MAC Daphne Guinness Discussion


Well-known member
Alright, I caved and bought a back up of Narcissus. Borealis also managed to sneak in my bag, oops. :)

I noticed that Azalea Blossom isn't sold out on the Canadian website yet, I thought it would have been gone by now...


Well-known member
It's holding strong on the US website as well. I wasn't expecting that! Maybe MAC is getting better about providing enough of high profile items! One can hope!

Alright, I caved and bought a back up of Narcissus. Borealis also managed to sneak in my bag, oops. :)

I noticed that Azalea Blossom isn't sold out on the Canadian website yet, I thought it would have been gone by now...


Well-known member
I was surprised that Vintage Grape was sold out but Azalea Blossom was still available at my counter today. I swatched Narcissus and quite like it but I can't really justify $18 for a lipgloss :\ If I end up not liking something from Iris or Naturally in person and it's still there, maybe I'll pick it up. If not, then it wasn't meant to be!


Well-known member
I only got three things Azalea Blossom, Narcissus and Borealis. I'm wearing Narcissus right now and it's my first time trying a cremesheen glass. I love the formula and the colour is so pretty! Thanks everybody for enabling me!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I already received my preordered VG and AB today, even though the collection release is next week. That was a pleasant surprise. I really like VG a lot, which I did not expect at all, to be honest I got it mainly because of the hype since I missed out on the ombres when they first came out. I'm not a big fan of anything purple, not a blush colour I would've normally bought. But it's absoluely lovely and not too dark or intense on my NW15 skin, if applied with a light hand. Very pretty, I'm glad I got it. Haven't tried AB yet.


Well-known member

I'd say most people already had it. The last release was not too long ago, so there was probably no immediately BU need.


Well-known member
I already received my preordered VG and AB today, even though the collection release is next week. That was a pleasant surprise. I really like VG a lot, which I did not expect at all, to be honest I got it mainly because of the hype since I missed out on the ombres when they first came out. I'm not a big fan of anything purple, not a blush colour I would've normally bought. But it's absoluely lovely and not too dark or intense on my NW15 skin, if applied with a light hand. Very pretty, I'm glad I got it. Haven't tried AB yet.

Hey Naynadine, do you know what else is coming out next week? DG, GP? Is there something else? I'm so hoping for Naturally and Iris Apfel!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Hey Naynadine, do you know what else is coming out next week? DG, GP? Is there something else? I'm so hoping for Naturally and Iris Apfel!

As far as I know, GP and IA will come out in January as well, but I don't know an exact date. And Naturally will come out in February, as well as the Mineralize concealer&foundation, I think.


Well-known member
Thank you! Well, I'll keep an eye out as usual then!

Have a wonderful new year, Specktrettes! And lots of great parties tonight!

(I've to log out soon to begin with the dinner preparations - it says enough about me that I'm very reluctant to shut down the PC, doesn't it?!


Well-known member
Maybe tomorrow I'll go grab Narcissus
Yikes; it's getting reeeeally hard to resist all of this Narcissus "buzz!"
HOWEVER, I'm going to try to stay strong, because, while I like purple lips on me, I don't wear them *that* often, and I've already got Violetta, Play Time, Lavender Whip, and Musky Amethyst lipsticks, not to mention Boys Go Crazy, Funtabulous, and Date Night Dazzleglasses, and Fast Friends Lipglass.

And Go For It.


Well-known member
. I just hope it isn't too close to Tea Time which is one of the brown pigments I already have.
It isn't. I have Nebula, and I had Tea Time, and their colors are *very* different.
Nebula is muuuch darker and greyer than Tea Time.
I really can't think of any MAC pigments to which Nebula is at all similar.
Color wise, it's like a much darker, more shimmery, loose powder version of Keep Your Cool Pro Longwear.


Well-known member
i'm upset because i can't haul the extra bits that i wanted today because i didn't get paid from my new job. and it's my own fault! i stupidly put an extra number in my bank account number so the payment hasn't gone to my bank and it might be wednesday next week before i get my money :( i'm such a dope!

Don't feel bad Lou. I did something similar. I didn't punch out when I was leaving on Christmas Day and as a result all the bonuses they were offering for coming in on Christmas Eve and the time and a half I would have gotten for working Christmas Day, INCLUDING my Holiday Pay is not on the check I got on Friday. I have to wait 2 weeks before I see any of it. Oh well crap happens!


Well-known member
That makes sense. It also seems like a whole lot of people are buying Narcissus and even backing it up, and it's still around too. I think MAC is getting a lot better about providing enough stock. If not to the stores, at least to the website. They did several rounds of re-stocking on all the recent collections. This makes it good for everyone to get what they want. So I'm happy about it!

BTW, have to ask... what's your New Year's Eve face plans?

I'd say most people already had it. The last release was not too long ago, so there was probably no immediately BU need.


Well-known member
OMG Lou, new job??? :O Congrats!! I remember you loved your last job, so I hope you love this one at least as much! :)

I have decided today to skip this collection, hooray! I was looking at Aurora and Nebula...but with so much stuff coming out that I may want, it has been easier to cut them off my list. Piggies are just so pricey here that they just don't always make my list anyway :( My last two were Bloodline and Later...and only a holiday set for the year prior to that.


Well-known member
Aurora pigment is so pretty with Patina e/s! I have to be careful to not use it a lot to back it up and I don't backup pigments at all.


Specktra Bestie
i got my azalea blossom today, but it seems soooo hard and i barely get any color out of it! is anyone else having this problem? could it just be that once the top layer is broken through, it'll be okay?

The Blush Ombres in general were like this for me. After you've swished your brush around a few times, they seem to loosen up. If memory serves, I had this issue with all of mine, but now they're all great.


Well-known member
Don't feel bad Lou. I did something similar. I didn't punch out when I was leaving on Christmas Day and as a result all the bonuses they were offering for coming in on Christmas Eve and the time and a half I would have gotten for working Christmas Day, INCLUDING my Holiday Pay is not on the check I got on Friday. I have to wait 2 weeks before I see any of it. Oh well crap happens!
crap happens indeed! i feel more like an idiot at the moment.... not the impression i wanted to give to my new employers! they give me a brand new shop and i can't even fill a form out correctly!

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