cyy does look fantastic on you...i hope you're able to get more of them!
your puppy is so adorable - how is her health these days?
She was attcked by a dog last tuesday, but took her to the hospital and she recovered amazingly fast (she got bitten in lower eye lid - weird, i know, but it was bloddy and it scared her waterline for life

my poor baby) fortunately it was 300 bucks for her sake and she is not traumatized by it. she still wants to play with others and is sociable and sweet.
I'm a very proud girl. She is learning so fast and she is such a good girl. She knows how to sit, lay down, shake a paw, stand on two feet, on (sofa), off (sofa), leave it, fetch, and drop it ... still working on the last two and teaching her roll over, but lil by lil. She is only 4.5 months old and she REALLY is the most beautiful thing in my life right now.