MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
After seeing the Pearlmatte swatches on Temptalia, i am even MORE excited about them! The colors are exactly what i was hoping for. Woo-hoo! Betty's Flatter Me was too orange for me, but In for a Treat looks perfect. So what if they look in the pan like Granny's chenille bathrobe.

And after reading Liba's great reviews, i may even go for a nail polish!

My previously enabling SA has moved on - she was working special shows, so i hope she's doing something more fun than working in my local MAC. But there's a real sweetie who has been there for ages and knows me, too, and she talked me into getting a makeover with this collection (as if she had to twist my arm hard), so she's holding my requested products for me. I should let her know i no longer want Devil's Food (too much like other things i have) and see if she can hold some nail polish for me, instead.

Liba, you enabler, you!
lol, sorry - if it helps, here's a little anti-enabling:

Mooncake and Fancy Frosting are both the sheer-with-glitter style pps, so you have to like those in the first place. I thought Mooncake was soft and pretty but not unique at all. Meanwhile Fancy Frosting is probably not something for regular use or being worn on its own, but it's marginally more desirable than Mooncake because it will really make sheer pastel shadows like the EDES or lighter/brighter MES really pop - white base can't be beat for that.

As for Confectionary, if you're not into a really subtle nail polish, it might not grab you - I think it has a particularly nice twist to it, but it's very demure. You'll be able to dupe the blue and probably the green for a lot less.

Hahaha I wish I could anti-enable myself a little more…I've spent all morning thinking about how I really don't need all 3 EDSFs or all the EDBs.


Well-known member
I am glad I have a BU left from the original LW. When I looked at Temptalias picture I did not think it was LW. It does look different than the one I have.


Well-known member
Welp. LW is off the list now. I wasn't too excited for it anyway since there have been a lot of nice lavenders/purples to come out since 2008. I'll be saving for one of those now.


Well-known member
Still debating on lavender whip, I feel that I need it just to have in my collection but I dont know if I would ever wear it! What do you guys think??? How do you wear lavender whip?? Im NC45 in MAC just for references.
someone had a pic of them wearing it and they were nc 40-something (I don't remember), but it was nice. Made me want to buy it and a back up.

I'm a nc44 and bought the lavender lippie from the cuties collex and LOVED IT. Especially when I was super tanned.


Well-known member
I'm so sad about LW, ~blinks back tears~ anyone know of dupes of the2008 version? (still getting it though)
I feel the same way. I like the way the older one looks. I never had it though. I'll be picking this one up anyway.At least some people seem to like the new version better, so it's not all bad.


Well-known member
So this is a new version of LW? More lavender with blue undertones than the original with the pink undertones? Darn! I wanted to skip this collection, but now I want to try the new LW, RS and PB. Enablers!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
[COLOR=6633CC]So this is a new version of LW? More lavender with blue undertones than the original with the pink undertones? Darn! I wanted to skip this collection, but now I want to try the new LW, RS and PB. Enablers!!!!!!!!:happydance: [/COLOR]
No, I believe it's the new one that is pinker.


Well-known member
Oh. I'm sorry I miss read the info. Tx so much Corally & Ladyarwen. I don't want LW pinker. I want a blue lavender. Oh well.


Well-known member
Oh. I'm sorry I miss read the info. Tx so much Corally & Ladyarwen. I don't want LW pinker. I want a blue lavender. Oh well.
Sorry if I confused you! Alone swatched it is pink
, but swatched next to the 08 version, the new one looks more opaque and bluer at least on T.


Well-known member
No need to apologize. I misunderstood. I should be happy with my new Inglot lipsticks, but.... I'm an addict & need constant info on products.


New member
It's kind of unusual and annoying that its taking so long for swatches. I just want to see Raspberry Swirl!

But I am drooling over LW

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