Originally Posted by bis
Daft Pink I would say at least looks very close to Dollymix (don't own it)
Not at all. Daft Pink is closer to Blonde and Petticoat, it's not even remotely similar to Dollymix.
Originally Posted by wizzer3245
To be honest i'm undecided about the face products
I've never been matched at mac to a foundation but i'll just guess with nc15 i'm a pale ass so nothing too too dark as i couldn't pull it off.
With the msfs i'm leaning towards smooth merge and i want one other but not sure which other to get???
MBs i really wish i would be able to get Style Demon to work but i doubt i could. I'm just thinking Daft Pink as i don't really have anything too similar and Hand Finish because of the raves and also the way it looks on Ernie.
However saying all this i'm completely undecided :S.
I have msfs like Petticoat,Porcelain Pink, Light Flush, Blonde and Redhead.
I have no mineral blushes but blushes i have include ones like Fun and Games, Tippy,On a mission, Sunbasque, Dollymix, and Coygirl.
MES i think i'll skip because i depot my shadows so the ones i have already get left out.
Lippies the ones i want are sold out here
(Color crafted and made with love)
and the lipglasses don't interest me atm.
Woooo that was a long post
I'll vote for Cheeky Bronze, if you want another MSF. Daft Pink is pretty, but since you already own Blonde, you don't really need it.
I think Style Demon would be a nice addition to your blushes, you just need to use a light hand with it. Hand Finish is also getting a lot of raves, maybe you can check that out (haven't had time to visit the counter yet, so I can't give you my opinion on it, sorry!).
The MES are so pretty and cute to look at.
If you want the lippies, contact me and we can arrange for a CP.
To be honest, I think Made With Love is pretty but Color Crafted is not (did St Germain work for you? they're both in the same color family).
The lipglosses are awesome, they're the surprise winners of this collection!!!
You sure you don't want at least one of these babies?