MAC - Dress Camp Discussion


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Aww looks like Fashion l/g already sold out


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by wifey806
omg, if I weren't one of the members suffering from the "missing thanks button glitch" i would thank the heck outta you! I told my hubby what u said, and even he was like "geez, get 2!" lol so at least i'll have the gold one!

i'm a new-ish to mac colour (always loved foundation/concealer though) so i was bummed that pink l/g was re-sold out by the time i logged on cuz i don't have barbie or anything like that.

Haha np
I made sure to buy two of each as well. I know that I will use these way more than my other ones that are just sitting around. In fact, I like Fashion a lot more than Malibu Barbie.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Yes, I got another She-Gold! I'm wearing mine today with this cute little yellow & white top.

Poop - I missed the Fashion! I agree, I like it a little better than malibu barbie


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by marciehelene
i didn't see anyone mention this recently, i only saw recent posts about ordering on ebay but she-gold and fashion l/g are on the mac website right now and available to order.

i just ordered them!

good luck!

Thanks so much for posting this. Hot pink lip products look awful on me but I wanted and missed she-gold...and just got it thanks to you!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Darn I missed out of Fashion lipglass. I was going to get it if it ever restocked... because I won't be getting more than 1 or 2 Dazzleglass and one thing from NN. I'm sad now.

Anyone have a spare to sell? I'll buy it via paypal.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

OMG I can't believe I did this. I called a store in Taiwan to ship out the whole collection to me.


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Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by sitasati
OMG I can't believe I did this. I called a store in Taiwan to ship out the whole collection to me.

PLEASE PLEASE tell! How much did it cost you in tawainese currency??

I really wanted She-Gold l/g and the pallette
Can Australian buyers buy off the US website?

Edit: PLEASE if anyone is able to do a CP for She-Gold please PM me, I don't care where you have to ship it from I'll wait as long as I have one. And if anyone's selling one reasonably priced please PM me too. TIA!...I know my chances are slim


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
Just the Too Fab Lipstick and Fashion gloss. I even ordered on the 16th!

Someone PM'd me here asking if I wanted She Gold but it was from singapore :\ So I said no. I don't want to pay $30+ for some gloss no matter how good it is. lol

That's how much MAC glosses normally cost in Australia.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

Well same here! I am from England I was majorly gutted that we dont have it here. The store is miles away and I am lumbered with online shopping.

If anyone reads this and does not mind buying the collection and shipping it to me, i would appreciate it looooadss! honest!


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

my order shipped. everything awful in the world always happens so i was like watch something go wrongggg. but atlas, smooth sailing for once hahaha. ^_^


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

If Taiwan still has it.. I am so going to ask my relatives there to get me Fashion lipglass!

What the hell lol.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

lol ..I have to call her back tonite because she said the post office was closed. But yeah Taiwan still has dress camp ..most stores do. It was hard to communicate with the employees though. I called a few stores. I got the numbers off of the mac website. I called vancouver and san fran and japan they were all sold out.

I'll let you guys know the price once I find out but I'm willing to pay for the shipping if I can get a good price on the whole collection itself. I refuse to buy from ebay! I even wrote a huge letter to MAC complaining about how "limited" these LE collections are and it's not fair to loyal customers to not be able to get their hands on these great items.


Well-known member
Re: Dress Camp discussion

do let us know sitasati id love to buy it from taiwan if the price is decent enuf. And the tel number

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