MAC Daphne Guinness Discussion


Well-known member
I like Narcisus, and it reminds me of a glossier version of Flaunting it. Which I love and hate I didn't back up. Not sure how I landed in this world of purples :) but I like it.


Well-known member

It's a pretty dusty color - we've got that brown Extra Dimension shadow coming up which looks so much richer, even from that one, not-so-great photo. Nebula's got a nice, smooth texture, but it's not a rich brown; it's got potential, but it's not going to be at its most fabulous on every skin tone.....might be a touch too dark for some or a touch too flat and grey for others. There are going to be plenty of soft browns this spring, so try Nebula in person and if it isn't absolutely perfect, there will be more to come - I think everyone can afford to wait for the perfect shade. I, for one, much prefer Bloodline to Nebula - I also prefer Gold Carbon Metal X (although that's not for everyone either), and I've got big expectations for Twilight Falls and the Extra Dimension brown, plus the mid-tone browns in the Shop/Cook palettes.

This is coming from the same gal who has a high opinion of Aurora - I'm just mega-picky about pigments nowadays. 'Hope I haven't been too evil about Nebula, hehe

Oh what is this brown that you speak of? I'm intriqued, I'm looking for the perfect brown.

I don't think I care for Aurora, it is almost ashy on my lids.

I don't think you were to evil about Nebula, I totally understood what you meant about the type of brown it is and I find, that is the problem with most brown eyeshadows otu there. You saved me some money. LOL


Well-known member
I called the store and put Narcissus on hold till tomorrow! I have been successfully converted to a BU-itist. This is the very first time I am backing something up!


Well-known member
I called the store and put Narcissus on hold till tomorrow! I have been successfully converted to a BU-itist. This is the very first time I am backing something up!

Congrats lol! I knew after seeing swatches I needed to order 2, then when I got it I knew a 3rd one [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]was very necessary![/FONT]


Well-known member
I called the store and put Narcissus on hold till tomorrow! I have been successfully converted to a BU-itist. This is the very first time I am backing something up!

Welcome to the club! Once you are a BU-itist, there is no looking back!


Well-known member
UGH! Don't I know it! You go gaga and think "something THIS special will NEVER come around again!" HeeHee I'm happy with my THREE tubes of Narcissus!
The thing about Narcissus is it's a "safe" way to try to drift into wearing purple on the lips. Because it isn't a loud purple purple. I'd recommend it as a great "starter purple" lippie!

Welcome to the club! Once you are a BU-itist, there is no looking back!


Well-known member
That's the thing... I'm not either. But I tired this one... and it's so beautiful on. It pulls pink enough to make it not a crazy loud purple. Look at ME trying to enable YOU now! Too funny!



Well-known member
I got home and my Azalea Blossom was waiting for me on my front step! Yay! ...but I can't swatch it :( it's been outside in -15 degree celcius weather all day and it's pretty much frozen, lol. It looks pretty in the pot though! I'm excited!


Well-known member
I skipped Narcissus c/g and almost bought it but I had to spend a little less since I'm waiting on Iris Aphel collection to pop up online. I got my Aurora p/g today and I have not swatched it yet and will do that tomorrow.


Well-known member
I like Narcisus, and it reminds me of a glossier version of Flaunting it.  Which I love and hate I didn't back up.  Not sure how I landed in this world of purples :) but I like it.
That's what put Narcissus on my list, I love Flaunting It! And I have a backup of it, so I should not need Narcissus, but then CSG are so :love:
I called the store and put  Narcissus on hold till tomorrow! I have been successfully converted to a BU-itist. This is the very first time I am backing something up!
I think it's ok to backup a Cremesheen Gloss, they empty pretty fast as they do not have a lot of content to begin with and they feel great on the lips.


Well-known member
For those of you who love narcissus try layering it over magenta lip pencil and playtime looks to die for!


Well-known member
I think it's ok to backup a Cremesheen Gloss, they empty pretty fast as they do not have a lot of content to begin with and they feel great on the lips.

I didn't know this! Does that mean I have to watch how often I use it??? NOOOOOO!!! I definitely feel like they wear infinitely better than normal lipglass and loved that it didn't feel sticky! I hope it comes back!


Well-known member
I ended up with Narcissus 2x, red dwarf, and aurora from this collection. I was tempted by warp speed, but realistically I wouldn't wear it that much. Better to invest that $$ in Naturally.


Well-known member
Initial impressions, on seeing/applying my Daphne Guiness items for the first time:
Approaching Storm - dark and dramatic, but not brown; deep on the order of Media, so it's not for the timid; good match with Burgundy pencil
Aurora - beautiful and smooth, but not as pink as I'd expected; reminds me a bit of Jardin Aires or Blonde's Gold; probably a good lid shade
Nebula - beautiful, but way DAAAAAAAARK! I used it in the crease, and ended up having to get after it with cotton swabs and eye makeup remover, to avoid being mistaken for a raccoon.
Keep in mind that I'm NW15 ...

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
Now I have a very important question. I finally got Azalea Blossom today but even on my very pale skin, it does not show up as anything more than a light shimmer, what do I do to make the color show up? =(

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