MAC - Cool Heat Discussion


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by jenntoz
Holy Crap these were so hard to photograph! My angles are so werid but it was the only way to catch the light right to get the green to show up on the bases. I used(left to right) corn s/s, cash flow p/p, lucky jade s/s, & rollickin p/p ( I know you tried rollickin already so I thought it would be go to show you what its like next to the lucky jade for comparison) I think Rollickin is too blue & no matter what its over I had to REALLY pack the color on to get it to show up. From what I have I think the lucky jade works best, followed by cash flow. I stupidly didn't swatch it over udpp or something plain, but you can see just the warm chill to the left by itself.
OK, the warm chill is on the top parts of all the bases, so you can try to compare them to the bases alone. I used a flash on all the pics so you can see the best color...all clickable to enlarge!!!

Took me a while to find this post, but I need to thank Jenntoz. I would have never considered Lucky Jade if I hadn't seen this. I ordered it with the F&F discount. I LOVE this shadestick! It's so pretty even on it's own! I wore it yesterday with All that Glitters and Cashflow, so simple and pretty! Will be trying it today with Warm Chill! Thanks Jenntoz!


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by rbella
Holy God her lids must be an infestation of bacteria. I'm freaking out right now just thinking about that.
You also might want to make a note to yourself: don't ever tell her about specktra since she might try to sell that shizz here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a good friend, btw. I'd probably buy the 242 and paintpot as a gift and then end up keeping it for myself!!

i won't tell her. i promise
did i mention that she picks up eyeshadows from the testers and apply on the eyelids with her fingers?
i almost wanted to drag her out of the store. it was the worst mac experience i've ever had

i hate cleanning brushes too, that's why i try to buy multiples of every brush. that way i can have big cleanning every month instead of every couple of days (i spray them with brush cleanser and wipe them clean after every use though)


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Apologies if I someone else asked this and I missed the answer. How similar are Solar White and Cloudbound from the Balloonacy quad? TIA!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by mac_aiken
Apologies if I someone else asked this and I missed the answer. How similar are Solar White and Cloudbound from the Balloonacy quad? TIA!

cloudbound is more yellow with gold duochrome, and solar white is more white with gold duochrome. they're ever-so-slightly different.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

How about Femme-Fi from Neo Sci Fi, is it at all similar to Solar White? I have ordered SW from a Specktra user, will I need to get Femme-Fi?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by mac_aiken
Apologies if I someone else asked this and I missed the answer. How similar are Solar White and Cloudbound from the Balloonacy quad? TIA!

i agree with Erin. here's my swatches if it helps (in case if you are wondering. both of them are my backups, so they still look new)

solar white on the left

again, solar white on the left

on my hands (NC 20-25)


they are both very creamy, but it seems that cloudbound is easier to pick up (i only swiped once on cloudbound, but 3+ on solar white)


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Karen_B
How about Femme-Fi from Neo Sci Fi, is it at all similar to Solar White? I have ordered SW from a Specktra user, will I need to get Femme-Fi?

they aren't similar at all. femme-fi is a soft goldish cream. solar white is white, with yellow-gold, and a wee pinch of pink, duochrome finish. it changes colors depending on which direction you're looking at it. the only thing they have in commom is that they are light enough to be used as a highlight, but can still be used on the lid.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by erine1881
they aren't similar at all. femme-fi is a soft goldish cream. solar white is white, with yellow-gold, and a wee pinch of pink, duochrome finish. it changes colors depending on which direction you're looking at it. the only thing they have in commom is that they are light enough to be used as a highlight, but can still be used on the lid.

Thanks! I think I'll have to go check out FF again and maybe re-think it, if they still have it.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

If anyone is having issues getting Solar White to show up,
I was having issues and I tried to play around with it today,
My suggestion is use a firm brush to apply it
I applied it to my browbone today and I used a 219, and it went on FANTASTIC

Before I used a 242 and that didnt work at all, and I usually dont use my 239 brush for my highlights so I didnt try it with that brush

Give it a go, Its a beautiful color so I hope it works for you.


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Re: Cool Heat Discussion

im loving climate blue!! it's gorgeous and it's so pigmented. i thought that the texture would make it hard to work with but it's really not!!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I LOVE Warm Chill! I wore it with Waternymph all over the lid and eyesocket, then Solar White as a highlight. Between Waternymph and Solar White I used Warm Chill. GORGEOUS combo! Love it!


Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Resistance is futile!

Yeah, I'm a little late with my reply, but..... well..... I was out shopping for plumage. It's soooooo pretty.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Audrey, I dreamed last night I would wear your look:

Well, in my dream it looked good on me as well...

Ok, call me crazy now, but I will buy Solar White. Damn, I am addicted.

BTW: My b/f is still sleeping. If he wakes up and asks if I have slept well, what should I tell him?
Yes, I wore Solar White and it looked gorgeous? Do you come to the counter with me??


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by Susanne
Audrey, I dreamed last night I would wear your look:

Well, in my dream it looked good on me as well...

Ok, call me crazy now, but I will buy Solar White. Damn, I am addicted.

BTW: My b/f is still sleeping. If he wakes up and asks if I have slept well, what should I tell him?
Yes, I wore Solar White and it looked gorgeous? Do you come to the counter with me??

I am sure those colors will look awesome on you Susanne! And I think you will love Solar White. It is so pretty and versatile. I know you won't regret getting it!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by blackrose
Oooh, all the Cool Heat colors are back in stock... can still get free shipping till wed the 25th at midnight with the code COOLHEAT!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

...okay I broke down and bought Solar White
It's scheduled for delivery tomorrow!! Woo!

I went into the MAC store to use my F&F discount a week ago, saw one of the MAs wearing the most gorgeous eye makeup with a bold application of Solar White on her browbone (I couldn't tell what else there was, but she looked beautiful!) and *almost* bought it right there but didn't because I was being stubborn about not liking this collection (I know, I'm an idiot). So then I went on vacation, and didn't have internet access for a few days, and was freaking out that the MAC site would sell out before I could buy it with my F&F online discount, but LUCKILY I ordered it no problem last Monday and I'm SO glad I decided to get it!!

Wooo! Okay I'm done, I just had to tell ya'll since I know you'd understand
Hahaha hooray for addictions!


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Originally Posted by jenntoz can still get free shipping till wed the 25th at midnight with the code COOLHEAT!

Wha? No! Really? How did you hear about this?


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

I have purchased every eyeshadow from this collection except Blue Flame. I don't even wear many blues, at all (that's an understatement!).
But when I do, I look amazing with these gorgeous colors. How can anyone not love them? I just wouldn't feel complete without them.
I think these are colors that would suit most every skin color.


Well-known member
Re: Cool Heat Discussion

Haha, you are a true MAC addict! They are gorgeous colors. I think MAC should have made this more of a "main" collection, like w/ facecharts n' stuff..

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