MAC By Request discussion


Well-known member

Thank you so much for the lip swatches! I cannot tell the difference between CYY and Nylon in the pictures. Hope I"ll get Nylon soon. LOL

Nylon looks amazing on you, dabeautyenabler!
You're welcome! It's interesting how Nylon still seems to be a chameleon shade! I look forward to seeing more portraits and reading feedback on what others think of this shade! I'm glad they're dupes for me, because then I can interchange them, and not fear that my neon pink will run out anytime soon ;)


Well-known member
I wore Moxie to dinner last night and my guy did not like.
I felt self-conscious and sad as I'm new to lipstick. Plus who wants their partner looking at their face and thinking, "Yikes!" I did, however, get the courage to wear it to work today and I think it looked better w/ Moth Brown and Jete e/s. Last night I had some warmer colors on (just had on the same makeup I used for work that day) so I think things looked a little off. I'll ask him again tonight.
If u YOU like it and and YOU think it looks good on then u should wear it! For more then 10 I have always wished I could wear bright lipsticks, or dark lips! I would look at girls who did and think that just wouldn't look right on me. So my focus was always eyes and just wore some tone down lippie... One day last year I put on dollouse pink from wnw (yes even THAT was daring on my part and its nothing compared to what I wear now) and I thought WOW...this looks really good. I think it's because I just started wearing foundation maybe 3 years ago (Im 30, and it was never "needed" and I was very uneducated the times I had tried to make it work for me) so my point is I REGRET that I worried what others might think and never really tried hard enough to make a color I really wanted to wear and knew it was possible for so long. Men don't understand and who knows he MIGHT just think it looks to good and knows everyone else is thinking the same thing! LOL I've said before...I straight put on my cyy to just go to the grocery store because I like it and I can! Trust me I know exactly how u feel, and anyone who looks at u crazy is prob just jealous they can't pull it off!


Well-known member
Haha I am the same way! The one-stop shopping places usually get me, because I can't NOT swoop by the cosmetics section! At least they're drugstore brands, but sometimes they are harder to take back. I always make sure what I buy from Target is what I know I will keep, because sometimes (and I don't go there returning things willy nilly), they won't accept returns on stuff if it is opened.
Yeah $4.50 is a really good deal! I considered the same thing, but it's dangerous to walk into Sephora and I always spend too much time in there and wear myself (and my wallet) out. It's much much cheaper for me to spend the $4.50 to stock up on applicators. The closest Sephora is always a little grungy, too. I don't think people use the applicators too much, anyway because the tester products are always so disheveled!

Cremesheens can be drying on me, but they leave a good stain, so as long as I have some lip balm to hydrate my lips during the day, I'm usually fine. Nicki is a tricky shade. I love the color but I always have to brace myself for getting the right application, and making sure my lips are well-prepared to deal with its streakiness.
You're welcome :) Moxie is definitely a watermelon pink, whereas QS is a blue-based pink. I love them both, but I still prefer Pink Pigeon over Quick Sizzle. I can't remember which NYX liner I ended up choosing to wear with Moxie. I'll have to refresh my memory by looking through my stash and post back!
Aww that is sad! Maybe warm yourself up to the lipstick and see how that works out. It could be that you and your guy aren't used to the color so of course it's gonna be a little uneasy at first! Try out a red lipstick that's in the lustre family. You get the pow of a red without it being too bold!
You're welcome! It's interesting how Nylon still seems to be a chameleon shade! I look forward to seeing more portraits and reading feedback on what others think of this shade! I'm glad they're dupes for me, because then I can interchange them, and not fear that my neon pink will run out anytime soon ;)
It's funny u say that because I have started shopping at walgreens and cvs for all my drugstores so I can take them back. One time I bought 2 from cvs and I was just so excited (they were those maybelline porcelain ones) I didn't even think about we were on our way to splash country and they would totally melt in the car so I made my husband take them right back to a dif cvs...then bought them again a few weeks ago! LOL Don't worry I actually LOL My 8 year old won't go anywhere with me because I always take so long because it's like an addiction..I HAVE to look...I have major ocd issues and it really shows through with my makeup obsession!


Well-known member
Does anyone have the models own hyberbrite annlise's pink or deep fucshia that could swatch next to either cyy or nylon...or joe fresh fucshia?


Well-known member
Thank u! I'm not used to them being noticed anymore...I know mine are long but taking ure makeup off and vaseline every night really helps, I was actually quite surprised at how much the vaseline helped to keep them strong..All that mascara dries them out...seems so simple but it does! I really love my kat von d! It's prob my favorite. I LOVE matte. Even after I put these up I thought how much I loved it because it's so matte, and it doesn't take much for that color to be so strong! After I got it a few days later miley cyrus tweeted about it and it's crazy how many more google images came up compared to before she did.
what are you doing to your lashes with the vaseline?


Well-known member
I LOVE Nylon. It applies sooo smoothly and I love the minty smell. I can see why people rave about these - I might have to pick a few more...dozen.... :flower:  I do love CYY but Nylon applies so much easier, even though they both require a lip brush.  First picture: CYY, Second picture: Nylon. Both with a clear gloss on top (sorry, it's an addiction, I can't have matte lips, drives me caraaazy!) and uh tired eyes call for eyeglasses. 
BEAUTIFUL...just beautiful !


Well-known member
what are you doing to your lashes with the vaseline?
After I take my makeup off I take a clean mascara brush and just put a light coat on them, it helps them stay strong..kind of like conditioner for your hair...I don't wear makeup everyday anymore because I'm stay at home mom BUT when I did work that mascara really dried out my lashes and they would break...long eyelashes are like my thing so I would end up wearing fake ones so I didnt have to wear mascara everyday...then I read about vaseline...and I thought well that makes sense..eyelashes do feel very brittle naturally...and seriously matter of days I could tell it was helping, they say u should notice with in a month but it didnt even take that long for me...sometimes I use my vitamin e oil I put under my eyes when Im feeling lazy...but it doesnt take a much, I know I've put to much on before and then tried to watch tv and its was affecting my vision.. It's not gonna make u grow new lashes but does take care of the ones u do have, or which means they'll grow longer and stronger!


Well-known member
Is anyone trying to find the WnW Dollhouse Pink? I found 2 at Walgreens tonight so I bought both. Anyone wanting a CP message me! First one to respond gets it! It was on sale for $1.49 too.


Well-known member

From up to down:
Girl about town (perm)
Hollywood nights (heatherette)
Pink Pigeon (Iris apfel)
Quick sizzle (shop/cook)<= the closest I have to moxie
Barry M 52
Nylon lip tar (sephora supposedly LE)
Candy yum yum (quite cute/by request)
Barry M 62

HONESTLY the closest is Barry M 52 which is perm (it was last year) and cheap

I held the cord in my hand to show ya'll what a TRUE neon looks like. CYY is NOT neon, and neither are anyt of the lippies here. I hope I find a true neon before I die lol. I'd rock it at age 60 if necessary!


Well-known member

From up to down:
Girl about town (perm)
Hollywood nights (heatherette)
Pink Pigeon (Iris apfel)
Quick sizzle (shop/cook)<= the closest I have to moxie
Barry M 52
Nylon lip tar (sephora supposedly LE)
Candy yum yum (quite cute/by request)
Barry M 62

HONESTLY the closest is Barry M 52 which is perm (it was last year) and cheap

I held the cord in my hand to show ya'll what a TRUE neon looks like. CYY is NOT neon, and neither are anyt of the lippies here. I hope I find a true neon before I die lol. I'd rock it at age 60 if necessary!
I think it's amazing how all of the colors on your hand look magenta or fuchsia. Even your CYY and Nylon. My CYY and Nylon look neon on me like the color of the neon pink cord. I'm not sure if the colors look shockingly bright on me because of my deeper skin tone or because mine are actually more neon or both. My Girl About Town and Quick Sizzle lipsticks do match the magenta colors on your hand though.


Well-known member

From up to down:
Girl about town (perm)
Hollywood nights (heatherette)
Pink Pigeon (Iris apfel)
Quick sizzle (shop/cook)<= the closest I have to moxie
Barry M 52
Nylon lip tar (sephora supposedly LE)
Candy yum yum (quite cute/by request)
Barry M 62

HONESTLY the closest is Barry M 52 which is perm (it was last year) and cheap

I held the cord in my hand to show ya'll what a TRUE neon looks like. CYY is NOT neon, and neither are anyt of the lippies here. I hope I find a true neon before I die lol. I'd rock it at age 60 if necessary!
Daaang, they all pale in comparison to your neon pink cord! One day there will be a pigment of neon made into a lipstick that is so bright, people will need sunglasses, and Piarpreet will stock up and live neonly ever after! :)


Well-known member
I think the reason why we haven't seen a true neon pink lipstick could be because neon pigments are often not recommended for the lips. I hope they will make a lipsafe one very soon.
BTW did you find a Quick Sizzle from someone else? I'm glad you have it after all.

From up to down:
Girl about town (perm)
Hollywood nights (heatherette)
Pink Pigeon (Iris apfel)
Quick sizzle (shop/cook)<= the closest I have to moxie
Barry M 52
Nylon lip tar (sephora supposedly LE)
Candy yum yum (quite cute/by request)
Barry M 62

HONESTLY the closest is Barry M 52 which is perm (it was last year) and cheap

I held the cord in my hand to show ya'll what a TRUE neon looks like. CYY is NOT neon, and neither are anyt of the lippies here. I hope I find a true neon before I die lol. I'd rock it at age 60 if necessary!


Well-known member
I think the reason why we haven't seen a true neon pink lipstick could be because neon pigments are often not recommended for the lips. I hope they will make a lipsafe one very soon.
BTW did you find a Quick Sizzle from someone else? I'm glad you have it after all.
WOW! That neon pink cord is really bright, isn't it!

Its amazing how different shades show up on different skin tones!

All of those shades look gorgeous on the back of your hand!

You and neondust are true pink lippie fiends!

Rock those pinks and fuchsias girls!


Well-known member
it looks like there isnt going to be a restock after all
Yeah, It looks that way.

I was watching some youtube videos of how to make your own lipstick. This was small scale stuff. Imagine having to produce millions of lipsticks on a regular basis to be shipped all over the world. A complicated process, to be sure.

Plus MAC probably has to schedule when certain colors are going to be produced.

Think of the LE collections that are coming up + the permanent stuff that needs to be kept up with. Now, multiply that ...

Still, I want another CYY though!!!


Well-known member
My hubs HATES Up the amp lipstick
oh god he embarassed the hell out of me when i bought it
the face he made at the counter.
no wait the minute he saw me swatch it he said "HELLL to the NOO, that ish is ugly take it off"
but, i did buy it anyway, i just dont wear it around him or on our dates
why make him look at something he clearly dont like, so i feel ya

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