MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


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Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I used Warm Blend yesterday, as a shadow. I used the peachy-rose gold shade on the lid with a light beige in the crease. I also used the same peach-rose gold on my cheekbones and a shiny, peach gloss. It was a really pretty, warm monochromatic look.

I'm now thinking Triple Fusion might be a nice addition and would work really well as a shadow, too!

Originally Posted by stickles
I lost my last ounce of willpower and finally picked up Triple Fusion!

i love triple fusion, my fav of the collection!

i also got porcelain pink - its ok, but i could have lived without it. its not the greatest IMO, and im NC15. still undecided on the 226


Well-known member
^^^ 100% YES on Cheeky Bronze. It is the perfect, glowy look!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Isn't Ravishing kinda bright for a neutral? I think I've only seen swatches so maybe they've given me the wrong impression?

yeah it depends. i wouldn't say its a neutral. and it also depends on the tone of your lips. i can see it might be somewhat "neon" on some people. you gotta really try it on for yourself. one girl may look like a warm pastel strong on peach while the next is a midtone coral peach. the gloss you put over it will make all the difference. personally, i love moth to flames on top.

i do wear ravishing like a neutral (ravishing on the lips with green eyes) i love green eyes with any peachy tone lips!

one off

oh and yes to the lady not sure if she wants the 226. i love it for my crease. hold it at a slant and drag it along your crease from the outer-V to the inside. no other brush could do this for me. its great for lazy blending too.


Well-known member
I do want to try Ravishing l/s! I don't know if it would look neutral or neon on my lips. Also, I'm trying to resist to order Cheek & Cheerful and Warm Blend MSF. I might order them both sometime next week hopefully.

rocking chick

Well-known member
Originally Posted by stickles
I lost my last ounce of willpower and finally picked up Triple Fusion!

I love Triple Fusion MSF, I use it to contour my face shape.


Well-known member
Ravishing is kinda like a neutral on me (note, this doesn't mean it's a nude color though). It's peach but at the same time not over the top. Very pretty! I love to pair it with peachy glosses. GlamQueen, you should get it to try.

Calling for Elaine to post a FOTD with Warm Blend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamer246
Ravishing is kinda like a neutral on me (note, this doesn't mean it's a nude color though). It's peach but at the same time not over the top. Very pretty! I love to pair it with peachy glosses. GlamQueen, you should get it to try.

Calling for Elaine to post a FOTD with Warm Blend.

I will once I don't feel like it's too friggin' hot to put make up on my face!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
I will once I don't feel like it's too friggin' hot to put make up on my face!

Hehe take your time, I'm just waiting to be enabled by you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missboss82
I'm thinking about getting Cheeky Bronze, what do you ladies think about this one.

Cheeky Bronze is gorgoues! It's one of those that looks good on all shades too- great warm summery glow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
Cheeky Bronze is gorgoues! It's one of those that looks good on all shades too- great warm summery glow!

I totally agree^

It's the star of this collection.


Well-known member
Is my 226 the only scratchy 226 out there? I love it for it's size, but I swear the things tries to bite my.
Maybe I should try TamEvas tip and condition it and see if that helps....


Well-known member
^ Geez, that's weird about your 226 being scratchy... mine's soft as can be. I love it! Maybe you got a bad one? Is that possible?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
^ Geez, that's weird about your 226 being scratchy... mine's soft as can be. I love it! Maybe you got a bad one? Is that possible?

No idea

Size-wise it is a great brush.


Well-known member
my 226 brush feels quite soft. try conditioning it as suggested... that's what i did to my funny feeling 129 and that fixed it ok


Well-known member
My 226 was also slightly scratchy when I first got it, but after washing it a few times I don't notice it anymore.


Well-known member
Okay so I know I'm ridiculously late on this .. but I'm FINALLY going to get my haul but I have a dilemma ..

Fad-dabulous or style demon MB for nc37-40 skin ? Black hair brown eyes

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