. Ask your parents if there is anything around the house that you can do or help with to earn some money.

That's just my two cents.


Well-known member
Agree with everything everyone has already said. The only MAC item my mom paid for when I was in high school was my studio fix because she understood how I felt about my skin problems, but other than that nope. I actually didn't even get interested in eyeshadows and such until the end of my freshmen year of college, but I would NEVER ask my mom to buy me an eyeshadow or such because I feel as if it is more of a want than a need and she shouldn't have to buy it for me.


Well-known member
i am only in middle school and i get pretty much whatever i want from MAC...but my mom has bought me 2 things MAYBE...but the reason i can get whatever i want is because i save in holiday money and i babysit and save up lots of money and thn spend mom always tells me if its clothes..maybe but if its MAC dont even think about asking me because the answer is gonna be no and when i first started collecting i saved up maybe $200 and got the stuff i needed at first like concealer and brush cleanser then i started getting the stuff that i wanted and i try and look at collections and save up and then if i get extra money i get extra stuff...but i only make $5 an hour but ehh its better than nothing and i feel good when i go to the counter and they are looking at my mom when its time to pay and i go in my wallet and pull out a 50 and they look at me like i am crazy...i feel independent which can be a very good thing in the future


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
As a parent of a 16 year old.. i'd have to say that MAC is a luxury. I gift her lipglasses every now and again but I wouldn't buy her much more than that. When I was in highschool it was strictly wet and wild ...

Be patient..

and I'd say even when you got a job, don't spend all your money on MAC

I totally girls are 16,14,8..not much into makeup but looooovvvveeee fingernail polish and they earn it..they like the higher brands opi, china glaze, nicole by opi, so they do extra chores for me such as clean up my room, clean the house anything outside of their regular chores..but as far as makeup they won't get MAC until they start working...

I had to & wanted to work @ 14 to buy things..but parents can't/shouldn't do it all..I buy their clothes, games for the wii, cds, have to do some of it to learn money management & responsibility..

Do as suggested get a job, do more around the house, etc..

??? are you an only child? If you have siblings it might be a lil harder..but look for a part time job and then work more in the summer if you will get there...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Get a job.

shimmer is like the queen of blunt! LOL

Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ So cute and responsible!!! I want a girl now!!!

oh girl, girls are deadly for the wallet, you get the dress with the matching tights, hair bows and shoes, it's bad, my dd's closet is a money pit


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursie
my daughter is 15 and got a part time job at the pizza place this past summer. with her contributing for herself and doing a good job saving money into a savings account, i've been gifting little bits of MAC makeup here and there. she did start with NYX

This is pretty much the way it works for me and my D. She is not near as hardcore about makeup as I am, LOL, but I have never minded buying her an item or two from time to time. Especially as gifts given at Christmas or for a birthday. I also don't mind doing this for her because she is a great kid and an extremely hard-working student who is getting ready to graduate from college (and I didn't have to pay a dime!). Throwing her a bone here and there is the least I can do for her.

But to the OP, yeah gurl, you need a job.


Well-known member
I pretty much agree with everyone who has already posted, if you want the MAC you got to find a way to get the money on your own and a job would be a really good way of doing that. Otherwise Birthdays and Christmas are a good time to ask for makeup as a gift or something small as a reward for doing well with exams or something.

I swear the day I turned 16 my Mum was like 'get a job', helped me put together a CV (which is a really useful thing to have actually!) and I went round shops and handed it out. Was always looking on the local job centre website aswell. Since then I've had 2 jobs, still working at the second of those and it's great. I work for a china company selling within a department store, get paid £5.15 an hour which is pretty good, all my colleagues are lovely, it's just a really pleasant working environment. I guess I'm lucky in that sense!

But it really has made me more aware of the value of money and how it has to be earnt and doesn't just grow on trees. I would never ask either of my parents for money now because I still live with them, don't pay rent etc. It also gave me a real sense of responsibility to start off with too, when I was a little younger and then at the end of it there is the satisfaction of knowing you did well and feeling accomplished. I'm like obsessed with sales figures now ha ha! I have also made posters in the past, put them up in the local area advertising myself for babysitting if I need extra work, depends on my overtime.

Also earning my own money has made me think harder about what I spend it on, I'm less frivolous with my buys and I like to always put some money aside for the future.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Getting a job, like everyone else said is a really good idea. Before I could get one, I delievered papers and got an allowance for chores so it is possible if you're not legally able to work yet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
shimmer is like the queen of blunt! LOL

Well I'm just...I don't get what's difficult about this? Why is it even a discussion?

Hey! I want something.
Hrm. How am I going to get it?
I know!
I'll EARN it!!!

This is very cut and dry to me.


Well-known member
My stepdaughter has two jobs and doesn't buy anything but Covergirl or Maybelline. I'm shocked that there are so many now using MAC as a "starter" makeup. ITA with Tish...times certainly do change!!


my mom has never bought me any of my makeup items. she finds them pretty and interesting, but she doesn't like the price tag that comes with it. so ever since high school, if i wanted makeup, i had to buy it myself. and since my mom wouldn't let me work while i was in high school, this meant saving up christmas and birthday money...and asking people to get me makeup for christmas and birthdays.


Well-known member
I think it's weird when anyone under the age of 16 wears MAC.. I don't know why, but MAC seems to be a higher end brand for people with more maturity, and for people who actually have jobs. 16 is the age minimum here where I live, and I think that if you don't have a job to get expensive stuff, you shouldn't be getting it. Before I got a job, I wore some nice clothes and owned some nice make up, but it was always christmas or birthday money. So yah, 16 or over?? Look for a job... Under that, go for things that are cheaper.

I'm only 19 and I'm trying to sound "mature" pff.


My daughter is 14 and the only MAC item I have ever bought her was Studio Fix foundation - I wanted to make sure she has good foundation that matched.. the rest of the stuff is all items from Target etc...