I hope this helps someone. I got the MES in Eccentricity, Odd Bits, and Girlish Romp. These are some dupes for Odd Bits: the pink is like Pink Bronze pigment, the grey is like Electra but frostier, the purple is like Plum Dressing but frostier, and the gold is like Jardin Aires pigment. These are some dupes for Girlish Romp: the pink is like Sunset B but frostier, the whitish color is like a lighter version of Golden Lemon pigment, and I don't have dupes for the purple or peach color (the peach swatches lighter than the whitish color, it swatches a very light peachish color). In Eccentricity, the bronze looks just like Tan pigment, the gold is like a lighter Golden Lemon pigment, and I don't have dupes for either purple. Beautiful iris isn't a dupe for the light purple. Nocturnelle isn't a dupe for the darker purple because it's darker and less frosty and bright.
EDITED TO ADD: I swatched the MES with mixing medium, and the colors are much more vivid when used wet.